Online Cannabis Sales Are About To Flourish With The Rise Of Cannabis Marketplaces only came here to disrupt rather than participate....I really hope you did report would be nice to
hear sunny's take on your report....
the difference between us and yourself is that we get along with pretty much everyone here and come to participate in a medical forum....on cannabis...your came here entirely to disrupt and name call as a troll in sheep's clothing...
generally it takes a lot to get me to swear in a public forum...since I realized a long time ago...that this stuff represents your online personality and stays here for a long long time...and is even known to follow you else where on the web...
No hurting butts here
Just can’t stand those that only come here to stir up shit and
Spar with everyone you talk to.
I would read your 420 thread
But noticed early on what you were all about.... so just have basically skimmed over every post you have made and paid little attention to them
Anyways continue on insulting everyone sooner later you will realize your taking to yourself and that’s it
I disagree with the "all going to get hacked" approach, but that's because it's my career to make sure that doesn't happen (in a different industry).
I've seen some that do it better, store less data permanently and, even if they were hacked, have everything encrypted and stored properly.
Open source ecommerce, on the other hand, does very little to help in those situations.

The reason it matters for cannabis users is because MOMs are "illegal". Proof of your purchases and address are in those exploits.
So how do these Mom's get aways with it. Some have been on-line for years. I know folk who order from the same one for a while now. I don't know much on this subject Oddish.
That'll go over nudys head...too much meth in her.
this is right up her alley :lol:

19 mins 15 seconds in :lol:
Seriously, you f'en toothless bitches have had the pus slapped out of your rotted heads repeatedly and you return, like mangy rodents, for more punishment.

Take time for critical self reflection assholes. No RIU members deserve to be exposed to the blood, pus and shit you defenseless critters have oozed all over the thread.
Seriously, you f'en toothless bitches have had the pus slapped out of your rotted heads repeatedly and you return, like mangy rodents, for more punishment.

Take time for critical self reflection assholes. No RIU members deserve to be exposed to the blood, pus and shit you defenseless critters have oozed all over the thread.
That's amazing mam..You actually pegged yourself !
look it up(:
That's amazing mam..You actually pegged yourself !
look it up(:
I can't see it's posts but is she still trying to attract some men? Poor old lady must have some itch to the snatch. I didn't know insane street n alley dwellers had computers. You know sooner or later she'll eat some rat poison. They put it in alleys I heard to kill rats and street people snort it.