The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

He's not my boy lol, I voted for Bernie in the primary. Yeah that's right I voted!!! Canadia has no say in our elections so it makes sense he got it wrong repeatedly in this thread. "Best guess as to when trump is out" haha.
Gotta give the orange weirdo some credit for withstanding all the dems and deep state crap he has made it through so far. Just heard the RNC's pulling in alot of money still. Dems need to pick 2 or 3 candidates and stop wasting time and money on the Corey Booker's and betos.
He's not my boy lol, I voted for Bernie in the primary. Yeah that's right I voted!!! Canadia has no say in our elections so it makes sense he got it wrong repeatedly in this thread. "Best guess as to when trump is out" haha.
Gotta give the orange weirdo some credit for withstanding all the dems and deep state crap he has made it through so far. Just heard the RNC's pulling in alot of money still. Dems need to pick 2 or 3 candidates and stop wasting time and money on the Corey Booker's and betos.
Deep state?

He's not my boy lol, I voted for Bernie in the primary. Yeah that's right I voted!!! Canadia has no say in our elections so it makes sense he got it wrong repeatedly in this thread. "Best guess as to when trump is out" haha.
Gotta give the orange weirdo some credit for withstanding all the dems and deep state crap he has made it through so far. Just heard the RNC's pulling in alot of money still. Dems need to pick 2 or 3 candidates and stop wasting time and money on the Corey Booker's and betos.
Literally nobody is wasting time on Beto.
He's not my boy lol, I voted for Bernie in the primary. Yeah that's right I voted!!! Canadia has no say in our elections so it makes sense he got it wrong repeatedly in this thread. "Best guess as to when trump is out" haha.
Gotta give the orange weirdo some credit for withstanding all the dems and deep state crap he has made it through so far. Just heard the RNC's pulling in alot of money still. Dems need to pick 2 or 3 candidates and stop wasting time and money on the Corey Booker's and betos.
I'm not the only one who got it wrong about the longevity of Trump, I started the thread after he was elected and that shocked the majority of Americans. More were shocked by his behavior and the republicans lack of a spine. I don't think many people realized how stupid racism, resentment and hatred make many of their fellow citizens, they do now.

I kinda put this thread on hold until you revived it, I was gonna post to it again after the hearings begin and Trump's financial records are on the table. Not too much is happening right now and I figure (and kinda hope) the GOP senate acquits him in a slam dunk impeachment trial on National TV. Pelosi controls the timing of that and it will be to the best advantage of the democrats, she will have to impeach him, not much choice in that. Donald wants to delay and so does Nancy, Nancy has a plan, Donald is panicking.

Glad you voted for Bernie, now work on your social & communication skills.
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So what are they waiting for? Are they going to finish impeachment hearings before the election or after lol. At this point it's a waste of time imo. Unless something changes I will vote for Liz or bernie again but Liz has more energy and some decent ideas. I thought grass city was bad but this sites political section is like watching a neverending Rachel maddow series lol.
Like I said work on your social and communications skills, Buck gives all Trumpers and trolls a sore asshole, it's his style, your first post came across as a troll. I'm glad your on the blue side of things and sorry for any Trumper insults thrown your way. If your against the GOP and Trump yer OK by me and we can have a sensible discussion about US politics.

This thread went on a lot longer than I or most people thought it should, it's becoming plain now that, even if Trump is impeached, the GOP senate will acquit him. Pelosi wants to pile a mountain of evidence on the table before impeachment even begins, and knows a thing or two about politics, timing and such, less than 40% support impeachment and she wants to grow it a bit. I'm here mostly for "the doing of the Donald", though the doings of the Donald are often comical, entertaining and tragic too, an American political tragicomedy unfolding.

As for the democratic nominee is it's not my concern as a Canadian, Trump's treason against NATO is though, along with a host of issues that transcend borders and even politics.
Fair enough. It's just comical to see those 2 repeat the same lines to anyone who has a different opinion on anything.
At least we know whoever gets the nom and goes up against cheeto boy in the debates, it will be entertaining haha.
Fair enough. It's just comical to see those 2 repeat the same lines to anyone who has a different opinion on anything.
At least we know whoever gets the nom and goes up against cheeto boy in the debates, it will be entertaining haha.
You should see some of the Trumpers and trolls that pass through this forum and you'll understand. If you want a serious discussion, Buck can bury you with facts and arguments too. Now that we're clear about where you stand politically, you shouldn't have too many issues on the forum, it's a big blue tent this time around.
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His campaign reboot actually put him on my radar. We need someone from Texas

Or new Texas lamb chop Cruz?
He's their leader of the white tribe, to these people the Russians are just fine because they are white and christian, natural allies. Donald Trump is riding on racism alone most of his supporters won't admit it, but seriously, there can be absolutely no other reason, conservative ideology LOL. Cheeto Jesus has separated the sheep from the goats as the bible says, the patriots from those who hate other Americans more than they love their country. Trump's support is strongest in the south where racism still runs strong and among bigots everywhere. These so called "Christians" who hide their racism behind the "unborn" are the biggest fans of this elitist idiot, someone who ran through the 7 deadly sins like shit through a goose. I would expect that more than a few republican Trumper blowhards claiming to be patriots will be punched in the face this coming election, by actual patriots.

There has been this seething hatred since the civil war. We should've put an end to flying the Confederate flag long ago humoring them just gave a false sense of 'south will rise again'. It won't.

We will never revert to owning human beings again.