Vegging for months


Active Member
Ok so if im planning say a 7 month veg indoors but wanna keep lighting down, would a regular room light be sufficient enough? Not worried about size because ill be topping alot any other ideas i could implement would be great! I have a 4x4 space available for later i just wanna get a good base established.


The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
I would definitely go with the light bulbs just so you can keep them on 18/6 to stay in veg. I think leaving in your room without the lighting would force into bud/die from winter lighting.


Some people say you get better vegetative growth on 24 hour light cycle, and others say you need the night time for optimal root growth. In my opinion I like 18-6 because it’s cheaper on power and haven’t seen much of a difference in plant growth. Depending on strains I have seen a slight increase in root growth though.


Active Member
And it's a 7 month veg so I just don't see the need for wasting the electricity.
That's why i was asking if you could grow it like a normal house plant in a window or if the additional watts of lighting is really needed? Im going for the absolute bare seems to grow just fine wild so im wondering if all the bells and wistles are really needed...comments?


That's why i was asking if you could grow it like a normal house plant in a window or if the additional watts of lighting is really needed? Im going for the absolute bare seems to grow just fine wild so im wondering if all the bells and wistles are really needed...comments?
The only issue with that is your plants flowering so as long as you use some sort of light to keep the light cycle going you should be okay. An example would be put it under a lamp you just leave on. In saying this your plant won’t be that healthy as far as I know, it will be alive but not much more depending on the window situation.


Well-Known Member
Bonsai mothers, 3-4 months old, kept under 2x 14w CFL bulbs.
I have a couple much larger ones, just veg it out, cut it way back to 4-8 branches and keep it in low light 18/6 or 17/7.

Just keep cutting back the big fans and soft nutes, they control the growth
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