Herb & Suds
Well-Known Member
Like obstruction of justice?What else would you call it when the political elite get passes on things that normal citizens like you or me would get thrown in jail for?
Like obstruction of justice?What else would you call it when the political elite get passes on things that normal citizens like you or me would get thrown in jail for?
fueling the tire fire in DC with the now bankrupt brand of Trump Tires.Yup Trump is fueling the swamp
After he loaded the courts with hardcore right wingers ...enough with your victim statusHow do you figure? Every action he has taken gets pushed into the courts and gets ruled on.
Really? How about some facts backing that claim?How do you figure? Every action he has taken gets pushed into the courts and gets ruled on.
How many Senate GOP votes to repeal ACA? I always forget. Was it 58?How do you figure? Every action he has taken gets pushed into the courts and gets ruled on.
Meanwhile, Trump is calling for his staff to violate environmental laws and seize private property in order to get his wall built promising pardons for anyone who does so.
... but Comey violated policy!
Right, it isn't true unless you read it on Fox.Based on what? Yet another anonymous sourced article that provides no proof the claim is truthful? Man you are right, we need to impeach a lawfully elected president based on "news" reports that have been proven time and time again to be wrong. Just check out the Lawrence O'dennell thread to see how silly you TDS sufferers are acting these days. But I get your frustrations lol:
The first thing he prefaced the report with was "it was unconfirmed" why do you righty's think lying is unprovable?Based on what? Yet another anonymous sourced article that provides no proof the claim is truthful? Man you are right, we need to impeach a lawfully elected president based on "news" reports that have been proven time and time again to be wrong. Just check out the Lawrence O'dennell thread to see how silly you TDS sufferers are acting these days. But I get your frustrations lol:
Really? How about some facts backing that claim?
Trump now said he was "joking". But first he denied it outright.The first thing he prefaced the report with was "it was unconfirmed" why do you righty's think lying is unprovable?
Asking for all Americans who haven't slurped the Kool-Aid?
After he loaded the courts with hardcore right wingers ...enough with your victim status
You’re the one making claims. Put up or shut up. I’m not carrying water for you.You're the one fantasizing that he is the next Hitler so you should have many examples of new laws or policies that are pure evil. Why don't you throw some of those out here and we can look to see if they have been challenged or not.
The first thing he prefaced the report with was "it was unconfirmed" why do you righty's think lying is unprovable?
Asking for all Americans who haven't slurped the Kool-Aid?
I guess I am just one of those crackpots that would likes to base my decisions off of provable facts. Especially when you are talking about removing a duly elected President from office. The fact that there is a large group of people who actively want to do that based of rumors and fan fiction is pretty frightening and anti-American. He beat your candidate, get over it. Do better next election.
Right, it isn't true unless you read it on Fox.
Newt Gingrich today:
“The modern left has simply metastasized and grown more aggressive, intolerant and totalitarian. The elite media have grown further apart from the average American, and the reporting standards of an earlier generation have been replaced by advocacy standards.”
Of course this was on Fux News.
https://www.npr.org/2018/07/23/6313...-the-much-discussed-carter-page-fisa-documentNo one was ever going to charge Comey over his memos. If there are any charges at all it will be based off the falsified information in the FISA warrants which would be a much greater charge then anything that would have been brought about by his personal memos. Having said that, I don't think there will be any charges because the DC swamp seems to be winning at this point.
The dispute over the document boils down to this: Did the Justice Department and the FBI violate the rights of a onetime junior foreign policy aide to the Donald Trump campaign, Carter Page?
Page, Trump and Republicans say yes — federal law enforcement officers abused their power.
DOJ and FBI officials say no. They've defended the practices of investigators and officials who, in the autumn of 2016, asked the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court for permission to begin collecting Page's electronic communications.
The FBI was investigating the Russian attack on the election and it believed that Page — and potentially other people working for Trump — were conspiring with that attack.
No, lol, because I have read enough of your posts to know you are full of shit.What part do you find funny? That you have such a strong opinion on something but can't produce a single fact to support it? I find that funny too, but you should know we aren't laughing with you, we are laughing at you.