H.A.F. growing stink-flowers in dirt with QB's

I guess 12/12 is relative or something outside, not sunrise to sunset. I haven't been paying attention except to toss untreated run-off in the soil all around it, and I hit it with the garden hose every morning ;)
I think that might be bug of some kind LOL
Can anyone top this for "old-school? LOL
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And the guy you bought it from had the expensive triple-beam scale
I had the ohaus, lol ..... family business
Those were handy though, double check the calibration with a nickel 5g. lol
Damn that reminds me of high school and the 80’s. I’m trippin, haven’t seen a finger scale in a minute! Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I’m happy to not have to worry about weight anymore. But nowadays 20 bucks will get you a scale that’s as accurate and a fraction of the time to use, digital. How times have changed, the ohaus I had was a $350 scale. If I remember right i got one of those finger scales at a headshop for like 15 or 20 bucks back in the day.
I had the ohaus, lol ..... family business
Those were handy though, double check the calibration with a nickel 5g. lol
Damn that reminds me of high school and the 80’s. I’m trippin, haven’t seen a finger scale in a minute! Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I’m happy to not have to worry about weight anymore. But nowadays 20 bucks will get you a scale that’s as accurate and a fraction of the time to use, digital. How times have changed, the ohaus I had was a $350 scale. If I remember right i got one of those finger scales at a headshop for like 15 or 20 bucks back in the day.
A quarter bag was about a quarter of a fold-n-close sandwich bag, and an ounce or "lid" you had to weigh by the flap because you couldn't close the "lid" ;) All the mail-scale was for was to make sure it was "at least" LOL
A quarter bag was about a quarter of a fold-n-close sandwich bag, and an ounce or "lid" you had to weigh by the flap because you couldn't close the "lid" ;) All the mail-scale was for was to make sure it was "at least" LOL
Back when dudes selling had class and rep for the most part.
@colocowboy, I was the dude that played half ass guitar, could half ass sing, and always had weed. We had a "band" (all covers) and played mostly parties for free beer. If you ever watched Dazed & Confused, my girl was the Mila Jovovich stoner-poet chick. Not quite as hot, but infinitely more real LOL. I thought about the roach clip when I thought about the scale and her.
A quarter bag was about a quarter of a fold-n-close sandwich bag, and an ounce or "lid" you had to weigh by the flap because you couldn't close the "lid" ;) All the mail-scale was for was to make sure it was "at least" LOL
I got 3 & 4 finger bags back in the day for 30 & 40 bucks, That was old school
I got 3 & 4 finger bags back in the day for 30 & 40 bucks, That was old school
In school late 70's early 80's, a nickel, dime, quarter etc. was what you were paying ($5, $10, $25), not what it weighed. A quarter was usually about a quarter of a sandwich bag. And when you rolled it up it better be more like a burrito than a cigar ;) [the cigar was a dime LOL].

I think it took about $5 to fill the tank on my Nova though, so it's all relative.
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The GDP is now in a 3 gallon,
2 Crown Jewel are probably 3 days behind, and the last another few days... Next run it would be nice to have them all on the same schedule...

One refinement I have made is getting some plastic (easy transplant) 1 gallon pots. From now on, the reggies will go into a 1 gallon, and hopefully not be too root-bound by flip. The plan is to sex them and only put the fems in a bigger pot - we'll see.
In school late 70's early 80's, a nickel, dime, quarter etc. was what you were paying ($5, $10, $25), not what it weighed. A quarter was usually about a quarter of a sandwich bag. And when you rolled it up it better be more like a burrito than a cigar ;) [the cigar was a dime LOL].

I think it took about $5 to fill the tank on my Nova though, so it's all relative.
I wasn’t connected to the general market as I only sold some to certain homies, I grew up in grow families so I got lowers and larf from outdoor for free. I only sold nickels and dimes, but it wasn’t usual to sell it honestly. Mostly if I needed some cash in a pinch and the agreement was free weed as long as I kept it to my self. They didn’t want it to show up locally.
I wasn’t connected to the general market as I only sold some to certain homies, I grew up in grow families so I got lowers and larf from outdoor for free. I only sold nickels and dimes, but it wasn’t usual to sell it honestly. Mostly if I needed some cash in a pinch and the agreement was free weed as long as I kept it to my self. They didn’t want it to show up locally.
No one grew where I was, except for your odd plant in the woods. I was the entrepreneur that had an after school job in construction since before high school, so I bought a pound when I found a good one and never really paid again. I'd smoke the profit and buy more.
Here's the pain in the ass.
I have fan on low in the upper right corner for the GDP to get some. The older CJ are out of the dome, but not ready for wind yet so they are jammed in the middle, and one not ready for low humididity yet... I think next drop will be a dozen at once, hoping for 2-3 fems. At least what pops should be all the same damn age :)
What has worked for me is to start getting them out of the dome (and heat mat) when the first true leaves are just popping (the 3-blades), then keeping a clear cup over the top until the leaves touch the sides. And that is when I gave them their first bottom feed and they seemed to like it.
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If you haven't figured it out yet, I like having standards or rules. Do this when this happens, wait for this until doing the next thing, just general stuff, but a definitive "plan A".

I'll tweak it and refine it until it works for me, but I'm not the OCD type that will go ape-shit if a plant doesn't agree with plan A. Getting older and forgetful, it's good to be able to put an estimate on the calendar for when to do the next step.

So - about when the first 5-blades start opening the GDP was ready for repotting. I'll see if that works out for the CJ. I basically waited until the roots were poking out the bottom, but having a standard to look for on top would be cool. I guess that'll be one pro to having the 3 sets of plants close together, 3 chances to see if this plan works.
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The Crown Jewel look good, real broad leaves.
Going by the above post, the 5'blades are just popping, so I could re-pot. I'm bottom feeding them every other day now.
I'll re-pot when the runt is at that point so I can do all 3 at the same time.
And on the GDP, the 'deep' re-pot was intentional. I'll be pruning lower nodes, and adding soil every time I top feed, so I tried having the bottom leaves even with the pot-edge.
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