To help newbes with water issuse night not be sure of


Well-Known Member
ok i guess it is a shock ........City water contains chemicals in the water that are bad for the plants ( water treatment plants /pump stations/ (note a second water treatment where break down sewage to the point it can be put back into there system once the chemicals are right lvls .....tested and what ever is off in chemical mix for their area more is added in to that section of the works )

depending on where and how old the city original construction was 120-80 old buried cast iron pipe 24 20 18 16 12 8 6 in pipes all over the place under ground .......the only time they do any major work on the system is to replace a rupture pipe .......and even that is mostly a patch job( remove pipe on both sides to make sure have a strong reattachment ...pipes get a robot for a inspection normally to a main transfer point or closest T/Y ....if any major spots are found they fix that puncture too ....other wise they slip a plastic/rubber liner down it it is really kind of cool they use air compressor to make the fill up and press against the walls getting a much straighter water flow

so Herbicides are added in to keep that Tap root that breaks in from growing into a root that will break the pipe
mess with your plants

2 ways of doing it
1 is a hose filter active carbon
2 way is they are chemicals they do not completely bind with the water ........fill a bath tub with the hottest water u can ( take a smell smells like chemical sci lab) and let the water cool down to air temp ( smell it again most if not all the chemical smell should be gone for it escaping into the air at a faster rate do to the water temp .........note there is a 2nd method Water Jugs (look like milk jugs but can never be a milk jug u can never 100% clean them and things will grow in water ) .....well take that jug fill with hot/warm water cap and place the jug somewhere gets good amount of direct sunlight with a nice warm breeze ( 24 hours like that the water will be clean and usable ......those jugs have a 8% exchange the chemicals will flow out and u will see oxygen bubbles form inside ....given it is in direct sunlight)

if u do large 30 40 50 60 gallon water pots for feed mix it is best to get the filter to do that much water it is going to require a pump to keep the water cycling so the sun has time to do its thing for u ....other wise logic would say 2 or 3 days of it in the sun before use(thermals in the water will mix same idea with Sun tea brewing)

if u are freaked out it is a matter of public record what is being add into the public system u can get a list of everything and the PPM ratings they should be at variable
I collect the water from the dehumidifier and use it for watering. It is basically distilled water.
yes and no the water in those tanks will set off drug dogs does not only collect water it collects the smells and molds and other things in the air when it pulls the water down .........iut is why when u grow and have a window shaker u heard all the old stories about cops hitting on it giving them reason to come in ........u want to dumb used coffee grounds where the water drips from them and or rose bushes with throns /jasmine flowers chllis will work but u have to rem to break some around the drip zone (and have little sign pepper grower so it is not assult on a police nand officer let the dog sniff anyways gets hurt this fault not your)
There’s no herbicides added to water systems.
ask your local goverment what attitives they put in the water .......i know there is buddy works a treatmentplant dumps them in

Please don’t confuse new growers anymore than they already are.

If I read this when I started growing, I would still be using bottled water.
do not need bottle water just need to let the chemical leave the water or use a filter designed to remove them (30-40 bucks for 10k gallons before replacement)

Spelling and structure made this, NOT worth reading.
dyslexic and stopped caring about it .......but check all the info is correct
Ok... enough of this BS. I swear if I listened to you I would have built an ro setup.

I don’t even need to ph my water. I use FF btw.

Are you a chemist or microbiologist?
Ok... enough of this BS. I swear if I listened to you I would have built an ro setup.

I don’t even need to ph my water. I use FF btw.

Are you a chemist or microbiologist?
no i am the amish fucker .........beleive me or not ........but run a simple test (run cold water for 15 sec capute after that seal up and give to a lab 40-60 bucks send tho a mass spec ....u will get a complete break down of what is in there and at what lvls) ..........honestly u can not smell the stuff when u take a city water shower vers a well water or lake/creek

merry x-mas
You are the Amish fucker?
I used to do the grunt work of sampling and testing, both micro and chem, of all kinds of water in a pharmaceutical start-up.
Believe it or not I don’t have to sample and send off my water @justugh . Do you know why? I’ve been growing with it for many years now with no issues.
It seems to me your links are to articles on drinking water NOT on weed plants water.
Merry Christmas
You are the Amish fucker?
I used to do the grunt work of sampling and testing, both micro and chem, of all kinds of water in a pharmaceutical start-up.
Believe it or not I don’t have to sample and send off my water @justugh . Do you know why? I’ve been growing with it for many years now with no issues.
It seems to me your links are to articles on drinking water NOT on weed plants water.
Merry Christmas
drinking water is the same water used in hose.....i listed those off a 10 sec serach to show yes something there
other then fluoride and chlorine
honestly just do a look up on google u can see reports from several large cities saying there so many ppm of a listed of chemicals and elements
@justugh What herbicide would be leathally toxic to cannabis that would be FDA approved for daily human consumption?
not lethally toxic the ppms in them are not designed for that but it is enough to retard normal growth .......they put it in enough to retard stop the grow of tap roots into the pipe

i am just sharing info i got from several underground growers once they changed over to a filtered water off city water the plants health and over all yield increased with minimal work.....the info i share is from own personal exp and from trust sources (ppl that asked for help and we literary went down a check list looking for issue ) i am proud to say i have helped many growers step up weed game .....i will not lie some of the chemicals could of been building only (added to water tanks atop of more then 8 story buildings) ......but well water is generally the best aslong as certin heavy metals are accounted for (do not want to poison ppl)
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