overdue for a pandemic?


Well-Known Member
No need for panic over killer illness: S. Africa | Health | Reuters

what do you guys think? i think it's only a matter of time until some kind of disease spreads and takes care of the overpopulation of humans. could this be it? i hope not. it doesn't sound like a very pleasant way to die. all the articles i've read on this have been fairly vague, only saying that victims have died from bleeding from multiple sights. i was just wondering if anyone else had read about this/thoughts?

i'm a bit concerned.


Well-Known Member
I have heard some things, but I don't worry about it. Humanity is entering what appears to be a very trying time where many scenarios could play out.


Well-Known Member
Were all about to be involved in the next world war/depression. I strongly believe that 80-90 % of the worlds population will be dead within the next 5-10 years.


Well-Known Member
I would never rule something like this out. Though the avian flu is something that worries me as well, every major health institution will tell you, it isn't a matter of IF an avian flu pandemic will hit, it's a matter of WHEN.. when you realize how much money is being spent to prepare for that pandemic, it would make anyone nervous.. The death from avian flu is brutal as well with the cytokine storms.. using your own immune system against you, literally suffocating yourself. The strongest immune systems being the most vulnerable. Would be scary to see a repeat of the Spanish Flu pandemic, but worse. To say the least, I've done my homework and have supplies in the house to help if it ever arises..


Well-Known Member
The last major pandemic that was a quick killer was the Spanish Flu of 1918. It killed about 5% of world's population at the time. If a similar influenza virus were to kill 5% of the world's population today, that would amount to 300 million dying.

I suspect that the influenza virus will once again cause a pandemic. It will probably start in an over populated third world country. It could also spread with the use of flu shots. Either way, it will kill many infants and many elderly people.

With the over use of antibiotics, the reduction in the world's food supply, and a larger separation of wealth, expect a plague to happen in the next 10 years.


Well-Known Member
Bingo- the avian flu is a mutated super form of the Spanish flu.. but no- it would not kill a bunch of babies and elderly people, just as with the Spanish flu, the death is from the cytokine storms, which hits and kills those with the strongest immune systems. As in the Spanish flu pandemic where most of the deaths were of people aged 20-40. The cytokine storms trigger an over reaction of the immune system, your body literally suffocates itself with the over production of immunity cells- so death hits those with the strongest immune systems.


Well-Known Member
That sounds like an engineered weapon of mass destruction. :evil:
Funny you mention that.. the first know case of the Spanish flu actually came out of a U.S. military base.. draw your own conclusions..

All I know is that, I trust no one- including our government- and I will not be taking any "vaccines", whether offered freely or forced..

Anthrax "state of emergency" was declared at the end of Sept. by the White House btw as well that protects the makers of anthrax vaccines from lawsuits... the "anthrax" vaccines have already proved to be deadly... then Monday banks start recieving letters with white powder, proved to not be anthrax, but still, the timing is more than suspect.. there's so much going on, it's seriously hard to keep track these days..


Well-Known Member
After watching the documentary, "Origin of Aids", I will won't be taking any vaccines. The polio virus vaccine was created in the 50-60's by using monkey kidney parts that were infected with the first forms of the HIV/AIDS virus. Basically, the people of Africa were give vaccines for polio which may have infected them with AIDS. A different form of the vaccine was given to industrialized countries.


Well-Known Member
Did everyone hear about this immunization panel that wants all 31 million cigarette smokers in the U.S. to get a vaccine. Funny that I just read an article about a mass group of people getting vaccinations & then came across this thread. They want to make it mandatory. It is supposed to protect you from some kind of disease, but I bet it makes you weaker to something else. Now that's a conspiracy thoery - lol!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for directing me to that Dfunk, thought it might have been for the anti-smoking vaccine, but no it was a different one protects from the bacteria that causes pneumonia.. just came out this morn I see, haven't see that yet in my news rounds yet, thanks again.... ugh.. they can get FUCKING BENT.. no one in my house is getting any vaccines.


Well-Known Member
Funny you mention that.. the first know case of the Spanish flu actually came out of a U.S. military base.. draw your own conclusions..

All I know is that, I trust no one- including our government- and I will not be taking any "vaccines", whether offered freely or forced..

Anthrax "state of emergency" was declared at the end of Sept. by the White House btw as well that protects the makers of anthrax vaccines from lawsuits... the "anthrax" vaccines have already proved to be deadly... then Monday banks start recieving letters with white powder, proved to not be anthrax, but still, the timing is more than suspect.. there's so much going on, it's seriously hard to keep track these days..
I will pass on all vaccines as well. From some of the things I've read they goverment has been spraying us for years. I don't know if there is any truth to that but in all honesty it would not surprise me.


Well-Known Member
No problem Milf. I'm like a news addict these days. Too much of anything can make you an addict & there's lots of news in today's world. Shit is happening so fast & so many things are takin' place it's incredible to watch. I personally believe the country could really do without half the medicine & shots that are already out there. Who knows what this stuff is doing to people. Guess we'll find out in a few years.