Super soil concentrate?


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever try this super soil concentrate? You add it to whatever potting soil you're using to turn it into super soil so that you won't need nutes. I'm thinking of going all organic with my next grow and I want to try this. It seems less expensive than actually buying all the separate super soil ingredients. I want to go start to finish no nutes. I'll just use FFOF with this. Or maybe a 50/50 OF/Light warrior mix and this.
Super Soil Organic Concentrate
Looks like it has a lot of good stuff in it. I just made some super soil with my old FFOF for no-till. I would add better drainage though. I used lava rock, pumice, rice hulls and biochar to lighten my mix. You could use perlite too, but it breaks down and I'm trying no-till.
You really don't need that concentrated stuff if you get a bag of ffof soil. Maybe add in some worm compost. All you need to make soil "super" is active compost. A few amendments can be added to recycle the soil for another run after a harvest but you can acquire those as needed.
$40 for a 5lb bag is kinda steep when you can get worm castings for less. FFOF soil already has all the npk your plants will need. If you just keep adding in fresh compost and use a clean water source your plants shouldn't need nutrients. If you do see them getting pale you can give a soluble form of npk that is safe for living soils like liquid fish or simply pot up to a larger container.
You really don't need that concentrated stuff if you get a bag of ffof soil. Maybe add in some worm compost. All you need to make soil "super" is active compost. A few amendments can be added to recycle the soil for another run after a harvest but you can acquire those as needed.
$40 for a 5lb bag is kinda steep when you can get worm castings for less. FFOF soil already has all the npk your plants will need. If you just keep adding in fresh compost and use a clean water source your plants shouldn't need nutrients. If you do see them getting pale you can give a soluble form of npk that is safe for living soils like liquid fish or simply pot up to a larger container.

I'm doing a 2x4 indoors. I don't want to keep putting fresh manure on top of the soil due to that causing a constant odor. The super soil concentrate stinks but goes away after a few days and should be fine with a filter. And what's $40 the same $40 I would've Invested in soluble nutes. If I can just throw this in the soil and 100% do start to finish with no issues and barely monitoring then sign me up for $40 because that one bag will last my entire grow.
Anyone ever try this super soil concentrate? You add it to whatever potting soil you're using to turn it into super soil so that you won't need nutes. I'm thinking of going all organic with my next grow and I want to try this. It seems less expensive than actually buying all the separate super soil ingredients. I want to go start to finish no nutes. I'll just use FFOF with this. Or maybe a 50/50 OF/Light warrior mix and this.
Super Soil Organic Concentrate
How much soil are you supposed to this concentrate?
I'm doing a 2x4 indoors. I don't want to keep putting fresh manure on top of the soil due to that causing a constant odor. The super soil concentrate stinks but goes away after a few days and should be fine with a filter. And what's $40 the same $40 I would've Invested in soluble nutes. If I can just throw this in the soil and 100% do start to finish with no issues and barely monitoring then sign me up for $40 because that one bag will last my entire grow.
Composted manure has no smell; and you don't want to use it fresh. What is listed in the ingredients is pretty much the same stuff I use for amendments to recycle my own soil; I just don't like the idea of concentrated anything. You can accomplish exactly the same goal just by adding active worm castings to your ffof soil but go on with yer bad self and do you. Whatever you find works best for you is the way to go. Good luck & happy growing!
Composted manure has no smell; and you don't want to use it fresh. What is listed in the ingredients is pretty much the same stuff I use for amendments to recycle my own soil; I just don't like the idea of concentrated anything. You can accomplish exactly the same goal just by adding active worm castings to your ffof soil but go on with yer bad self and do you. Whatever you find works best for you is the way to go. Good luck & happy growing!

I'm here for the knowledge. So you're saying just add worm castings and all the rest of the stuff is already in the soil?

I'm not an organic grower so it's all new to me. What's the worm castings part doing? Serious question because I want to learn.
I'm here for the knowledge. So you're saying just add worm castings and all the rest of the stuff is already in the soil?

I'm not an organic grower so it's all new to me. What's the worm castings part doing? Serious question because I want to learn.
EWC have lots of good shit in them. Microbes, nematodes and some nutes. I forgot to mention I added EWC and Vermicompost to the mix, along with Build A Soil's Craft Blend which has a special mix of amendments they put together. I would really lighten up that FFOF though. Most people add some perlite to it when they first get it, I found out after all my shit was originally planted. I've been using it for almost a year without the added aeration, but it definitely could of used it. My next plants will be happier I'm sure.
EWC have lots of good shit in them. Microbes, nematodes and some nutes. I forgot to mention I added EWC and Vermicompost to the mix, along with Build A Soil's Craft Blend which has a special mix of amendments they put together. I would really lighten up that FFOF though. Most people add some perlite to it when they first get it, I found out after all my shit was originally planted. I've been using it for almost a year without the added aeration, but it definitely could of used it. My next plants will be happier I'm sure.

Yeah I have perlite sitting around to lighten my next batch.i checked today and I have some early red pistols that showed up 4.5 weeks into flower so yeah trying not to worry. But definitely cutting out the nutes
How about you learn to make your own?
Cheaper by far in the long run.

Simply use whatever amendments you prefer to make your specific SS...You then take this nutrient mix and add a specific amount to your soil build.

"Cheating" can be done by simply adding less to prebuilt soils in a variation of what @Richard Drysift says...

Here is where I would give you a link to explain building water only soils for beginners. Thing is, I got a new PC and lost all my links in a crash...
Hang on, I'll dig this one up again..

If you still want to pay for a product to simply add to soil? They even have their own prebuilt soil.

Take the time to look at this one. These guys are about the best out there! This is the page that gives you the info on doing what your wanting to do, and why to do it that way. it clears up misconceptions and tells you why some things are NOT good to use - organic or not....

Now then. Here is another link to a thread that really expands on what Richard has said. She goes about it rather differently but they work for the most part.
I must say I don't agree with all her formula's and what she use's....not to mention her concentrations but, It is a starting point and is pretty good for the beginner,looking to water only run.

Good luck
How about you learn to make your own?
Cheaper by far in the long run.

Simply use whatever amendments you prefer to make your specific SS...You then take this nutrient mix and add a specific amount to your soil build.

"Cheating" can be done by simply adding less to prebuilt soils in a variation of what @Richard Drysift says...

Here is where I would give you a link to explain building water only soils for beginners. Thing is, I got a new PC and lost all my links in a crash...
Hang on, I'll dig this one up again..

If you still want to pay for a product to simply add to soil? They even have their own prebuilt soil.

Take the time to look at this one. These guys are about the best out there! This is the page that gives you the info on doing what your wanting to do, and why to do it that way. it clears up misconceptions and tells you why some things are NOT good to use - organic or not....

Now then. Here is another link to a thread that really expands on what Richard has said. She goes about it rather differently but they work for the most part.
I must say I don't agree with all her formula's and what she use's....not to mention her concentrations but, It is a starting point and is pretty good for the beginner,looking to water only run.

Good luck

I definitely want to make my own soil but it seems a lot of super soil mixes start with pro mix or FF series soil and then is amended with other microbes etc. So the cost ends up about the same or more getting everything separate. And I would really only need small quantities since I'm only growing 3-4 plants so I didn't want to be buying bags of all these products and having a lot of it sit around because I'm in a small apartment indoors. If I can find small quantities of all the additives I'd be down
I definitely want to make my own soil but it seems a lot of super soil mixes start with pro mix or FF series soil and then is amended with other microbes etc. So the cost ends up about the same or more getting everything separate. And I would really only need small quantities since I'm only growing 3-4 plants so I didn't want to be buying bags of all these products and having a lot of it sit around because I'm in a small apartment indoors. If I can find small quantities of all the additives I'd be down

Read the first link I gave you and then explore the pages of
I'm here for the knowledge. So you're saying just add worm castings and all the rest of the stuff is already in the soil?

I'm not an organic grower so it's all new to me. What's the worm castings part doing? Serious question because I want to learn.
The short answer is yes. The idea behind organic growing is to treat the soil as living thing. Nobody gives nutrients to trees in a forest yet they grow strong. Soil releases nutrients through microbial and fungal activity; it is just a billion tiny bugs eating each other, fucking, and shitting soluble nutrients ready to be absorbed by the mycorrhizae fungi attached to the roots of all the plants on earth. The plants know what they want and simply take it as needed. All you have to do to maintain an organic garden is keep the soil moist preferably with a clean water source.

FFOF soil out of the bag is actually kind of hot; rather high npk value. Cut it down by adding perlite and/or coir if you got seedlings or young clones. Adding compost especially worm castings adds to and maintains the bodies that feed your plants. That's why all you really need is a decent organic garden soil mix and worm castings. Heavy compost tends to muck up the mix so added perlite helps break it up and improve drainage. Just get a big tote bin or something, dump it all in & mix it up real good.

After harvest throw the root ball in the bin and add npk inputs, more worm castings and/or fresh garden soil, and minerals to recharge the soil if needed. Amendments are cheaper than nutrients and last for years if kept dry.
There is no way there are more microbes in those dry-ass pellets sitting in a bag on a shelf in a warehouse somewhere than there is in a tray of fresh worm castings. Most of the bodies you want in your mix come from the gullet of a worm; their shit is like black gold. Those pellets must get activated through watering; like powdered sea monkeys. A lab slide comparison would show ewc to be much more active than these sea monkey pellets.
Check out the books listed in my thread if ya want some real knowledge...