"Give us your poor"

And can you not see what you are?

Under Trump far fewer people want to come to the States even as tourists. Really why would anyone leave Nations where health care is covered to a place where poor sick people are left to die in agony? I guess Trump is not the only American who lacks empathy.

Lack empathy?

If you are forcing people who don't want to participate in something, to participate in something, wouldn't that be a lack of empathy ?
That we know for sure, roughly 6.5 million.

Which, oddly enough, is 6.5 million more than Americans that have died from paying their taxes.
I’ve been asking him that question for months, he never answers

The reason why is because he’s a neo nazi holocaust denier
You are against civilization. I get it.

Actually, you don't get it.

Using force, or the threat of it for failure to comply with an arbitrary edict, is not civilized.

It may be normal, which is why you haven't critically examined it and thus you THINK it's civilized, just like people accepted that slavery was normal.

So, no, I AM for civil human relations, which is impossible if individual right suppression is normalized as it presently is in the societal construct which prevails today with an omnipresent government.

You're welcome.