All I have are juvenile, mouthy, ravens. They get prettier in winter. Assuming they live that long. They have really big mouths.
Two ravens are a conspiracy ;D
The call sign of my job in the AF was Raven, There is an "Association of Old Crows" that has current and previous EWS/ECM people as members.
Alcohol is actually a pretty useful tool.Lol,
"American medicinal spirits corporation"
No, the vines shouldn't get in the graveyard itself. They are past the log benches and the 2-3 broken pines. I do listen to music down there, but no Vince Guaraldi so far.
What started it was the 5 cedar trees that got broke in the hurricane. Cedar plays a big part in life and death of the Creek {who's tradition I loosely follow}. I didn't like the thought of them being burned with common debris. I used the logs to make seating at the back of the graveyard. There is one stone bench, but it's out near the road, and I like having someplace to sit down where passing cars don't shine their lights on me. When I had to clip all the melons due to raccoons, I got in the habit of dropping some off at the graveyard for my late night hikes. As the empties added up, I figured I would give them a fighting chance. I already have a few orange trees growing around the parking area, with a half assed rain catcher setup.
I'm sure alcohol is consumed at their gatherings.
It didn't tell me on their wiki which alcohol though! The details are important.
Variable depending on how late the meeting goes...lolIt didn't tell me on their wiki which alcohol though! The details are important.
Yep. Red Cedar. It's sacred to the Creek. {After the Creator had finished creation, he was tired and napped under a Cedar tree. That is why we put the green cedar boughs on the hot rocks, to smell God's breath}just actually sat down a read this i didn't know you had cedar tree' know we have them too....and if it get to hot they explode like a hand grenade....i've also found out they are very good for mulch....excellent bug and ant defense....and i have a couple of sitting trunks i use in the front of my yard....
Yep. Red Cedar. It's sacred to the Creek. {After the Creator had finished creation, he was tired and napped under a Cedar tree. That is why we put the green cedar boughs on the hot rocks, to smell God's breath}
Old timers always lined their closets or wardrobes with cedar. Really helps with the bugs. All the kitchen cabinets in Mamma's wrecked house were cedar.
But it's in every fence row and under every bigger tree. I've heard they are a real problem for Texas ranchers. Some of my buddies on tractorbynet have built attachments to go on the front of their equipment that uproot them. Kind of like this store bought one.
Here are my "benches". {ass pad is recommended} I want to lift the small ends up so they are kind of level. Maybe roll them around and find the best side......still have my 2 sitting stumps though..
Nice shots. I was out walking last night. Good moon, but just enough clouds to mess it up. At least before I got to camp. It was plenty bright right through til morning. I never sleep good at the camp when the moon is full.