The American farmer is waking up, but it's too late


Well-Known Member
American farmers are finally attacking shithead in the wake of a new hit from China, which comes as part of the trade war between the countries.

Trump’s “strategy of constant escalation and antagonism” has worsened the situation, Roger Johnson, the president of the National Farmers Union, the nation’s second-largest general farmers group, told Bloomberg. Family farmers and ranchers “can’t withstand this kind of pressure much longer,” he added.

“It’s really, really getting bad out here,” Bob Kuylen, a North Dakota farmer of 35 years, told CNBC. “Trump is ruining our markets.”

China canceled all purchases of U.S. agricultural products last weekend. The retaliatory action came after Trump announced 10% tariffs on an additional $300 billion of Chinese imports set to begin in September.

China’s move is a “body blow to thousands of farmers and ranchers who are already struggling to get by,” Zippy Duvall, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, told Bloomberg.

American agricultural exports to China dropped by half last year due to Trump’s trade war, and farm income fell 16%, Time reports. And over the last five years, net farm income has plunged by nearly half, from $123.4 billion in 2013 to $63 billion last year.

Farmers unloaded on Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue last week at a listening session at the annual Farmfest in Minnesota.

Perdue, the one in charge though decided it was time to make a joke about the farmers dire situation.

This is the actual joke.

“What do you call two farmers in a basement?"

"A whine cellar.”

Ha ha ha!!! That's a good one!!! (If I was about to lose my farm, I'd have shot him dead right there)

The Minnesota Farmers Union responded in a tweet, writing, “Farmers are not ‘whining;’ their ability to make a living is threatened. We won’t stop talking about it until this reckless trade policy stops.”

Well, keep on talking, but don't hold your breath, because you'll just die sooner from asphyxiation, rather than starvation or suicide because Trump is using you, and will never back down from the shit he started with China

But, the good news for them is that they are being bailed out by the American taxpayer to the tune of $28 billion, but that won't save them or can continue, so, essentially their fucked.

Nine of every 10 counties that voted for Trump in the 2016 election — 2,300 counties — have received the farm trade subsidies, according to a Washington Post analysis of data from the Environmental Working Group. EWG data also showed that the largest farms are taking the lion’s share of the subsidies.

Well, that's what you get for voting for a con man from Queens, NY, you stupid fucks.

You were warned, but your all Republicans and hated Clinton so much because of her last name and all her emails and Benghazi, right, so you voted for that racist, narcissistic , misogamist, lying mother fucker who has single handedly destroyed you and your families future.

Tough shit, you made this happen to yourselves by voting for Trump, and I have little too no sympathy, at all.
TBH the farmers around me would follow him to hell. Trump signs everywhere. Trump flag below old glory. Some have the rebel flag. Don't tread on me, yadayada. These people around me are waiting to be raptured.
And I’m anxiously awaiting the Rapture for them too. You know it says the dead shall arise and even the seas will give up their dead. I’m willing to help someone wait either of those 2 ways.
TBH the farmers around me would follow him to hell. Trump signs everywhere. Trump flag below old glory. Some have the rebel flag. Don't tread on me, yadayada. These people around me are waiting to be raptured.
Well, like that guy in the vid stated, the Banks ain't gonna give a fuck whom they supported when foreclosure comes due.
I wonder if they'll still have the Trump flags flying over the cardboard boxes they soon will be living in.
TBH the farmers around me would follow him to hell. Trump signs everywhere. Trump flag below old glory. Some have the rebel flag. Don't tread on me, yadayada. These people around me are waiting to be raptured.

That's why all I do anymore is point and laugh as the bank kicks them to the curb and auctions off everything they ever had.

Idiots deserve everything that happens to them.
Farmers in Indiana still support him for the most part.
We shall see how long that lasts once their homeless and the Banks take their farms
Maybe they'll get smart and jump on the bandwagon and grow herb for the domestic market, that way they wouldn't have too worry about tariffs.
Nah they will just be voting in the blue districts as Trump supporters because they have to move to a apartment in the cities.
Well, like that guy in the vid stated, the Banks ain't gonna give a fuck whom they supported when foreclosure comes due.
I wonder if they'll still have the Trump flags flying over the cardboard boxes they soon will be living in.
These guys got the cash. Most conservative farmers don't go out on a limb. Around here they drive $30000 trucks and & $500k tractors. And live in a nice but not fancy $200k house. They invest. The guy up the road farms 10k plus acres and this year he didn't even plant 1/3 or so due to very wet spring conditions. He has 5 guys that work for him. Big time beans, corn, and wheat. We had a Mennonite cattle operation move in a few years ago. My neighbor farm buddy sells him silage. Cash. Gawd I'm glad they moved a mile down the road. Between the coal smell from the blacksmith and cow poop smell I prefer they stay far away. Or downwind.
These guys got the cash. Most conservative farmers don't go out on a limb. Around here they drive $30000 trucks and & $500k tractors. And live in a nice but not fancy $200k house. They invest. The guy up the road farms 10k plus acres and this year he didn't even plant 1/3 or so due to very wet spring conditions. He has 5 guys that work for him. Big time beans, corn, and wheat. We had a Mennonite cattle operation move in a few years ago. My neighbor farm buddy sells him silage. Cash. Gawd I'm glad they moved a mile down the road. Between the coal smell from the blacksmith and cow poop smell I prefer they stay far away. Or downwind.
Just give them another 16 months of Trump economics, and we shall see what kind of a true Trump supporter they are.
They're on the fucking Titanic, but now the American farmer is the one in the stern of the ship that played violins until the very end, knowing that doom was coming , but kept a stiff upper lip and the die with honor shit supporting the Commander-in-Chief and the USA.
And it's basically inevitable
But the real losers here are going to be the everyperson, because China is going to choke the shit out of the US until the next election, destroying us economically.
That's my bet.
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Just give them another 16 months of Trump economics, and we shall see what kind of a true Trump supporter they are.
They're on the fucking Titanic, but now the American farmer is the one in the stern of the ship that played violins until the very end, knowing that doom was coming , but kept a stiff upper lip and the die with honor shit supporting the Commander-in-Chief and the USA.
And it's basically inevitable
But the real losers here are going to be the everyperson, because China is going to choke the shit out of the US until the next election, destroying us economically.
That's my bet.
I smell recession. Trump is not about to concede anything even temporarily. He’s a fighter who’s never been in an actual fight. He’s a limpwrist who heads to court with sleazy lawyers. He’s absolutely not the actor fit for the role at all.

The Chinese are not afraid of him at this point. Their political situation is not contingent on popular approval of anything. They decide and the shotgun sings the song.

The trade wars, plural, that he started but is obviously incapable of managing much less winning are starting to weigh on markets here finally. Goldman Sachs can say don’t worry. Just like last time. They obviously don’t have to worry.
I smell recession. Trump is not about to concede anything even temporarily. He’s a fighter who’s never been in an actual fight. He’s a limpwrist who heads to court with sleazy lawyers. He’s absolutely not the actor fit for the role at all.

The Chinese are not afraid of him at this point. Their political situation is not contingent on popular approval of anything. They decide and the shotgun sings the song.

The trade wars, plural, that he started but is obviously incapable of managing much less winning are starting to weigh on markets here finally. Goldman Sachs can say don’t worry. Just like last time. They obviously don’t have to worry.
The Chinese are now attacking the "Bread Basket" of the USA, and the affect will be remarkable
Just imagine one more year of no profit for your average farmer, meanwhile having to deal with the uncertainty of the weather and existing debt.
China knows how to fight, and now they are starting to deliver body blows to the heart of America.
This is not a good thing.
The sad thing is, when China reneged on the deal in May, which was as close as we came to a trade deal since this dispute started, they knew that they were going to have to buy agricultural products somewhere. It was in their best interest to make the deal. Jinping opted to buy elsewhere because fuck Donald Trump. The impact is big here in Asia. Food has become a massive expense.
The sad thing is, when China reneged on the deal in May, which was as close as we came to a trade deal since this dispute started, they knew that they were going to have to buy agricultural products somewhere. It was in their best interest to make the deal. Jinping opted to buy elsewhere because fuck Donald Trump. The impact is big here in Asia. Food has become a massive expense.
All the ruling bunch in China has to do is convince their newly emerged middle class that their stock market where their personal wealth and retirement lies was ruined by America in general and specifically by Donald Trump and their resolve could be great. Their stock market is in large part because of middle class investment.
All the ruling bunch in China has to do is convince their newly emerged middle class that their stock market where their personal wealth and retirement lies was ruined by America in general and specifically by Donald Trump and their resolve could be great. Their stock market is in large part because of middle class investment.
He already has. His declaration of "people's war" came along with the trade deal renege in May.

The problem is, there are superficial fractures in the CCP. Party oligarchs have been quietly moving their fortunes out at a pace that will threaten the funding of the BRI in such a way that if it continues at this pace, it will bankrupt them before 2022. If this happens, all of the countries that signed on will be SoL and seeking IMF bailouts.

Just Google "China Capital Flight". They've lost 1.2 trillion dollars from the balance in just a few years. This is the hidden dimension of the extra controls they're trying to exert on Hong Kong while making the absurd claims that the CIA is fomenting revolution.
Its makes sense when Trump decided it would be tougher on Russia to drop sanctions on the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska so that they could use their money for this....

"By employing oligarch-funded, quasi-mercenary military advisors, particularly in countries where leaders seek unchallenged autocratic rule, Russian interests gain access to natural resources on favorable terms," Gen. Thomas Waldhauser, the commander of US Africa Command told the Senate Armed Services Committee in prepared written testimony.