Trying to learn


Well-Known Member
I want to go organic on my next grow but have no clue to what I would need! What would I need for the veg cycle then my flower. I was wanting to just use dry amendments. Links and advice would be appreciated
egg shells tomatoes and banana peals make a tea with that and feed them u cant overdose
i have seen vids where people added molasses with an airstone and let it work all night then feed with that in flower
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What he said and you can also try subcools section to try your hand at his soil mix. There’s a couple of options and plenty of info for you to choose how you wanna go about it.
Not off hand but I’m sure there’s plenty if you do a quick search. My mix I’m using right now is simple.

1 part local compost
1 part coco
1 part ewc

I’ve watered them every now and then with some fish hydroslate, about 2 tblsp per gallon, and done some foliar sprays with aloe and water twice so far. Oh I also threw in some “organic” vegetable food to my mix. About two big heaps while mixing the soil, coco, and ewc together. Other than that it’s just water when they get dry. I try to keep it as simple as possible and use what I got. Now organic no till is a whole other route and some more amendments are necessary. I don’t no till but I do reuse my soil and throw the rootballs in with my new mix.
My compost is locally made at the landfill and they fill the bed of your truck for 10$ so I’m lucky in that aspect

Coco comes from Walmart for about 4$ a big brick that expands to like 4-5 cubic feet maybe. I can’t remember exact number but it’s a lot for 4$.

Earth worm castings: I just buy a big bag from amazon or the local nursery has some every now and then.

Best way to go organic is source locally if you can.
I don’t water with the fish hydro during flower. It’s 5-1–1 NPK ratio so I use it up until flower. In the past I’ve used teas during flower with some ewc and molasses but it seems most people are going away from teas and just top dressing with compost and ewc if there are deficiencies during flower. Depending on how you mix your soil, you may not need much more other than water. :leaf:
Ah man, I gotcha lol organics gets crazy honestly. I would start with the stickies on the organics page and read as much as you possibly can. That’s how I started out when I made the switch. It can be overwhelming that’s why I try to keep it simple.

To answer your question though, compost is the result of organic matter breaking down. You can throw all of your food scraps, grass clippings, leaves, etc in a pile and eventually it will break down into a soil-like substance full of microbial life and beneficial bacteria’s. There’s a book called ‘Teaming with Microbes’ if you Really want to get and understanding of microbial life and beneficial bacteria’s needed to build the best soil possible.

One tip I can give you is that if you build your soil first and foremost your plant will prosper. It’s more about the soil than the plant when it come to organics. It makes growing easier once you get your soil dialed in. At least for me. Hope this helps bro
Ah man, I gotcha lol organics gets crazy honestly. I would start with the stickies on the organics page and read as much as you possibly can. That’s how I started out when I made the switch. It can be overwhelming that’s why I try to keep it simple.

To answer your question though, compost is the result of organic matter breaking down. You can throw all of your food scraps, grass clippings, leaves, etc in a pile and eventually it will break down into a soil-like substance full of microbial life and beneficial bacteria’s. There’s a book called ‘Teaming with Microbes’ if you Really want to get and understanding of microbial life and beneficial bacteria’s needed to build the best soil possible.

One tip I can give you is that if you build your soil first and foremost your plant will prosper. It’s more about the soil than the plant when it come to organics. It makes growing easier once you get your soil dialed in. At least for me. Hope this helps bro
Ya I started reading away awhile ago and there is so many different ways people do theirs. Ima try and keep it simple as you said and make improvements as I go along but one more question. What is the rocks they keep bringing up and what nutes/minerals or whatever does it actually contain?
Rocks? Some people use small rocks for aeration for the soil. And then some rock dusts do contain minerals needed; some will say you need them but from what I’ve read they take forever to break down and are better used for Recycled Organic Living Soil or no-till beds. Hope this helps bro.
I read so much until my head was about to explode and then I just kind of used used pieces from everything I read and put it all together. Don’t let it overwhelm you
Read about living soil,read about beneficial bacteries for plants,read about mycorhiza,
try to Google some real organic forum where folks grows all kind of fruits and vegetables
in organic way.. that will enhance your understanding in wich way plants usually grow
in nature.. then later with experience and brushing your skills you become real
organic grower..

Hope this helps you,i tryed to give you fastest way...

Also reading this forum and other on Cannabis under Organic Threads can help you
there is great growers with such nice skills and huge knowledge that you will never
stop to learn..

All the best bro,made me happy when i sees convert to Organics... ;D LOL
Lol ya I got like that last night I appreciate the help you have gave out

No problem man. I remember how overwhelming I thought it was until I just realized it’s dirt and with a few nutrients and water anything will grow in dirt. Now, how good your dirt is and how much nutrients you want it to have is completely up to you and how you build it. But it doesn’t have to be as complicated as some seem to make it. Any other questions feel free to post.