NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

Im wondering if my meter is off i just calibrated it the other day and i put it in 7.0 solution and its reading that at 6.6. I just recalibrated it. The slurry that it just said was 5.8 is 6.1 now.
Thats much better, still need to work it up more. Is the check mark lit up on ph pen?
I would reccommend trying to do continuous Herc resets but they would starve, perhaps some strong Gaia flushes at 7.0 and lower your volume of feed water so you can hit them daily. Because right now they are only eating straight from the bottle, then soil drops out and they aren't eating.
How much gaia irie? 2 tbsp/gal is what the bible recommends. My plant that was doing the best ph went from 6.6 to 6.2. What in the world could be causing this. Im deff not over watering now. I havent fed any microbes. All the plants look healthy. There eating everything im throwing at them. Im so stumped.
Thats much better, still need to work it up more. Is the check mark lit up on ph pen?
Yes it was checked when it said the 7.0 solution was 6.6. I recalibrated it and it reads the 7.0 at 7.0 now. And it brought my slurries up a couple points.
See what 30 ml Gaia is for ppms, the plants are still waiting for the big meal so might even want to do 30 ml Herc with the Gaia. It's crazy the ph is diving like that so abruptly. If you have Fullon, throw 4 ml in too.
See what 30 ml Gaia is for ppms, the plants are still waiting for the big meal so might even want to do 30 ml Herc with the Gaia. It's crazy the ph is diving like that so abruptly. If you have Fullon, throw 4 ml in too.
I dont have full on and i feel like something is still causing it to drop. Maybe just the aggressive feeding through out there whole life? I never feed to run off. I have always fed at 6.4ph. Even my plant that was in good range dropped out of range. I even fed that one at 6.7 just for good measure and today its dropped. No microbes no BK not over watering. Im at a loss here. Scott gave me a lime stone product to scratch in but id like to just flush with gaia and herc at 7.0 for a few feeds and see what that does. Could be a bad meter also because plants look awsome. And if my meter is off 4 points my slurries would all be around 6.4-6.5. Idk everything is getting eaten in one day. Im feeding 1600ppm at 6.7 lucky if there is 300ppms left in soil next day.
How does the soil buffer work? What in the soil should be the buffer? I thought it was the oly up that buffers the soil. Has anybody else battled low ph like this before? What i dont get is my plant that was 5.9 was all the way up to 6.5 the other day now its back down to 6.0 so something is still causing soil to drop.
How does the soil buffer work? What in the soil should be the buffer? I thought it was the oly up that buffers the soil. Has anybody else battled low ph like this before? What i dont get is my plant that was 5.9 was all the way up to 6.5 the other day now its back down to 6.0 so something is still causing soil to drop.
High buffering is definitely the calcium and Oly up, but organic matter, the microbes, humics, acids all play a roll, even the plant roots. The fact that they healthy tells me that meter might be the whole problem. Do you have 4.0 ph calibration too? The meter usually needs it to calibrate correctly, I think it needs the 2 calibration points, but I'm not 100%, I just always do to both.
Yes all ph pens should be calibrated at 7 then 4 never calibrate to 4 first. Just calibrating to 7 is no good, could be the cause of the appearance of fluctuations
I am still having issues with my ph climbing to low 7’s in the cloud coir 50/50, but is all good in #4. How the soil is prepared is definitely a big deal for ph swings. I am going with 30 ml Medusa and adding herc till ph is 6 (no oly) then watering enough for the mixture to saturate the soil with no run off. Hoping the herc will tie up some of the calcium carbonate that is probably in my tap water. Ph out of my tap is 8 and after ro filtration it hits 9.
High buffering is definitely the calcium and Oly up, but organic matter, the microbes, humics, acids all play a roll, even the plant roots. The fact that they healthy tells me that meter might be the whole problem. Do you have 4.0 ph calibration too? The meter usually needs it to calibrate correctly, I think it needs the 2 calibration points, but I'm not 100%, I just always do to both.
Yes i have 7.0 and 4.0 from blue labs. I have another expensive meter i just ordered a probe for i want to see the diff. I always calibrate in both solutions. I was just saying when i put my meter in the 7.0 it read 6.6. After i saw that i calibrated in 7.0 then 4.0 and got the ph check mark. When it read 6.6 in the 7.0 it also had the check mark. Now im thinking maybe soil is a little on the low side. Its been 3 weeks of feeding with this pen since last calibration. I was feeding at 6.4 for a long time so if its a couple points off i would have been feeding at 6.0- 6.2 for quite awhile. I REALLLYYY hope its just the meter lol this is driving me up the wall. I finally have everything in check. Lights are full blast VPD is right on the money. Soil has the right ppm numbers. Just one more hurdle to get over.
I am still having issues with my ph climbing to low 7’s in the cloud coir 50/50, but is all good in #4. How the soil is prepared is definitely a big deal for ph swings. I am going with 30 ml Medusa and adding herc till ph is 6 (no oly) then watering enough for the mixture to saturate the soil with no run off. Hoping the herc will tie up some of the calcium carbonate that is probably in my tap water. Ph out of my tap is 8 and after ro filtration it hits 9.
Gaia ties up salts too, and it drops my ph more than Herc. It can help get that 7.0 down
Would it make any sense to ph my tap water to 7 before I do a slurry? Since I always ph what I feed my plants the soil doesn’t see that high of a ph. Could that make the slurry seem higher on the ph side?
Would it make any sense to ph my tap water to 7 before I do a slurry? Since I always ph what I feed my plants the soil doesn’t see that high of a ph. Could that make the slurry seem higher on the ph side?
Yes the bible says to ph your slurry water to 7.0 and slurry with whatever water you feed with.
Yo @IrieRoots i slurried with my new meter my soil ph is 6.1 in almost all plants 350ppm. Feeding 1600ppm every other day at 6.7. Should i keep feeding at 6.7 or do a gaia and herc flush at 7.0?
Hey guys I was wondering if y’all could give me a lil advice on an issue I came across during my grow.. I have 3 plants one ended up being a male and it looked like a pollen sack might have opened I have 2 what look to be females kind of close to it.. one clearly has white pistols all over it and the other no signs of pollen sacks like the other but no pistols either.. are my they pollinated now and if so is there anything I can do to save them? I sprayed them with water right away
Hey guys I was wondering if y’all could give me a lil advice on an issue I came across during my grow.. I have 3 plants one ended up being a male and it looked like a pollen sack might have opened I have 2 what look to be females kind of close to it.. one clearly has white pistols all over it and the other no signs of pollen sacks like the other but no pistols either.. are my they pollinated now and if so is there anything I can do to save them? I sprayed them with water right away
If you have a male with a open sac and white pistils on your females i hate to say but something prolly got polinated. Just keep a eye out for nanners popping up and rip em out asap.