If you have kids/grand kids... give peanuts a try. Few plants make for a good time.Tomatoes, zucchini, gourds for Halloween, Corn, and raspberriesView attachment 4374416 View attachment 4374417 View attachment 4374418 View attachment 4374419 .
The grandkids usually help me plant green beans in the spring, we just didn't do it this year with all the rain. I don't think peanuts would grow in my soil, too much clay.If you have kids/grand kids... give peanuts a try. Few plants make for a good time.
The grandkids usually help me plant green beans in the spring, we just didn't do it this year with all the rain. I don't think peanuts would grow in my soil, too much clay.
My daughter makes a spot at her home for a couple plant's still. Never forget her face the first grow. Fun Years. "Magic Dirt!"My grandpa used to plant some peanuts for us when I was little and his ground had a lot of clay but he really worked it hard. Most of the peanuts grown in my state is grown in the southern part where there is a lot more sandy loom.
It's that time when there is so much stuff that we can't keep up with it. I've been giving squash, beans, radishes, cucumbers etc... away.
My attempt at Okra
Armenian cucumber
I've been canning beans
I'm really digging the trellis, I never thought about doing it that way. I usually do a A-frame will wire and cane.... do you have trouble with wind blowing them over ?
I usually plant a lot of okra and have way too much but this year I tried to be more conservative with space, and wouldn't you know it...to much rain and then not enough rain.... well it's been a sad year for okra.
Okra needs real hot weather to do well. You might get a little boost from using black plastic to increase soil temps.They're really stable. The on;y thing I had an issue with was last year with the gourds and just the 1 x 2 frame was falling over so I put some cross braces on it. The 2 x 4 frame is really solid and I'm going to do the other one the same way next year. I don't have much space so I need to go vertical. So far it's working out. Although I need a ladder to pick the beans. Haven't had an issue with wind. We have pretty mild weather here in Portland. We get wind on occasion but nothing like other parts of the country.
I'm just playing with the Okra. The region I'm in isn't recommended for growing it. I'll get a few but I'll be done after this year. All the Asian markets around carry fresh Okra anyway. It was just an experiment and now I know that it's not worth the trouble.
Okra needs real hot weather to do well. You might get a little boost from using black plastic to increase soil temps.
Looks good. I have to start taking more plate pictures. We had a very good spaghetti squash dish with sausage and Italian cheese blend.View attachment 4377433
The tomatoes and okra are from the garden the rest is from the store, also have a black berry pie in the oven.
Very nice.This mornings haul. The beans are about done. There is another small flush of flowers but after that the pole beans are pretty much done. I have some more bush beans that should be coming online in a couple weeks. I probably should have harvested the corn a couple days ago. Had some last night and while it was very good I think I missed the peak goodness. So many cucumbers so far that some have started ending up in the compost. We can't eat them all. I'm going to have to make more pickles. I forgot the round zucchini I planted was a mix of different varieties. They're really good but you have to pick them young. If they get a little too big you can peel and slice them and fry like you would a green tomato instead of sauteeing them.
Goodbye blender.I grew some habaneros a few years ago.... I couldn't eat them and I couldn't give them away... so I run them through the blender and poured'em out in the flower beds....no snakes or dogs in there since.
I grew some habaneros a few years ago.... I couldn't eat them and I couldn't give them away... so I run them through the blender and poured'em out in the flower beds....no snakes or dogs in there since.
I have a thrift store blender that is used only for peppers.Goodbye blender.