Guerilla Grow Trees


Well-Known Member
I've had these plants for almost 3.5 months so i tought i'd share them here maybe you guys can give some tips on them.
Soil: native soil(clayey shit soil), perlite, peat moss, Plagron supermix (growing in ground).​
The site has 10 + hours of direct sunlight. I'm using Biobizz nutrients along with epsom salt, I tried goat manure once but that burned my plants so i haven't tried it again. I have 4 skunk plants, 2 chronic plants and 2 afghani plants (one is male)
IMG_20190804_163241.jpg IMG_20190804_163323.jpg IMG_20190804_163343.jpg IMG_20190804_163402.jpg IMG_20190804_163412.jpg IMG_20190804_163422.jpg IMG_20190804_163437.jpg IMG_20190804_163500.jpg IMG_20190804_163507.jpg
This one started yellowing a while ago i don't know why
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I'm sure you checked to make sure its watered right?
Check the stalk thoroughly. Look to see if there is any breaks cracks or any "infections"
I had a friends plant do that and there was this white puffy mold shit growing off of it.
Holy shit dude. Do you have burrowing rodents in the area? I've seen gophers do that before. Either that, or bugs/disease in the roots. Mealy bugs, earwigs, root aphids, root knot nematodes. So much shit. Like GG420 said, check the stalk for signs of disease and also check the area for signs of borrowers. As a safety net maybe apply beneficial nematodes to all the rest of your plants. Good luck dude. That sucks.
Holy shit dude. Do you have burrowing rodents in the area? I've seen gophers do that before. Either that, or bugs/disease in the roots. Mealy bugs, earwigs, root aphids, root knot nematodes. So much shit. Like GG420 said, check the stalk for signs of disease and also check the area for signs of borrowers. As a safety net maybe apply beneficial nematodes to all the rest of your plants. Good luck dude. That sucks.
yeah man could earwigs cause this because i've been seeing a shit ton of them on the site in the last few weeks
yeah man could earwigs cause this because i've been seeing a shit ton of them on the site in the last few weeks
They can damage in numbers. They eat organic matter in the dirt. but when thats gone they start eating plants and roots. I think there is some sort of nematode to control them as well.