Is Trump finished?

Feel free to show me what Soviet companies, government or otherwise sold goods on the global market.

Here's a few to get you started ( Numbers are from 2018 ):
  1. Sberbank (regional bank): US$470.9 billion, up 4.2% from 2017
  2. Gazprom (oil, gas): $316.8 billion, up 19.4%
  3. Rosneft (oil, gas): $214.2 billion, up 10.9%
  4. LukOil (oil, gas): $92 billion, up 10.6%
  5. Surgutneftegas (oil, gas): $74.5 billion, up 22.4%
  6. Transneft (oil services, equipment): $50.5 billion, up 10.7%
  7. Novatek (oil, gas): $18.9 billion, up 19.3%
  8. Norilsk Nickel (diversified metals, mining): $16.6 billion, up 0.9%
  9. Uralkali (specialized chemicals): $9 billion, up 3.7%
  10. Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel (iron, steel): $7.9 billion, up 27%
Show me which Soviet companies bought raw materials on the global market?

Here's a few to get you started:
  • ALROSA (diamonds, jewelry)
  • Finco LLC (drones for aerial photos, video monitoring)
  • FPK Saturn LLC (copper, zinc, aluminum, tin)
  • GUP Komdragmetall RSJA (gold)
  • JSC Mir Upakovki (plastic packaging)
  • OJSC TAIF-NK (refined petroleum oils)
  • Omsky Zavod Trubnoy Izolyatsy (tubes, pipes, fittings)
  • Souz Co Ltd (fertilizers, chemicals)
  • Soyuz Agro, LLC (wheat, barley, flax)
  • SpecPromTech (iron, steel, other metals)
You're an idiot. You know absolutely nothing about Russia, how it works, or anything else for that matter.
But what's your point? Feel free to show me what Soviet companies, government or otherwise sold goods on the global market. Show me which Soviet companies bought raw materials on the global market? None. They dont operate in the same way at all. There are no line ups for bread in China, and if someone wants a BMW for example, they can buy one. It seems to me like you forget how the soviet economy functioned, half my family comes from the ex-eastern bloc and I do enough business with Chinese folks to see the difference. The Soviets only traded goods/materials/services within their own empire, and it was forced non monetary based trading.
Sure their is unrestbin China, but theres unrest in the US too. In fact between Trump, stuff like BLM and all the division in the states between left and right it's hard to say which nation has more problems with civil unrest.
You forget that the reason for this was because the ruble was a non-convertible currency. The Soviets got a lot of raw materials from the world market but their pathetic currency made them barter for it like Rob Roy. Two of their chief barter exports were weapons and Stolichnaya.
I think we may still be fucked regardless. The problem is that you would either have had to be a racist, a bigot, a heartless monster, or a complete idiot to vote for Trump the first time. I don't think those people have changed, I don't think they will change. The only thing that will save us from Trump is a complete nose dive of the economy (becoming a reality) or impeachment.
I think we may still be fucked regardless. The problem is that you would either have had to be a racist, a bigot, a heartless monster, or a complete idiot to vote for Trump the first time. I don't think those people have changed, I don't think they will change. The only thing that will save us from Trump is a complete nose dive of the economy (becoming a reality) or impeachment.
Shithead still has a lousy approval rating nationwide, even counting his braindead supporters.
I think voter turnout in 2020 is going to be massive, and that's going to be Trump's downfall this time around.
The Electoral College ain't gonna save him next time.
Hello "new" sock puppet!

Haha, you are right, that was a little harsh for my first posts, I truly hope I'm wrong though
You forget that the reason for this was because the ruble was a non-convertible currency. The Soviets got a lot of raw materials from the world market but their pathetic currency made them barter for it like Rob Roy. Two of their chief barter exports were weapons and Stolichnaya.
But notice how badly he wants to reply to me while not responding to the guy who just owned him twice.

Here's a few to get you started ( Numbers are from 2018 ):
  1. Sberbank (regional bank): US$470.9 billion, up 4.2% from 2017
  2. Gazprom (oil, gas): $316.8 billion, up 19.4%
  3. Rosneft (oil, gas): $214.2 billion, up 10.9%
  4. LukOil (oil, gas): $92 billion, up 10.6%
  5. Surgutneftegas (oil, gas): $74.5 billion, up 22.4%
  6. Transneft (oil services, equipment): $50.5 billion, up 10.7%
  7. Novatek (oil, gas): $18.9 billion, up 19.3%
  8. Norilsk Nickel (diversified metals, mining): $16.6 billion, up 0.9%
  9. Uralkali (specialized chemicals): $9 billion, up 3.7%
  10. Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel (iron, steel): $7.9 billion, up 27%

Here's a few to get you started:
  • ALROSA (diamonds, jewelry)
  • Finco LLC (drones for aerial photos, video monitoring)
  • FPK Saturn LLC (copper, zinc, aluminum, tin)
  • GUP Komdragmetall RSJA (gold)
  • JSC Mir Upakovki (plastic packaging)
  • OJSC TAIF-NK (refined petroleum oils)
  • Omsky Zavod Trubnoy Izolyatsy (tubes, pipes, fittings)
  • Souz Co Ltd (fertilizers, chemicals)
  • Soyuz Agro, LLC (wheat, barley, flax)
  • SpecPromTech (iron, steel, other metals)
You're an idiot. You know absolutely nothing about Russia, how it works, or anything else for that matter.
Here's a few to get you started ( Numbers are from 2018 ):
  1. Sberbank (regional bank): US$470.9 billion, up 4.2% from 2017
  2. Gazprom (oil, gas): $316.8 billion, up 19.4%
  3. Rosneft (oil, gas): $214.2 billion, up 10.9%
  4. LukOil (oil, gas): $92 billion, up 10.6%
  5. Surgutneftegas (oil, gas): $74.5 billion, up 22.4%
  6. Transneft (oil services, equipment): $50.5 billion, up 10.7%
  7. Novatek (oil, gas): $18.9 billion, up 19.3%
  8. Norilsk Nickel (diversified metals, mining): $16.6 billion, up 0.9%
  9. Uralkali (specialized chemicals): $9 billion, up 3.7%
  10. Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel (iron, steel): $7.9 billion, up 27%

Here's a few to get you started:
  • ALROSA (diamonds, jewelry)
  • Finco LLC (drones for aerial photos, video monitoring)
  • FPK Saturn LLC (copper, zinc, aluminum, tin)
  • GUP Komdragmetall RSJA (gold)
  • JSC Mir Upakovki (plastic packaging)
  • OJSC TAIF-NK (refined petroleum oils)
  • Omsky Zavod Trubnoy Izolyatsy (tubes, pipes, fittings)
  • Souz Co Ltd (fertilizers, chemicals)
  • Soyuz Agro, LLC (wheat, barley, flax)
  • SpecPromTech (iron, steel, other metals)
You're an idiot. You know absolutely nothing about Russia, how it works, or anything else for that matter.

Good shit, barring the fact that you dont even know the difference between Russia and the USSR. I was referring to the closed Soviet economy not modern post communist Russia.
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Good shit, barring the fact that you dont even know the difference between Russia and the USSR. I was referring to the closed Soviet economy not modern post communist Russia.

Please, you must be referring to trumps ability to apply sanctions.

The Moscow Stock Exchange continues to break records despite sanctions on its most important companies, including banking giant Sberbank and the world’s largest natural gas exporter, Gazprom.

You've been hoodwinked.
But what's your point? Feel free to show me what Soviet companies, government or otherwise sold goods on the global market.
For one thing, just off the top of my head, they supplied most of the world's genocidal maniacs and dictators with weapons. They drained the Aral Sea to grow cotton that supplied most of the world for a few years.

But that's not the point, as you asked. The point is that their economy was entirely state run, just as China's is. So there is no meaningful difference between dealing with state owned enterprise and just dealing with the state.

I look forward to seeing where you'll move the goalposts to next.
For one thing, just off the top of my head, they supplied most of the world's genocidal maniacs and dictators with weapons. They drained the Aral Sea to grow cotton that supplied most of the world for a few years.

But that's not the point, as you asked. The point is that their economy was entirely state run, just as China's is. So there is no meaningful difference between dealing with state owned enterprise and just dealing with the state.

I look forward to seeing where you'll move the goalposts to next.

Let me use a very simple comparison:

How many McDonalds and KFCs were there in Moscow 1985?
How many McDonalds and KFCs are there in Beijing 2019?

I'm not moving the goalposts, your assertion was just incorrect. Soviet era economics vs modern Chinese economics are night and day. China learned from Soviet mistakes and corrected those flaws. Hence, trying to liken the collapse of the USSR to an impending collapse of China is far flung. But I'll circle back here in ten years and we can compare notes.
Chinese are just as good as the USA at everything... with the exception of Nasa...AI... Medical.... the rate of the PHD's in Science they graduate every year compared to the USA ... it'll be no competition...

Foreigners learn Math and Science.... American Kids excel at Pop Culture

1 belt 1 road innovative will be the end of the Dollar ... Chinese did ZERO wrong.. blame the ZIONIST CEO's that sent all the Jobs and Tech overseas to enrich themselves like the Parasites they are...

Pandas are chill bro
btw.... International Space Station..... RUSSIAN Rockets take us back and fourth....Russians are amazing.... they stomped out Saudi/USA/Israel created ISIS and they protected Edward Snowden (Tulsi said full pardon for him)
Soviet era economics vs modern Chinese economics are night and day.
No. They're not. This has been demonstrated repeatedly and your analogies are dumb. All you did was ask how many macdonalds restaurants there are, assert the thing that you have been claiming which has been repeatedly disproved and then say "therefore you're wrong." A few things have changed in the 3 elapsed decades but history is repeating itself.
btw.... International Space Station..... RUSSIAN Rockets take us back and fourth....Russians are amazing.... they stomped out Saudi/USA/Israel created ISIS and they protected Edward Snowden (Tulsi said full pardon for him)
Tulsi Garbage is a right-wing mouthpiece. Cambridge Analytica is not going deliver the next election.
btw.... International Space Station..... RUSSIAN Rockets take us back and fourth....Russians are amazing.... they stomped out Saudi/USA/Israel created ISIS and they protected Edward Snowden (Tulsi said full pardon for him)
You suck