Introducing - specializing in DIY and Citizen COBs

Please don't get me wrong. I appreciate your contribution, I just think it would have been better to post in LED Companies w/links. Please forgive.
@CobKits ! Thanks for pointing me down the correct path. I’m looking forward my next two builds. I’ll post in my journal and how you helped. I intend on pointing out my mistakes and how you corrected them. Awesome job my friend
restocked some citizen chips on site:
1212 2700k 80CRI
1212 5700k 90
1212 6500k 80
1818 3000k 80
1818 3000k 90
1818 3500k 90
1818 4000k 90
1825 3500k 80
1825 3500k 90<------ citi will be discontinuing these soon, if you need qty,please let me know soon! last orders 9/30
I set mine up based on cobkits recommendation. I would be curious to see if there was any difference between our lights. You got a pic?
I am doing the same, I just told him that I didn't mind spending extra for more cobs and driving the at a lower wattage because I am trying to make cadillac lights lol. The lower the power level the more efficient the chips run and the less heat per watt you generate. You also get a better spread and can run the light closer than a light thats say driving vero 29's at 100 watts each. These aren't going to be the cheapest lights but they will be bad ass. I am using 3 drivers per light so I am setting it up so I can dim them individually and I can power them down individually, so rows of 4 cobs can be individually controlled. May as well. I am putting power meters on the lights as well since I will be running them at 240v a kill a watt meter won't help me out. I will use the power meter to aid in dimming the lights so I can easily dial in levels that I have determines put out the right amount of light for certain stages of growth. I will be using around 760 watts from the wall and putting 720 watts to the cobs.

I am building 6 of these lights, still waiting on some parts and I am rather busy so I am putting in a little time here and there. I have a thread on my light build:
I set mine up based on cobkits recommendation. I would be curious to see if there was any difference between our lights. You got a pic?
he obviously has 7% more power in the rig and gains maybe another 5-6% running them at 60 and 75W

so not night and day but it is a bump. youd have to balance the 5-6% efficiency bump vs the 25% extra cost (arguably could be recovered in electricity bill or yield in a few runs)

you could do the same thing by turning yours down a shade and putting some extra cobs in your room. its completely modular
he obviously has 7% more power in the rig and gains maybe another 5-6% running them at 60 and 75W

so not night and day but it is a bump. youd have to balance the 5-6% efficiency bump vs the 25% extra cost (arguably could be recovered in electricity bill or yield in a few runs)

you could do the same thing by turning yours down a shade and putting some extra cobs in your room. its completely modular
Just shows there are many ways to skin a cat. It's all about what you are willing to spend up front.

Hey hows that spectrum for the CXM-22 Gen 4 3500k coming along? I want to add that to my info packet and post it in my build thread.
he obviously has 7% more power in the rig and gains maybe another 5-6% running them at 60 and 75W

so not night and day but it is a bump. youd have to balance the 5-6% efficiency bump vs the 25% extra cost (arguably could be recovered in electricity bill or yield in a few runs)

you could do the same thing by turning yours down a shade and putting some extra cobs in your room. its completely modular

I am happy with my results right now and I am dialing in some other things and don't want to mess with the lights. I might think about it when 2030 is closer to us than 2020 LOL.