Ask GU you imbecile.
I deleted my account in April -- he even sent a PM about it.

Why do you assume I'm buying anything when I check the greenpoint site for bugs?
I reported a few of them years ago and it makes me laugh.

Just like you.

Have you looked at the heisenbeans web site lately???
Website looks great on my end. I for surely would not waste anyone's time mentioning your name even in the slightest of conversation. Let me ask my asshole what it thinks about chunky, wait sorry it was just a fart.
Yeah, its just common business. You can say run this and run that, but it is seriously that simple and logical. I picked up 7 solid cuts for less than you guys sell a 10 pack of seeds for in which I would have to weed out the males first and then go searching for something good and hope there is. If you order from reputable dealers, quarantine for a week or two from the ones you are not 100% about then you shouldn't have any issues as far as PM or bugs.

I sure am not everyone but I can tell you just from understanding markets that a large part will divert. They may still buy seeds, but not as many and you will lose business.
Your wrong, even some of the most notable growers in the business like jungle boys, and a few others are still running seeds. Not everyone wants yesterday's hype clones. You dont even know how them clones you got was selected and how many they were selected from. They could have came from 1 pack of seeds lol. I promise you strainly wont even put a slight dent in the business.
Your wrong, even some of the most notable growers in the business like jungle boys, and a few others are still running seeds. Not everyone wants yesterday's hype clones. You dont even know how them clones you got was selected and how many they were selected from. They could have came from 1 pack of seeds lol. I promise you strainly wont even put a slight dent in the business.
I was just establishing your bias. Its clear you have some connection with Heisen and seed vending and that right there puts you in competition with the clone market. Thats it. You can argue how much you don't care but you do. It is business ;)
So you figured out a way to advertise mama funk without paying to be a vendor. Its more than obvious who you are. Congrats on your venture. I was wondering why someone would get so bent out of shape about someone else sharing there experience unless they had a hand in the business. And here you was accusing me of it. Give me a break.
you are wacked bro!!!its quite apparent that mama funk needs no advertising!they have good business practice in a business of mostly shady people!i have never bought from them,but i do support them because of countless stellar reviews

if you are just going to talk shit then go away troll,all you do is argue.
Knocking people for buying yesterday clones & in the same stank breath selling yesterday's clone chucks.....

Crazy as fuuuuuuuuuuck
This is where you are wrong and how easily words can be twisted. I never knocked anyone. I just said some people would rather hunt out genetics than buy clones. I also never discouraged anyone from buying clones ot taking clones. I just there seems to be alot of issues buying them from certain people on Strainly. Dont make shit up to try and spin what I'm saying into something else.
Will you pay $20 for each legitimate bug? (cash only, no seeds)

We can let someone neutral judge whether or not the bugs are legit. @genuity?

They don't have to be high priority; I saw a few usability bugs right out of the gate when I looked a couple of weeks ago...

You the same guy that's always talking bout bugs on greenpoint site right?? Holy fuck man. You really need a new hobby. Maybe you should actually grow some plants, or did you throw all of em out? If I sat in threads and followed people around whose genetics I'd SWORN never to grow. I feel hopeful a close friend or family member would direct me to the nearest head examination station. Go outside. It might do you some good.