Bho yield percentage fresh frozen


Well-Known Member
for a close loop system, what would a low / average/ high % back in return? Say for making badder. I really hope I said that correct lol just trying to figure out if 3% is a low / average for bho blasting or if I should expect higher
In the ball park for fresh frozen material because of the extra bulk and weight from the water. If 20% moisture content material yields 20% concentrate, 100% moisture content would yield about 4%.
Damn. Low. I thought yields were in the 10-20% range for some reason
I've gotten from about 5.5% to 25%, depending on strain and manicure, after the 5th day of hanging. It is consideration of the water content that drops the percentage..
So the 10-20% I see on internet is mostly talking about dried and cured bud?
For fresh frozen from the same thing, it’s going to be about 3-5%? Is that right? I’m trying to understand
20% dry average is about 4% wet.
Yeah, freshly harvested bud will generally lose around 75% of its weight after dry/cure. So if you got 3% yield with fresh frozen, you would likely yield a bit under 12% if using the same product dried, as it seems the process of dissolving the waxy trichome head works a bit better without the water content present in fresh frozen.