Bernie Sanders goes to Canada with group to buy insulin

Far from every American, but I dare say a dozen families. My point is that I often find it to be the people on the left who do the least although they are the most vocal. Some of the people on this forum who excuse me of being right might nit actually lift a finger to help their fellow man, at least I walk the walk and pay more than my fair share. I don’t feel pretty, but I do feel balanced and fair.
What’s more I also put my money where my mouth is (unlike most Democrats in America who are outdone bigly when it comes to charitable contributions by Republicans) and I own homeless shelters and literally help house thousands of people.
Where do you own homeless shelters? I can’t imagine how stressful and challenging that must be. Do you make any profit from it?
Far from every American, but I dare say a dozen families. My point is that I often find it to be the people on the left who do the least although they are the most vocal. Some of the people on this forum who excuse me of being right might nit actually lift a finger to help their fellow man, at least I walk the walk and pay more than my fair share. I don’t feel pretty, but I do feel balanced and fair.
Tell us again how we should just give the fascists everything they want because it would ruin them.
Where do you own homeless shelters? I can’t imagine how stressful and challenging that must be. Do you make any profit from it?
There is no stress as they are managed by a non-profit. There is no profit, I lease to them for free for 5 years after which time I can extend the lease. It’s an investment in the property, the lost revenue from rent is very little compared to the increase of value of the building. Of course there is a tax right off but it’s less than what the rent would be and I still have to pay taxes on the property.
I could see DaFeces running a drug rehab so he could sell drugs to his clients.
No you can’t. Again, some of you guys just aren’t dealing with reality. I personally am the same in person as I am on the net, you guys say stuff you neither believe or would say in person if you are even half the responsible adults I give you credit for being. But do as you please, continue to call people pedophiles when you don’t believe it, and talk all around crap, nobody is ever going to hold you accountable for it.
Tell us again how we should just give the fascists everything they want because it would ruin them.
Fascist? Dude I don’t like Trump, but you guys comparing him to Hitler and calling him a fascist is silly. When he says “maybe I’ll stick around for 3 terms,” he’s just trolling people like you and he don’t get it.
Fascist? Dude I don’t like Trump, but you guys comparing him to Hitler and calling him a fascist is silly.

"The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous." - Adolf Hitler

"We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated." - Donald Trump

"The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence." - Adolf Hitler

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, okay? It's, like, incredible." - Donald Trump

They are, quite literally, exactly alike.
Fascist? Dude I don’t like Trump, but you guys comparing him to Hitler and calling him a fascist is silly. When he says “maybe I’ll stick around for 3 terms,” he’s just trolling people like you and he don’t get it.
The Republican Party is the party of the fascists, by the fascists and for the fascists.

Just go down the list and check off the warning signs of fascism from the US Holocaust Museum:


1. Powerful and continuing nationalism
2. Disdain for human rights
3. Identification of enemies as a unifying cause
4. Rampant sexism
5. Controlled mass media
6. Obsession with national security
7. Religion and government intertwined
8. Corporate power protected
9. Labor power suppressed
10. Disdain for intellectual and the arts
11. Obsession with crime and punishment
12. Rampant cronyism and corruption

Nice to see that you have abandoned your leftist pose. Nobody believed it, BTW.
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They are, quite literally, exactly alike.
Sure they are.

People like you are what I really see as the problem in America. Picking sides, us vs them, gets you nowhere. Your views are so far from reality I understand why you are posting them here, you must have really really good bud
Sure they are.

People like you are what I really see as the problem in America. Picking sides, us vs them, gets you nowhere. Your views are so far from reality I understand why you are posting them here, you must have really really good bud
@DaFreak says:

"I don't support Trump but I support his fascist party (actually, I do support Trump)"
Sure they are.

People like you are what I really see as the problem in America. Picking sides, us vs them, gets you nowhere. Your views are so far from reality I understand why you are posting them here, you must have really really good bud
It’s people like you, I see as the problem in America. You say you are not a Trump supporter but you will most likely vote for him again . So will it take 4 more years of Trump for you to finally realize he is a fascist? How will you feel about Trump once the economy tanks and and all your buildings are worthless. Who knows maybe your one of his billionaire friends grandsons or something. Your the one not living in reality.
It’s people like you, I see as the problem in America. You say you are not a Trump supporter but you will most likely vote for him again . So will it take 4 more years of Trump for you to finally realize he is a fascist? How will you feel about Trump once the economy tanks and and all your buildings are worthless. Who knows maybe your one of his billionaire friends grandsons or something. Your the one not living in reality.
I supported Bernie in the primary and voted for Hilary. But I am also half Jewish and Trump is not hitler or a fascist. Won’t stop people from making those wild accusations though
I supported Bernie in the primary and voted for Hilary. But I am also half Jewish and Trump is not hitler or a fascist. Won’t stop people from making those wild accusations though
You don’t own any buildings, your the janitor cleaning them taking long breaks locking yourself in the janitor closet !! Did you hear that? There’s a knock on the door!!! It’s the boss, oh shit time to do some work. Go clean some shit stains you dirty troll!
I don’t really have the need to imagine anything about you guys. If you tell me you own a chain of restaurants I’d take your word at it. I do find it slightly interesting that you need to imagine such things, I’m sure there’s a reason. Perhaps life hast treated you the way you thought it would?