New Zealands new gun buy back scheme.

He's on ignore now too. Think I'm just about done with this place too. Not going to reply or comment here anymore, and he fully deserves anything that eventually may come to him.

He doesn't care at all what any other member may, or may not have experienced throughout their lives. Not one ounce of compassion, to avoid offending someone else. That's malicious behaviour on his part.

I've had him on ignore for a long time now. I think part of his game is to rile up people and try to get them banned. He writes all sorts of shit. One of the most offensive was a rape fantasy where he explicitly fantasized about a cop raping me. That one was deleted by Rolli. He does have standards.

Eff Rob. He's repetitive and boring. Boring is the worst.

Encourage you to stick around.
He's on ignore now too. Think I'm just about done with this place too. Not going to reply or comment here anymore, and he fully deserves anything that eventually may come to him.

He doesn't care at all what any other member may, or may not have experienced throughout their lives. Not one ounce of compassion, to avoid offending someone else. That's malicious behaviour on his part.

I agree with fog, you should stick around, nowhere is safe from trolling.
I agree with fog, you should stick around, nowhere is safe from trolling.
A Buddhist once told me.
I want you to look out over the city for one minute and memorize everything you see that's BLUE

Now after my minute was up he told me to close my eyes and asked me to tell him everything I remembered that was RED.

obviously i couldnt remember what was RED because I was looking for Blue.

I find this applies to social media.

If you come here looking for blue. Then the red cant affect you.
The blue is your world and what you make of it.
The red is the annoying fucks you dont pay attention to
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A Buddhist once told me.
I want you to look out over the city for one minute and memorize everything you see that's BLUE

Now after my minute was up he told me to close my eyes and asked me to tell him everything I remembered that was RED.

obviously i couldnt remember what was RED because I was looking for Bpue.

I find this applies to social media.

If you come here looking for blue. Then the red cant affect you.
The blue is your world and what you make of it.
The red is the annoying fucks you dont pay attention to
I think the answer is to not look for any particular color and just understand everything you see.
Wasn't after moral support, but cheers, just for now i'm gonna take a bit of a break from posting. You guys do a great job keeping it all in check anyway.
I'll likely still be around the forum, but I'm going to avoid commenting on sensitive topics in the politics section, you guys have thicker skin than I do.
It is so tough, I took a break for a few years from this kind of stuff too, but since the Russian invasion of our democracy I need to arm myself from the stupidity that sucked my family in.
It is so tough, I took a break for a few years from this kind of stuff too, but since the Russian invasion of our democracy I need to arm myself from the stupidity that sucked my family in.

I quit Facebook last year and my life has improved tenfold. I fucking hate social media. It's nothing but toxicity and vanity.
I'm only on the forums because of the knowledge here.
No, that's not right. It's an open forum, and anyone can post what they like, and as long as I don't find it to be offensive, then it's OK. He enjoys posting or he would stop. Other members enjoy responding to him, or they would stop. So everyone is enjoying themselves posting in this forum.

Except for me when I have to read it. :lol:

Ya your right and yes I do enjoy it or it wouldn’t happen lol. I do ignore him through the week though as I don’t have time for his dribble ...... I’m off Fridays in the summer ;)
You are all right about the ignore thing and I do still have him on ignore and pop in to see what stupid shit he says. And yes it is the exact same shit all the time with no actual intelligent debate, I did try once lol. So yup full ignore going forward.
Show me where have I stated that I support forcing someone to serve another, If they feel they are being forced to serve someone then they should not be in a position that requires them to do so, like a public place of business you idiot. There is a social contract that if you work in the service industry you serve people, no picking and choosing.......again idiot. As for the reindeer possibility well ok if you want to believe I’m a reindeer I’m ok with that.

Can you show me this "social contract" ? Is it hidden in your closet with your reindeer costume ?
Does it even exist?
Do they have John Deere tractors?

Sometimes when you think there's something wrong with your transmission on a John Deere tractor, it's really just a temporary fusion of the clutch plate and can be resolved by driving around slowly in low gear.

This has been a public service message.
We get it, you don't like when black people buy stuff in public. That's not even the biggest reason you're so reviled here.

Good and bad people come in all colors.

Interactions between people that involve trade should be mutual and consensual, otherwise it isn't "trade" and likely somebody is being coerced. Which part of that would you like to refute?
Dumb ancap still demands that we refute his shit tier fallacies. Our population does not consent to business owners operating discriminantly on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc in public.

If you don't like it, you can leave, pedo.
Dumb ancap still demands that we refute his shit tier fallacies. Our population does not consent to business owners operating discriminantly on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc in public.

If you don't like it, you can leave, pedo.

So what you're saying is you're okay with a nonconsensual relationship and you're willing to use force to make it happen.

Forgive me for asking, but isn't that sort of the recipe for aggravated rape? Can't you release your pent up anger another way?
Dumb ancap still demands that we refute his shit tier fallacies. Our population does not consent to business owners operating discriminantly on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc in public.

If you don't like it, you can leave, pedo.
He’s too stupid or delusional to understand that concept and if he does that goes against his consent for everything bullshit. Just let him wallow in his self grandeur and we are slaves mentality.