i'm so pissed i'm shaking

okay quite a few of them went to this haunted house. But they carpooled. So there was a car parked outside of the kids house from someone who rode with them. I taped a computer sheet of paper on the window that said TELL KEVIN I'M LOOKING FOR HIM in black marker. I just did another lap around the block and that car was gone. I wailed on my horn all the way past that house. Fucking pussies
fighting a marine is a bad idea
regardless if u coulda took him before
doubtfull u can now
they teach them how to kill with their hands
and they train that shit like daily
and they work out like daily just saying in a fist fight u winning is doubtfull.
Him and his buddy came to my door today. It kinda took me by surprise but as soon as i asked him if he did it he started bragging. So i grabbed him by the neck and pushed him back a few feet choking him. Then I threw him into the back of my truck, they both took off. Marine or not, that kid is a pussy.
Him and his buddy came to my door today. It kinda took me by surprise but as soon as i asked him if he did it he started bragging. So i grabbed him by the neck and pushed him back a few feet choking him. Then I threw him into the back of my truck, they both took off. Marine or not, that kid is a pussy.

Nice bro you fucking owned that child!bongsmilie
stap that fucker down and rape his ass with a paintballgun

shot that fucker till he is bleeding everywere
swishers rolled, i'm camping the front of my yard behind trees in my truck with all lights off listening to the radio with all my lights off and duct tape over my radio light. Have a brick in the passenger side. Hope he tries it again. Also have nail strips i made lining the recycle bin that i put back. I'll update you tonight.

hahahaha fucking nail strips! that's OD bro lmao just beat him up.

"huhuhuhuh that haunted house was sick man."

"yeah and we totally wrecked that assholes lawn! let's go have sex bro!"

"hell yeah dude!"





"ah FUCKING SHIT my tires bro!!!"

"this is not cool dude!"

then they get really pissed and the problem escalates and something funnier happens. go for it.
fighting a marine is a bad idea
regardless if u coulda took him before
doubtfull u can now
they teach them how to kill with their hands
and they train that shit like daily
and they work out like daily just saying in a fist fight u winning is doubtfull.
my younger brother went into the marines and hes been in for 2yrs now. hes two years younger than i am and i still whoop his ass like a red-headed stepchild. i won't argue that the marines don't make you stronger and whatnot but they don't make you invincible.
if you slash his neck he'll never drive again.

you should just party with them, and feed him a drink with just enough drugs in it to get him kicked out of the marines, but not that he know's he's been drugged
if you slash his neck he'll never drive again

This is true.
Isn't assaulting a marine like destruction of government property or something like that? I'm sure they wouldn't have much leniency about something like that in court or elsewhere.
i'm so pissed i'm pulsing! I just walked out my door to let my dog out and what do I see. tire marks all through my shit. I know the kid that did it. He is younger then me, i'm 21, he's 18 or 19 and just back from the marines. I can kick his ass and that is what I was on my way to do.

He is staying with this kid on my road while he is on leave. I went down there to find him, turns out they are at the haunted house downtown right now and he said they just left. That puts them driving down my road at the same time this shit happened. Also, he has done this shit before. I have hated him forever....

Input, he knows i'm a major pothead so he thinks i wont do shit to him cuz he might tell i smoke. But fuck it, the only thc i have in me right now is from my swisher and its in my bloodstream. Fuck i'm pissed, there are like 3 acres of marks.

Beat the fuckin shit out of him, fuckin some threatening shit.. fuck some "hey did you..".. get you a 35 oz louiville and go one shot to the back of the head and two to the knee's.. fuck him and his fuckin boy's. they wont want none after you do that shit...

That's just assuming he left tire mark's in your yard.. if it's your grow.. beta that motherfucker retarded.. ake sure his fuckin momma's cryin cause she's gotta change his shitty diaper's everyday.. fuck him...

That's some disrespectful, "ha-ha. what tha fuck are you gonna do about it bitch" type shit.. and fi you don't handle it corretcly, you're always gonna have this problem, and when it's not him, somebody else'll be fuckin with you, cause "ha-ha, what tha fuck are you gonna do bitch".. fuck him and his boy's...