Mueller Testifying 7/17/19- What question are you looking forward to?

Are you interested in more clarity from Mueller's testimony to congress?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 84.6%
  • No

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters
They were expecting "impeachment" based on his testimony. That is what they have been wanting all along.
"they" were not.

Furthermore, Democrats don't want to impeach Trump. They would have preferred he not break the laws. But he did.

You right wingers have concocted the strangest excuse: Trump can't be prosecuted because he's president therefore he's innocent. Way to go.
They were expecting "impeachment" based on his testimony. That is what they have been wanting all along.
You sound bitter

Guess ya shouldn’t have supported a criminal who thinks windmills cause cancer

Also, trump fucks kids
Epstein sure does fuck kids.

Hillary Clinton had to pay Russian spies to manufacture the disproved Steele dossier, Mueller doesn't even know who Fusion GPS is. LOL,.

It just looks pathetic that you all were so built up for impeachment, and now you come out all limp dicked after 3 years. The next fable you believe is that "once Trump is no longer sitting he will be arrested."

Fake news rots the brain.
Epstein sure does fuck kids.

Hillary Clinton had to pay Russian spies to manufacture the disproved Steele dossier, Mueller doesn't even know who Fusion GPS is. LOL,.

It just looks pathetic that you all were so built up for impeachment, and now you come out all limp dicked after 3 years. The next fable you believe is that "once Trump is no longer sitting he will be arrested."

Fake news rots the brain.
You mean the company Hilary paid that had started to do a deep dig on Trump when the RNC started paying them to do for Ted Cruz to use on Trump? That one? The one that had a British spy on payroll that went to Russia to see what dirt he could dig up on Trump. That one?
Epstein sure does fuck kids.

Hillary Clinton had to pay Russian spies to manufacture the disproved Steele dossier, Mueller doesn't even know who Fusion GPS is. LOL,.

It just looks pathetic that you all were so built up for impeachment, and now you come out all limp dicked after 3 years. The next fable you believe is that "once Trump is no longer sitting he will be arrested."

Fake news rots the brain.
Name one thing in the Steele dossier that was falsified
Name one thing in the Steele dossier that was falsified
If he was running around Russia trying to get info from a bunch of old contacts, I wouldn't bet against some of the people he went to gave him disinformation just to try to discredit it later on if it became a problem. It doesn't mean everything in it is incorrect, just some percentage is and they will try to use that to make it look bad. It would make sense why the trolls make such a big deal about it, just like the Hilary emails.
If he was running around Russia trying to get info from a bunch of old contacts, I wouldn't bet against some of the people he went to gave him disinformation just to try to discredit it later on if it became a problem. It doesn't mean everything in it is incorrect, just some percentage is and they will try to use that to make it look bad. It would make sense why the trolls make such a big deal about it, just like the Hilary emails.
No doubt it happens in smaller cases but in one like this, the Steele dossier is just one source. Mueller wouldn't use anything from the Steele dossier without independent sources of corroboration. The Mueller investigation didn't hinge on the Steele dossier either.

So, yeah, any one document with the sources, size and scope of the Steele dossier probably does contain mistakes, misrepresentations and disinformation. A few of them wouldn't invalidate the report. A lot of them would. That nobody has named even one just goes to show that the Steele dossier is a good source. Not the only source but a good one.
Name one thing in the Steele dossier that was falsified
No doubt it happens in smaller cases but in one like this, the Steele dossier is just one source. Mueller wouldn't use anything from the Steele dossier without independent sources of corroboration. The Mueller investigation didn't hinge on the Steele dossier either.

So, yeah, any one document with the sources, size and scope of the Steele dossier probably does contain mistakes, misrepresentations and disinformation. A few of them wouldn't invalidate the report. A lot of them would. That nobody has named even one just goes to show that the Steele dossier is a good source. Not the only source but a good one.
The entire thing was paid for generated fake news to help Hillary get elected.

Golden showers . LOL
Cohen in Prague, etc...
its not like there are actual government records that track these type of things like international travel, right?


you can get to prague by traveling freely through many other countries in europe and never getting a stamp in your book from anywhere in the czech republic

his cell phone did ding a tower near prague at the time of the meeting too.
The entire thing was paid for generated fake news to help Hillary get elected.

Golden showers . LOL
Cohen in Prague, etc...

The notes taken by a special agent have much in common with the notes that a journalist might take while covering a story—the substance of those notes could be true or false, depending on what the source tells the journalist, but the transcription should be accurate.

As of late December 2018 when that report was written: "These materials buttress some of Steele’s reporting, both specifically and thematically. The dossier holds up well over time, and none of it, to our knowledge, has been disproven."

Claims made by Dossier:
1. Russians were behind the hacking of Democratic leaders, it was.
2. The Russians leaked Clintons and DNC hacked emails and Trump knew, it was and he did.
3. Gucifer 2.0 was a Russian, true.
4. Trump campaign met with Russian crown prosecutor, they did.
5. Trump frequently visited Russia and met with Algorov,
6. Info about the Trump tower deal, we all saw Trumps signature on it.
7. Other Russian attempts to contact the Trump campaign, that has been shown true too.
8. Cohen is involved in a cover up, enter Stormy Daniels and the Playmate.

It has more examples of Flynn and Manafort, so yeah your clutching straws trying to point at the false information that may have been planted and highlighted by Trumps trolling network of deplorables.