Mueller Testifying 7/17/19- What question are you looking forward to?

Are you interested in more clarity from Mueller's testimony to congress?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 84.6%
  • No

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters
Now Mueller is just getting shredded. Sad to see. Republicans are racist elder abusers!
I guess he’ll just have to settle for a dozen convictions against trumps innermost den of criminals, the forfeited property in trump tower, and $80 million in criminal fines he collected from that circus of felons called the trump campaign
Imagine when the next administration allows the full disclosure of the report with no redaction and Kamala Harris tosses Donald Trump in the Slammer. I think a sentence as long as his illegitimate Presidency would be fair.
Uh uh uh, excuse me, uh, refer you to my report, uh, what’s going on, uh where are we? Uh uh uh...
This is supposed to be dems savior? Lmfao. This is embarrassing. Dems can’t even get him to agree to leading questions taken from his report.
There are still rules but in Nixon's time there were only 3 news networks and they generally reported factual information.

Now they have their own channel, their own spin propaganda sites, their own cooked up conspiracy theories and a support base that could care less about facts.

80 million people watched the Watergate hearings out of a 200 million + population.

You have a fraction of that watching today and there are zero Howard Bakers and Barry Goldwaters to speak out.

It's a perfect storm.

I still have high hopes of a massive turn out in swing states to put a 'temporary' end to this next year.

I wonder if he'll run again in 2024 after he loses in 2020? Unless they can get the tax returns which would be the political death nail.
You are correct. There are rules, they just don't feel obligated to follow them and there seem to be no consequences.

I don't really feel like there are none. I desperately want them to be followed and am preparing myself for the near certainty that they won't.
This is even more anticlimactic than the report itself. The racist nazi are pummeling this poor old feeble man!