That is some powerful Vulcan logic, rat-child. Almost as good as your thread on Mueller's star witness (also known as "Close associate of Donald Trump" being a child molester.
She’s probably way too fat to be moving quickly. Seismometers go off when she moves as it is.That is some powerful Vulcan logic, rat-child. Almost as good as your thread on Mueller's star witness (also known as "Close associate of Donald Trump" being a child molester.
How long before you go on a shooting spree? Have you spent a lot of time at shooting ranges to ensure that your stooped, rat-child frame won't throw your aim off?
It must be embarrassing to be 5'5 like you and get no respect and have to wear children's shoes.She’s probably way too fat to be moving quickly. Seismometers go off when she moves as it is.
More inane bullshit from the dumbest bitch on here. Bet if you took a pic of your junk people would think you were at Arby’s.It must be embarrassing to be 5'5 like you and get no respect and have to wear children's shoes.
Two thirds of our economy is in the 500~ counties hillary won
Seriously, the number of times that you have shown what a mental midget you are - well, its a wonder that you keep posting and a testament to your cluelessness.It must be embarrassing to be 5'5 like you and get no respect and have to wear children's shoes.
It must be embarrassing to be 5'5 like you and get no respect and have to wear children's shoes.
phttt...FAILED AGAIN....
ISIS is stronger than ever and the market hasn’t gained a point in nearly two years. Nearly half of Americans can’t afford a $400 emergency
That’s the best you got? LolIt must be embarrassing to be 5'5 like you and get no respect and have to wear children's shoes.