Well-Known Member
Input higher, output the same, driver gives off more heat.
My bad!!!I never said that.
"The driver efficiency for instance has a big impact on yield and overall efficiency."
>i dunno bro..first i heard this..sure electrical cost..
but on the yield thing.. a watt a is a watt and the readings are similar
Agreed totally. All im saying is to meet a certain price point some things need to be done. I willing to bet HLG pays more for their drivers then they do for the plate & boards. Or close. For a 6% gain in driver efficiency which i turn is only 2-3% once it comes out the other end, (lighted diodes). When some of that money could go towards spd r+d after having several growers having issues with white dominant light .Of course a watt stays a watt but what you get per watt is not the same.
Lets say we both have a 300w light, mine has 2,5μMol/J, yours 2,65. I would have ~750μMol/s PPF, yours would have 795μMol/s. That's 6% more light and you should get ~6% more yield.
Efficiency matters ... it only depends how you look at it.
No, they are both doing fine with natural red petitoles, not purple ledburn .But the blurple light is showing more red stems than the white light
why would onboard drivers need their own, custom designed by cammie casing? and there are 1120 pcbs and only 800 drivers, math says no (or she already calculated the failure rate in...)
Are you guys sure about this.?
...just because its not as efficient ...does that mean it doesn't deliver the same wattage?
a 300w driver is a 300 w driver as far as i know..
Why can't it just be less efficient at supplying the correct wattage..?
The last thing i profess to be is an expert
..but this is the first time i have heard this
and driver efficiency has come up more than a few times here in the last few years
No, they are both doing fine with natural red petitoles, not purple ledburn .
Of course a watt stays a watt but what you get per watt is not the same.
Lets say we both have a 300w light, mine has 2,5μMol/J, yours 2,65. I would have ~750μMol/s PPF, yours would have 795μMol/s. That's 6% more light and you should get ~6% more yield.
Efficiency matters ... it only depends how you look at it.
Purpleling could have also another reason and its often the case with LED's.
A too !ow humidity cause a high VPD which in turn leads to an imbalace with the nutrient uptake and this could also have visible effects. Too much calcium uptake could cause a magnesium and phosphor deficit.
that‘s probably what i always get in veg, goes away when there is enough bio mass and rh stabilizes
So 2 led at low ppfd are not showing led defeciency? Sounds like it's not "led defeciency" at all sounds like you just get defeciency at high ppfdYou guys aren't understandin. There is NO LedDefficiency symptoms (= -effects) going on here.
The stems tell it. The petitoles will tell it too right before the stems. Imbtalkingvabout purple, not red. And this purple will take you down.
Neither plant is showing any symptoms at the moment.
Bump the Opinion on the Efficiency of any given part the Company chooses to use at this point IMO. No offense. Why? Cuz if she even bumps this thing to 2.0 umol/J of Her Juicy Sauce (so far, could flower poo) then right there that would mean "Danger Will Robinson" like a mudda to Premium Part Using Companies.
These where under the same PPFD from rooted cutting, only diff is ones in Ocean Forrest and the other in coir. Coir plant was fed with a base RO to 150ppm of Cal-Mag then topped off to 500ppm of base nutrients.So 2 led at low ppfd are not showing led defeciency? Sounds like it's not "led defeciency" at all sounds like you just get defeciency at high ppfd