Well-Known Member
Drain to waste is as easy as soil with the benefits of hydro. You soul people still need to feed your soil etc.
if you were to look in my sig you'd see that i dont grow in soil. just giving my opinion.
Drain to waste is as easy as soil with the benefits of hydro. You soul people still need to feed your soil etc.
Also remember that growing in soil that vegging plants take WAYYY longer.
Hydro is wayyyyyyy faster to veg than soil. Coco (another form of hydro) is wayyyy faster than soil.what do you mean? i always hear people say hydro is way faster. i think it depends on the experience of the person and the type of hydro.
for me, the reason i go soilless is cause its easier for me to diagnose problems with the plants. its faster than soil but not night and day. still learning though.
Hydro is wayyyyyyy faster to veg than soil. Coco (another form of hydro) is wayyyy faster than soil.
I didn’t look in your sig, doesn’t change my point, people in soil still have to feed their soilif you were to look in my sig you'd see that i dont grow in soil. just giving my opinion.
I didn’t look in your sig, doesn’t change my point, people in soil still have to feed their soil
Hmm. When I grow in soil I just water. Guess I’m doing it wrong.
Hmm. When I grow in soil I just water. Guess I’m doing it wrong.
Depends, most people like to use teas or top dressing mid flower when in pots. Your soil provides everything they need whole grow then kudos, sell that shit, the soil I mean
i do get your point and i agree with you. i do dtw hydro too. just kind of playing devils advocate.
personally i feel like doing a top dress or up-potting now and then is not as much work as measuring out hydroponic nutrients at every feed. i think using store bought soil, up-potting, and watering is objectively the least amount of work possible to grow a cannabis plant.
edit. 2 hours for a whole grow is impressive. takes me about 30 minutes every other day. i like gardening tho i'll always hand water
I get that you are trying to help people but i completely disagree. I started growing in dwc and still prefer it that way wether it is rdwc or just dwc i also think that is where i do my best work.i dont do more than 2 at a time ok maybe 3 but to say that is a waste of time is ludicrous. That is your opinion and nothing wrong with sharing it but to tell someone that they are wrong because you belive differently is preposterous. If someone wants to try something and only grows 3 or 4 plants who are to tell them not to or that they are wasting their time? Also there is nothing wrong with newbies starting out with dwc if thats what they so wish. I truly hope that this was some kind of joke post and im missing the sarcasm that was intended.If you are a new grower doing under 10 plants and thinking of DWC let me save you a lot of problems, just don't do it. Do Drain to waste with your medium of choice. I could bore you with why and if you are a new grower you aren't going to really get it anyway, but just don't, believe me.
I'll answer a few questions if anybody has any, but my target are new growers who are on the fence, I'm just telling you don't. Some are going to believe me and be thankful (although they will never know it because they won't dick around with DWC) and others aren't and are going to go on to become great growers in DWC (although they could have done it easier, cheaper, with less hassle if they just took my advice). Either way you win in the end.
i do straight dwc dumbed twice a grow about 18 plants whats seems to be your issue as i never had any maybe cold temps once in a wile and a ph drop but thats itIf you are a new grower doing under 10 plants and thinking of DWC let me save you a lot of problems, just don't do it. Do Drain to waste with your medium of choice. I could bore you with why and if you are a new grower you aren't going to really get it anyway, but just don't, believe me.
I'll answer a few questions if anybody has any, but my target are new growers who are on the fence, I'm just telling you don't. Some are going to believe me and be thankful (although they will never know it because they won't dick around with DWC) and others aren't and are going to go on to become great growers in DWC (although they could have done it easier, cheaper, with less hassle if they just took my advice). Either way you win in the end.
I was shocked at how fast coir was compared to soil, i'm bout to start my DWC in 2 weeksI think the OP had issues so thinks it's a bad way to go since he can't do it...
i do straight dwc dumbed twice a grow about 18 plants whats seems to be your issue as i never had any maybe cold temps once in a wile and a ph drop but thats it
i would hate to say but dwc takes me about 10 mins to dumb and set up i use a heater to heat my rez so i keep mine at a constant 20-23c i cant hear a thing from my room lol minus inlines and in 9 years i have never had root rot u have a nice clean well vented room u never will cost of my whole dwc setup was around 50$ please do some more research before dumbing on a system just cause you tryed it once and failed does not mean every will i love my dwc also i love my cocoThe issues have already been covered but I don’t mind saying here again.
Time : dwc requires more cleanup and setup time
Root rot: dwc is prone to root and people use chillers and other means to combat it
Initial cost: it just costs a lot more to set up
Noise: it’s loud asf
That’s it, none are major issues, but you can avoid all of them by understanding that dwc has absolutely no advantage over a pot filled with pro-mix.