would you fire an employee for telling a coworker to "go back to africa"

I think a lot depends on the industry, the level of responsibility of the employee and the culture of the organization. In a large organization a low level employee would likely receive counseling and a written warning. An organizational leader in the WH would get promoted but I believe in a fortune 500 organization a senior manager would have to go, probably with a package.
A nurse would be fired. Most healthcare workers would be. You receive a handbook in orientation full of rules, policies and procedures. Abuse of another employee, or anyone in the place for any reason, and you’re subject to immediate termination.
My boss wouldn't fire me if I told a Bosnian truck driver to go back to Bosnia.

We don't have any Bosnian employees though, it's about 50/50 white/Hispanic at my shop
Trump potentially broke Federal law: US Equal employment opportunity commission on anti-discrimination laws: Examples of potentially unlawful conduct include insults, taunting, or ethnic epithets, such as making fun of a person's foreign accent or comments like 'Go back to where you came from,' whether made by supervisors or co-workers. He just keeps piling onto the violations of his duty.

Angry shitty troll memes have such a better selection.
Edit* I meant to quote @hanimmal , not sure how I ended up quoting one of the new trolls

I almost went full Nazi genocidal racist on some white people yesterday, I was ready to kill.

Google - 16005 Wahrman Dr.
Romulus, MI for fun

Read the reviews, I was held hostage yesterday for 9 hours before one pallet was put on my truck
if you do not own a business or run a business and are an employee instead, do you think you'd be fired if you told your black coworker to "go back to africa?"

This is a true story:

I'm 6 foot 1, 185 lbs, dirty blonde air and hazel eyes. I normally wear my hair very short which makes it look more blonde than it is. That in mind, I had just gotten a hair cut (this is in 1998 ) and walked into the office. A fellow named David that worked there who knows of my German ancestry saw me and said, 'Ahhhh! Looking the proper little Nazi today, eh Herr Kraut?'.

Now, granted, the joke was in poor taste, but I played along. I said, "Yes. I just decided to leave the uniform at home today to stay under the radar." To which Dave laughed and we both went on about our business.

A lady overheard that conversation and reported the both of us. We were dragged into a meeting within the next couple of hours and nearly terminated. We had to apologize to the lady in question, explain that we were joking, and then take a sensitivity class.

I remembered thinking at the time that it was probably a bit overboard, the entire thing. But now I look at the way things are today and think that we both should have been immediately shit-canned.
Edit* I meant to quote @hanimmal , not sure how I ended up quoting one of the new trolls

I almost went full Nazi genocidal racist on some white people yesterday, I was ready to kill.

Google - 16005 Wahrman Dr.
Romulus, MI for fun

Read the reviews, I was held hostage yesterday for 9 hours before one pallet was put on my truck
That sucks, I couldn't do it, an hour in I would have lost my shit. I never realized truckers had to wait around for stores to be ready, it makes sense thinking about it I have unloaded lots of trucks, just eye opening.
This is a true story:

I'm 6 foot 1, 185 lbs, dirty blonde air and hazel eyes. I normally wear my hair very short which makes it look more blonde than it is. That in mind, I had just gotten a hair cut (this is in 1998 ) and walked into the office. A fellow named David that worked there who knows of my German ancestry saw me and said, 'Ahhhh! Looking the proper little Nazi today, eh Herr Kraut?'.

Now, granted, the joke was in poor taste, but I played along. I said, "Yes. I just decided to leave the uniform at home today to stay under the radar." To which Dave laughed and we both went on about our business.

A lady overheard that conversation and reported the both of us. We were dragged into a meeting within the next couple of hours and nearly terminated. We had to apologize to the lady in question, explain that we were joking, and then take a sensitivity class.

I remembered thinking at the time that it was probably a bit overboard, the entire thing. But now I look at the way things are today and think that we both should have been immediately shit-canned.
Its crazy to think about what was more acceptable back then. I was a freshman in college and still thought it was funny to pronounce "Arab" in the racist way. Luckily I met some girls that instantly called me out on it and didn't let me pull the 'I'm only joking' and 'I'm not racist' crap. But in high school, nothing ever happened. I even had to read in a social studies class and kept 'mis-pronouncing' it like a little asshole.