FISA Abuse by FBI

If you are confused as to why the report has been delayed, you are not paying attention.
Deep State!

But you are right, we are not paying attention. All of my interest is devoted to Trimp's Blue Ribbon Commission on Voter Fraud. I am still waiting for those indictments. There must be a lot coming or they would have had them out two years earlier.
Hey Bug,

Did you read about the results of the 16 hour interview of Steele by the DOJ?

Here's the summary;
The interview was contentious at first, the sources added, but investigators ultimately found Steele’s testimony credible and even surprising. The takeaway has irked some U.S. officials interviewed as part of the probe — they argue that it shouldn’t have taken a foreign national to convince the inspector general that the FBI acted properly in 2016. Steele’s American lawyer was present for the conversation.

That blog post reads like a fox news anchor trying to mangle facts into a defense against dear leader.
The over-under isn’t flattering to Steele.

Multiple sources familiar with the FBI spreadsheet tell me the vast majority of Steele’s claims were deemed to be wrong, or could not be corroborated even with the most awesome tools available to the U.S. intelligence community. One source estimated the spreadsheet found upward of 90 percent of the dossier’s claims to be either wrong, nonverifiable or open-source intelligence found with a Google search.
lol reads like a trashy novel. Funny though did you notice about 10% were true?
Well, today is the day. Trump is going to announce the Deep State FISA abuse on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial - Finally!

At the appointed time, those brand new Sherman tanks are going to take a hard left and surround the FBI building and finally make those bastards pay!

its going to be as devastating an expose as the voter fraud commission:

A former Trump voter fraud commissioner will apologize to citizens he wrongly described as noncitizens in reports claiming mass voter fraud in Virginia, according to a tentative settlement agreement reached this week in a lawsuit brought against the commissioner.

According to the press release, PILF will also have to add a statement in front of the reports that says, “PILF recognizes that individuals in [the removed exhibits] were in fact citizens and that these citizens did not commit felonies. PILF profoundly regrets any characterization of those registrants as felons or instances of registration or voting as felonies.”
its going to be as devastating an expose as the voter fraud commission:

A former Trump voter fraud commissioner will apologize to citizens he wrongly described as noncitizens in reports claiming mass voter fraud in Virginia, according to a tentative settlement agreement reached this week in a lawsuit brought against the commissioner.

According to the press release, PILF will also have to add a statement in front of the reports that says, “PILF recognizes that individuals in [the removed exhibits] were in fact citizens and that these citizens did not commit felonies. PILF profoundly regrets any characterization of those registrants as felons or instances of registration or voting as felonies.”
Those people should have to apologise to PILF and then go back where they came from.

Also, no collusion.