1 Auto Seed Challenge

Starting her off young with the bondage thing huh,you dirty old man!!!
I’m soo freaking busy with other stuff I can’t get around to mixing my medium and transplanting her. She’s only growing tall and needs to be adjusted. Once she gets a lil bigger the weights will come out. I’m hoping this evening I can get her situated.
Transplanted and will take a picture of her tomorrow after I put some straw on top. I hope I get a couple oz. off this plant. The smoke was my favorite the last time I grew photoperiods of her circa 2008. Not subtle at all. We will see how this auto does..
No, but I have had two stalks from one bean.
Thats neat, how did the plant turn out?

The solution to my predicament turned out to be easy and affective.
I carefully dumped the contents of the cup out onto a sterilized surface, and then ever so gently, I pawed through the coco perlite mix to find the two young'uns. I had 2 new cups ready to accept them.
After planting them, I gave a healthy spritz down of filtered water and Canna Rhizotonic which is a kelp based rooting hormone. 24 hours later they're doing just fine today.
These are Greenpoint Seeds Texas Butter and have great vigor. I dropped them in water Monday evening, transferred to soil Wednesday morning and have 100% germ rate looking similar to these guys.