Skeet Kuhn Dough
Well-Known Member
I really agree with some of the people on here that are saying DWC is the easiest. That was what I used first and I had zero regrets. That being said, if you're wanting to use soil, rather than mess with Fox Farm Ocean Soil and having to mix stuff up, you could always order their Happy Frog soil mix and use it by itself.I'll start off by saying NFT hydro interests me. I like the idea of faster growth from what I've read and bigger buds? Another hydro system I briefly looked over was the hempy style
I'm wanting to do a Scrog setup with 4 plants goal is weight and good quality.
Can someone convince me this is the right way to go or should I stay clear and start in soil?
Also curious about water chillers and sizing I dont imagine you'd need a big chiller for the requirements of 4 plants i would think the res for them would only need to hold around 40 liters?
Regarding meters, when I grew via DWC I never once used an EC meter, only a pH pen. I couldn't afford it for the first cycle. After having much success with that, I decided not to get one and really never had any major issues. Sure, there were some spots here and there, nothing drastic. Worried about root rot due to higher res temps? Get some hydroguard.
Why DWC? Because you're new to growing and the number one blunder that any new grower makes, and anyone in here will back me up on this, is that they over-water their girls when growing in soil. Over-watering isn't an issue regarding hydro. And what's the easiest, most noob-friendly way to do a hydro grow? Why, DWC of course.
To be fair, anything you put a lot of research and effort into should get you some good results. Don't be afraid to ask questions, AND REMEMBER: when using nutes, less is more; it's better to underfeed than to overfeed.
Best of luck.