Good smell went away... what'd I do wrong?


Well-Known Member
I jarred up my GSC on 7/2. It was a little bit over dried so I added a fan leaf. Last week every time I opened the jar it stunk up the whole upstairs with dankness. By the middle of last week it was pretty stable at 62%. Was opening it up just to get a wiff mostly.

Opened it up today (after not opening it for maybe 48 hours) and the dankness was gone, and in its place a bit of a grassy smell. Hygrometer is reading 62% at 78 degrees at the moment. I know it's a bit warm. Could that be the problem? Should I be curing in the basement?
I jarred up my GSC on 7/2. It was a little bit over dried so I added a fan leaf. Last week every time I opened the jar it stunk up the whole upstairs with dankness. By the middle of last week it was pretty stable at 62%. Was opening it up just to get a wiff mostly.

Opened it up today (after not opening it for maybe 48 hours) and the dankness was gone, and in its place a bit of a grassy smell. Hygrometer is reading 62% at 78 degrees at the moment. I know it's a bit warm. Could that be the problem? Should I be curing in the basement?
Once it drys it is too late too cure
Better luck next run ...slow drying is the key , that is why I hang my plants whole
It did dry much more quickly than I expected, and I knew it was a possibility that it was too late. When I first put it in the jar it was sitting at about 58-59%, so not like it went completely bone dry. But if it was too dry to cure, wouldn't the smell have been shot before I put it in the jar?
It did dry much more quickly than I expected, and I knew it was a possibility that it was too late. When I first put it in the jar it was sitting at about 58-59%, so not like it went completely bone dry. But if it was too dry to cure, wouldn't the smell have been shot before I put it in the jar?
Probably, if you dry whole plants they usually are safe for a week to ten days and the buds are moist as you do final trim and the smells are great
I have Skunkberry curing too. That's only been in the jar for about 5 days, and I definitely didn't over dry that. Would like to not screw that up too. I'll take it down to the basement where it's cooler. Upstairs has gotten north of 80 on a couple of occasions.
Get your plant on that keto diet. Stop the plastic feeds. Terps are gonna evaporate,that what they do with nothing to hold them. When your cell walls are weak and unprotected (vacant gaps between walls) you've put literal tons, hundreds of gallons of terps in the air over the grow, and none left in the bud. Thats the nature of plastic bottle weed. Accept it or make a change.

Go 5 days without bathing/deo and you gotta wash your armpits 5 times to get rid of the funk. Why don't those armpit 'terps' vanish so easily? In fact they keep intensifying. They keep changing. Day one: tomcat piss. Day 2 Mexican food. Day 3 garlic onion soup. Day 4,right armpit smells like melted Crayolas, left becomes fouler onion soup, day 5 right armpit goes full hot wet dumpster juice,left reaches unbearable rancid onion soup and I can't make it to day 6 to tell what's next.

Maybe they aren't terps?

Terps are a minor byproduct. There is no skunk terpene. Go back to 4th grade and learn how an armpit works. Youre all being set up for corporate Marlboro ecig standards buying this blueberry gay wedding cake terp bullshit. Ecig ate fucking nasty. Terps ate fucking nasty. The fact everyone is okay smoking on flavorless chemical perfume weed shows me this problem is more customers bigger than a single industry, its an epidemic.
Why don't those armpit 'terps' vanish so easily? In fact they keep intensifying. They keep changing. Day one: tomcat piss. Day 2 Mexican food. Day 3 garlic onion soup. Day 4,right armpit smells like melted Crayolas, left becomes fouler onion soup, day 5 right armpit goes full hot wet dumpster juice,left reaches unbearable rancid onion soup and I can't make it to day 6 to tell what's next.

Maybe they aren't terps?

Terps are a minor byproduct. There is no skunk terpene. Go back to 4th grade and learn how an armpit works. Youre all being set up for corporate Marlboro ecig standards buying this blueberry gay wedding cake terp bullshit. Ecig ate fucking nasty. Terps ate fucking nasty. The fact everyone is okay smoking on flavorless chemical perfume weed shows me this problem is more customers bigger than a single industry, its an epidemic.

Ok, I'm like 95% sure you're just a troll but I've got some spare time so I'll bite.

"If you’re small, smells are a good way to stand out. A team of researchers led by the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) has demonstrated for the first time that two different types of micro-organisms – bacteria and fungi – use fragrances, known as terpenes, to hold conversations. And that’s not all. “We actually believe that terpenes are the most popular chemical medium on our planet to communicate through.”

Respectfully, you don't know what you're talking about and you are exactly what you describe others as. You look down on "stoner growtards" for spreading misinformation when it is you yourself that is doing so. Not only are you spreading misinformation, but pure malice to boot! You are a negative person that not only has nothing productive to say, but you don't even know what you're talking about with your ramblings.

You clearly do not know what terpenes are, or that terpenes exist literally everywhere and are commonly extracted from something and not synthesized from something. You know, synthesis.. the word you should ACTUALLY be using instead of chemical.

While some faux terpines are in fact the result of synthesis, a decent amount of the terpenes you can purchase online actually come from the distillation process. The distillation separates the THC, CBD, and terpenes all into separate components. Sometimes people add the terpenes back into the THC and/or CBD extracts, other times they'll simply sell the terpenes online.

Furthermore, terpenes are not a chemical like you so claim. They are an organic compound. Terpenes are most abundantly found in a living organic soil, which is the complete antithesis to chemical grows. So which is it? Are they growing with chemicals? Or are they using living soil to cultivate terpenes? Because it can't be both.

You do realize that there's a difference between a chemical and a synthesis right? If everything "chemical" related is bad, what do you make of Organic Chemistry? Acid is a scary word, just like chemical so what about Citric Acid? If I were to squeeze a fucking lemon it would be an acidic chemical. SCARY! I can slaughter a home grown chicken and cook it with produce grown from my own garden.. but I shouldn't cook because cooking is a chemical reaction. Oh no!

You want to be ignorant and bitter, that's fine. But keep that attitude to your fucking self.

McDonald's and Budweiser do the same thing with their respective products. They're watered down garbage that is peddled to the masses with multi-million dollar ad campaigns that convinces the public to still consume them. McDonald's doesn't represent what a burger is, and Budweiser doesn't represent what a beer is.. but they know how to cater to the masses and ultimately the masses have voted that is the product they want. The difference between me and you? I don't bitch about McDonald's and Budweiser. I support Craft brewers and grind my own meat to make my own burgers. I actually DO SOMETHING about it instead of bitch.

Even more disgusting about your attitude is that fact that you literally have nothing to teach at all. What are YOU doing to change the "chemical" weed out there? I'm giving my spare time to help new growers get into growing in living soil, showing and demonstrating how cheap and simple it is. By giving this knowledge away freely to multitudes of people, these multitudes will in turn give the same knowledge away to others. In due time, the multitudes will be growing their own chemical free meds (and produce!) in living organic soil. Enough people armed with this knowledge can change the standards of an industry, just like how when McDonald's stopped using pink slime to make their McNuggets. The public found out about it, and voted against it armed with this new knowledge/information. It forced McDonald's to change.

So all I have left to ask you is this. What have YOU done to stop these evil chemical overlords? How much do YOU know about growing in a true organic environment? Do YOU still go to the local dispensaries and support their garbage product rather than grow your own? And don't try and give me that "25 mile radius in Arizona" bullshit either. If you're within 25 miles of a dispensary, odds are you aren't in an isolated area like I am. Furthermore, you ARE the problem with the industry. Because people like you whine and bitch about how the product is bad.. yet you STILL go through the drive thru, you STILL buy Budweiser, and you STILL patron these shit dispensaries.

What dispensary are you getting your weed from by the way? Because it must be pretty good fucking weed if it makes someone as delusional and insane as you are.

You claim you want the industry to change, but when people come onto these forums looking for a way to get better quality meds (and produce) they have to deal with sad bitter people like you that want to shut them down. So what do you want? Do you want change or do you just want to bitch? Because if you actually want change, then BE the change! Give advice to these up and comers and help them spark the change in the industry... assuming you actually have any advice to give. Which you don't, I can tell just by your attitude.

Quit being a toxic entitled brat and do something productive.

I jarred up my GSC on 7/2. It was a little bit over dried so I added a fan leaf. Last week every time I opened the jar it stunk up the whole upstairs with dankness. By the middle of last week it was pretty stable at 62%. Was opening it up just to get a wiff mostly.

Opened it up today (after not opening it for maybe 48 hours) and the dankness was gone, and in its place a bit of a grassy smell. Hygrometer is reading 62% at 78 degrees at the moment. I know it's a bit warm. Could that be the problem? Should I be curing in the basement?

Sorry OP, don't let that asshole get to you. He literally doesn't know what he's talking about.

That grassy smell is there because it dried a bit too quickly. However, if it's like you say and the hygrometer is still reading at 62% then you'll be fine... you just have to wait for 2-8 weeks is all. Grab yourself some Boveda packs and put them in your jars with the weed. That grassy smell won't go away for a few weeks until the moisture/chlorophyll has sweated itself out overtime. And people use the term "sweat" for a reason. Think of a person. You have water inside of your body right? But you can't actually see it inside of you until you start sweating, the sweating brings the moisture out of your body to keep you cool. It's somewhat similar for curing in the sense that moisture is "sweating" out from inside of something.

Drying and curing are different things, but they do have a lot of similarities.

Drying is the act of getting the weed to a RH that will allow you to put the weed in jars.

Curing is slowly removing excess moisture from the buds.

The drying is simply us trying to get the weed to have a moisture content of ~50-55%. Curing is technically "drying", just a a significantly slower pace. The cure is the act of sweating the buds. The buds will be dry on the outside, but keep them in jars and the buds will "sweat" and suddenly your buds will be semi-moist and you'll notice "sweat/moisture" toward the top of your glass containers. This is why you have to open the jars at least once a day for a couple of minutes, otherwise the moisture isn't able to escape. Eventually, you'll get to ~50% humidity for the buds and you'll be able to store it in a cool dark environment without worry.

Take aging meat for example. A steak will actually have ~25%-35% moisture/water in it. The act of "aging" the meat is akin to "curing" weed. This is because you're pulling the moisture out of the meat, which in turn concentrates the meat flavor into the steak because instead of your 1lb steak being .7lb steak and .3lb water this 1lb steak will eventually shrink into a .7lb steak. You've lost weight, but that weight you lost was all water. The result is a more flavorful and tender steak. Weed is similar, once you remove the water from the weed you'll have a more flavorful and dank bud.

Sure, sometimes you'll fuck up and have some shit weed.. but in my experience it's quite rare. I've had weed that I've written off because I thought I fucked up the cure. So I forgot about it for months. When I find it again months later it's like it's a completely different strain, because it's cured for weeks/months on end. But in my experience, typically what happens with an "improper" cure is that you just need to wait longer. When I dry properly, it only needs to sit in the jar for 1-2 weeks until it's good to go. But if I fuck up drying, it can take anywhere between 1-3 months to bring it back to it's former glory.
Once it drys it is too late too cure
Better luck next run ...slow drying is the key , that is why I hang my plants whole
I must be odd because I have weed that reeks and I dry fast and don't cure. You smell terps because they are evaporating so time is your enemy. Store it in turkey bags or glass jars but only when it's crispy dry, no cure, that always ruins the smell for me. Fresh weed smells good and mine smokes awesome, smooth clean tasting hits. I dunno, I bust all the rules and it works for me. I don't even do a pre harvest flush, feed till the end.
I must be odd because I have weed that reeks and I dry fast and don't cure. You smell terps because they are evaporating so time is your enemy. Store it in turkey bags or glass jars but only when it's crispy dry, no cure, that always ruins the smell for me. Fresh weed smells good and mine smokes awesome, smooth clean tasting hits. I dunno, I bust all the rules and it works for me. I don't even do a pre harvest flush, feed till the end.
but at what temps & humidity levels ? maybe its something you chose that is sifted specifically for you environment ?
but at what temps & humidity levels ? maybe its something you chose that is sifted specifically for you environment ?
tbh it gets warm in my drying room during the summer and cool in the winter. RH is usually really low. I did the same thing when I was in missouri with higher humidity (had to run a dehu to get it down to 50%) and similar temp situation.
Grab yourself some Boveda packs and put them in your jars with the weed

I've been in a few convos here where people have said that Boveda packs will reduce odors. Not sure if it's true or not but I just bought some Integra Boost packs to try on my next harvest.

I think even in the GrowersHouse review he mentions something about smell reduction with the bovedas.
I have Skunkberry curing too. That's only been in the jar for about 5 days, and I definitely didn't over dry that. Would like to not screw that up too. I'll take it down to the basement where it's cooler. Upstairs has gotten north of 80 on a couple of occasions.

I don't know how many jars of skunkberry you have but if you have multiple jars, I would recommend dumping one jar in a paper bag and leave it over night. The next morning put a small bud in a bowl or bong and spark it. If it burns it's ready for a jar. If it doesn't burn for shit and is still wet, leave it in the bag until it's smokeable. This depends on how humid your house is. When I put weed in jars I can smoke it. That turns out to be 55% on my Caliber IV. Then see which jar of Skunkberry is more enjoyable.

You said this:
The drying is simply us trying to get the weed to have a moisture content of ~50-55%.
But you also mention to use a Boveda pack. They maintain a higher moisture.
Si it seems a contradiction. Or am I misunderstanding?

What in your opinion is the perfect humidity?

And how would you describe the perfect drying and curing?

Take a cotton ball and mist it with water. Like two or three mists. Then put it in with your grassy smelling stuff. Let it sit for 8 hours and check it out. If it didn't change smell try it for another 8 hours or overnight. Should restore the humidity it lost. Reason why is that being overdry it will suck the moisture out of the air in the jar or bag.