Paint got on plants

Does your area have any laws or ordinances about plant odor? Just saying that around here if your neighbors complain then you will be warned to fix the problem and if that doesn't get it then you get a fat fine. You wanna be proactive and not give him any reason to say your plants are a nuisance.
Does your area have any laws or ordinances about plant odor? Just saying that around here if your neighbors complain then you will be warned to fix the problem and if that doesn't get it then you get a fat fine. You wanna be proactive and not give him any reason to say your plants are a nuisance.
True that. I’ll jjst take it on the chin this time. I spoke with him, so hopefully he doesn’t repaint his fence again. That’s for being the good angel in my shoulder hahaha
Maybe take it one step farther and establish a cool relationship by saying "hey man, sorry for getting on you about the paint, I was having a rough day." Maybe give the old fuck a pie. lol
Maybe take it one step farther and establish a cool relationship by saying "hey man, sorry for getting on you about the paint, I was having a rough day." Maybe give the old fuck a pie. lol
I’ll give him a used American pie lol jk. His wife is usually cool, but he’s a dick. I’m just gonna keep to myself and be cool. In the next year I’ll be moving/ buying a house with land so that I don’t have to worry about that
Maybe take it one step farther and establish a cool relationship by saying "hey man, sorry for getting on you about the paint, I was having a rough day." Maybe give the old fuck a pie. lol

I'd agree but this guy obviously did it maliciously. I wouldn't escalate it but there is no way that I'd ever be "Cool" with him. I'd just ignore him.
LOL...I'm married to such a man. The older he gets, the grouchier and meaner. He walks around looking for something to bitch about 24/7. Cannabis oil has kept him alive well past his expiration date... Kill em with kindness. That's usually the best way to deal with them. He won't know how to take it. It requires tremendous patience, and if the old fart falls out in the yard, he will be waiting a while for anyone to give him cpr, just sayin'
LOL...I'm married to such a man. The older he gets, the grouchier and meaner. He walks around looking for something to bitch about 24/7. Cannabis oil has kept him alive well past his expiration date... Kill em with kindness. That's usually the best way to deal with them. He won't know how to take it. It requires tremendous patience, and if the old fart falls out in the yard, he will be waiting a while for anyone to give him cpr, just sayin'
That's horrible lol!!!! Its a grumpy old man, just move your plants and forget about it
No that would be trespassing. Just toss it over the fence like they did with the paint. And only if you're in a legal state. If not you probably shouldn't have plants where the neighbor can see them while they're peeking into your yard through the cracks in the fence.

I had a neighbor that was a real piece of work. I once caught him in my front yard trampling my Helleborus and Hosta's to pull up a dandelion. I asked him politely what he was doing and he went on some dumb tirade about my weeds getting into his yard. About ten seconds into his profanity laced tirade I told him to get the hell out of my yard. He kept running his mouth so I made a comment about his life expectancy and started towards him. He probably moved faster than he had in a decade and ran inside his house. Twenty minutes later I hear a knock on the door and it's Portland Police. I explain what happened, showed them the trampled plants and the damn dandelion he ripped up, told them exactly what I said, and they started laughing. I was glad to see that guy move and a nice young Vietnamese couple move in.

But before he moved I was going to dig a three foot deep trench for about 20 feet along the fence and line my side with a root barrier and then plant bamboo that spreads.
That was pretty damn funny. I do need to remember to find out exactly where you live, if I ever do decide to move to PDX. Just to be safe..... Lol
LOL...I'm married to such a man. The older he gets, the grouchier and meaner. He walks around looking for something to bitch about 24/7. Cannabis oil has kept him alive well past his expiration date... Kill em with kindness. That's usually the best way to deal with them. He won't know how to take it. It requires tremendous patience, and if the old fart falls out in the yard, he will be waiting a while for anyone to give him cpr, just sayin'
Are you and I married ?(:
Just checkin'
Are you and I married ?(:
Just checkin'
No, I'm sure you aren't near the asshole that I'm married to. He makes my life a misery. I avoid him whenever possible. He wasn't always this way, but he has become the most negative, bitchy person I've ever known. He is always unhappy, and is permanently rooted to his recliner when he isn't in bed. Haven't had sex in 12 years, and wouldn't want to anyway. I'm normally a very happy laid back person, always have been and still am, as long as I don't have to be around him. I stay in the grow house 18 hrs a day. Sorry, probably TMI....bad day
I hate neem oil
"Fool me once" PTUI !
I see no reason to ever use neem oil . There are many things that work better and don't screw up your plants. I do use neem meal mixed in my soil...although I'm not really sure it contributes much that couldn't be accomplished by something less stinky.