Springtail help


Well-Known Member
Hey they don't bite or don't do anything to my plants, but I can't get rid of them. I spray my lawn with a product called cyonara and they still get into my basement with my plants. I also see some of them in my upstairs, but no like in my basement where I have thousands. They are not around in the winter either, I have sticky pads down under my veg lights and that helps.. Any suggestions?
They're real hard to fully cull but you need to stay on them so they don't get crazy. Keeping things dry is your best bet and they will move on. They love dampness. They are not considered an insect and are one of the most abundant things in soils. If you look closely outside at any damp rich soils you will see them.

Azamax seems to keep them down or any neem oil. Don't worry too much. They really don't do much but can be a pain. I get them most summers even with extra precautions.
Reading more are they beneficial to my dusty basement?? They really only annoy me bc they get under my window sill in my kitchen, but many don't get in. Maybe I can put down sevin dust under my window sill???
they're susceptible to DE as well; if you just want 'em off your window sill, sprinkle a little of that down. a handful of neem seed cake could help in your containers, though watch the nitrogen you're adding with that.

good luck, be easy


EDIT: also, neem seed cake can mess with the development of beneficials so use with that caution
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they're susceptible to DE as well; if you just want 'em off your window sill, sprinkle a little of that down. a handful of neem seed cake could help in your containers, though watch the nitrogen you're adding with that.

good luck, be easy


What's DE??
Get some hypoaspis miles predator mites from evergreen grower supply. They feed on springtails. But springtails usually attract hypoaspis predators. Usually not necessary to order.
The de and neem will help. If I were you I'd stay away from any harsh insecticides it's not that big of a deal. Maybe get a dehumidifier for basement if that's where grow is and find source of moisture for them.
The de and neem will help. If I were you I'd stay away from any harsh insecticides it's not that big of a deal. Maybe get a dehumidifier for basement if that's where grow is and find source of moisture for them.

My basement is hot and humid as fuck. I got Central Air last year and I got two 6 inch register's pumping air down there (600 sq feet) and dehumifyier runs 24/7. The temp down there is about 77 and humidity is 55
diotomaceous earth

Thanks. The DE says it takes 24 hours to kill the insect. Is there anything that will kill them instantly before they get into my house?? Like something that if the bugs walkover will cut off their legs or something? haha
On rez lid? Yes but if it gets wet it's kinda lost its function. That stuff isnt the best to breathe in by the way and I recommend wearing a mask when applying any pest repellent. Even if heady. Use the de around where you think they come in and spray with neem where you think they are living and are. It will disrupt their reproductive cycle.
So your hvac for house dumps the air into basement? You might want air exchanger in there and run that shit out of house. Basements should be ideal and cool temp. I can give you some air exchangers to check out if you want. The house should ultimately breath anyways. I might have miss understood though.
On rez lid? Yes but if it gets wet it's kinda lost its function. That stuff isnt the best to breathe in by the way and I recommend wearing a mask when applying any pest repellent. Even if heady. Use the de around where you think they come in and spray with neem where you think they are living and are. It will disrupt their reproductive cycle.
So your hvac for house dumps the air into basement? You might want air exchanger in there and run that shit out of house. Basements should be ideal and cool temp. I can give you some air exchangers to check out if you want. The house should ultimately breath anyways. I might have miss understood though.

Yeah the HVAC guy cut 2 6" holes into my furnace I guess and when ever the air kicks on in the house the air it comes out of the furnace thing.
On rez lid? Yes but if it gets wet it's kinda lost its function. That stuff isnt the best to breathe in by the way and I recommend wearing a mask when applying any pest repellent. Even if heady. Use the de around where you think they come in and spray with neem where you think they are living and are. It will disrupt their reproductive cycle.
So your hvac for house dumps the air into basement? You might want air exchanger in there and run that shit out of house. Basements should be ideal and cool temp. I can give you some air exchangers to check out if you want. The house should ultimately breath anyways. I might have miss understood though.

My house is just plan and simple hot. No shade, poor insulation, etc.. My basement in the summer would be 80 degress in the summer with 95% humidity with no air or dehumidifier. In the winter it gets down to 65 degrees running (3) 600 hps and (2) 400 hps with a humidity of 65%. I never seen a basement so hot, any idea why????