First Grow - Problems


Active Member
hey guys first post, just need a little bit of help where possible. got browning of the edges on some of the leaves and also got slight clawing of the leaves aswell.... thought i would check to make sure its all good and what every ones thoughts were... done a wee bit of research and putting it down to maybe too much nitrogen and too mcuh light at the same time for the clawing but unsure about the browning edges coming through.. with post some pics


Active Member
Hello pal!

I would suggest your plants are lacking in calcium and magnesium. A combined source should help! See attached picture.

Can you take a picture for us in light that is whiter? That will help us gauge leaf colour for you, which usually is a good tool for diagnosis.

thanks jay ill be sure to save the photo!


Well-Known Member
hey hodrod!! yeah from a clone my friend...
These need pretty much a full veg feeding depending on how you are feeding. They’re as old as the donor plant. Include cal mag first feeding. Suggest beginning by feed followed by water the first time. See how they look after that water is pretty much used up. Pick your containers up. Water by weight. Not by “it’s dry past my first joint in my finger”. Don’t overwater.