
I brought the kid with me to work a few weeks back. There was a moment, a look on her face, a gleam in her eye at one point that might have been one of the most beautiful things I've ever witnessed. We were cleaning a pool in a very rich, old old money part of town. The homeowner had 2 daughters about my kids age. They were intently looking out the window, almost in disbelief, watching my daughter help me. I looked at my kid at one point and saw the purest form of happiness on her face. She knew nothing of wealth, social class or materialism. She just knew that she was helping her dad and those kids were trapped inside thinking how fucking cool she was.
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and it just seems like yesterday...

Holy hell in a handbasket I'm a daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bout to head back to the hospital, ran home to shovel snow/feed ladies and had to share with y'all the good news. My wife and I welcomed a beautiful baby girl into our lives at 9:09 last night. 7lbs 8oz, 20 1/2" long and scored a 9/9 on the APGAR!!!! 10 fingers 10 toes so fucking overwhelmed right now but in an amazing way that I've never experienced before. This shit is thoroughly good! My mind is racing. Gotta go be a dad and a husband but wanted to share with y'all the good news!! Hope y'all are just as content as I am!!! Have a wonderful day!!!!
I brought the kid with me to work a few weeks back. There was a moment, a look on her face, a gleam in her eye at one point that might have been one of the most beautiful things I've ever witnessed. We were cleaning a pool in a very rich, old old money part of town. The homeowner had 2 daughters about my kids age. They were intently looking out the window, almost in disbelief, watching my daughter help me. I looked at my kid at one point and saw the purest form of happiness on her face. She knew nothing of wealth, social class or materialism. She just knew that she was helping her dad and those kids were trapped inside thinking how fucking cool she was.

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nice....that how i started.....and i was 8. I can remember those immortal word to this day....take the rachet and socket and take that oil pan off that 8...yep.....
This critter is as long as my pinky finger not counting the "stinger" which is actually an ovipositer that they use to drill into dead/dying trees to lay their eggs.
I had one sting me on the thigh after penetrating both layers of carhart work pants!
It is a horn tail wood wasp (or locally known as a Stump Fucker).
It tripped & fell under my boot after the photo op.

Stump fucker.jpg
I got stung on the head once by a wasp that flew into me, the first few stings hit my cap, but he got me a good 2 or 3 times.

I once got stung in the chest by 3 Bald-faced Hornets.

Hurt bad for a few days.

3 at the same time. 1 time for each broomstick bash to the nest. :twisted:

I got away with it the first 2 times. The 3rd time the fuckers had sentries waiting to ambush me.o_O
I brought the kid with me to work a few weeks back. There was a moment, a look on her face, a gleam in her eye at one point that might have been one of the most beautiful things I've ever witnessed. We were cleaning a pool in a very rich, old old money part of town. The homeowner had 2 daughters about my kids age. They were intently looking out the window, almost in disbelief, watching my daughter help me. I looked at my kid at one point and saw the purest form of happiness on her face. She knew nothing of wealth, social class or materialism. She just knew that she was helping her dad and those kids were trapped inside thinking how fucking cool she was.

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Very cool, neo. I have a feeling we're raising ours similarly. These are fun times. Mine have a badass tooth fairy. 20190706_084933_Film1-2.jpg:mrgreen:
This critter is as long as my pinky finger not counting the "stinger" which is actually an ovipositer that they use to drill into dead/dying trees to lay their eggs.
I had one sting me on the thigh after penetrating both layers of carhart work pants!
It is a horn tail wood wasp (or locally known as a Stump Fucker).
It tripped & fell under my boot after the photo op.

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That just screams, "don't fuck with me"