After a Soap wash my Plant looking not good 1 Day later


Well-Known Member
Hello, i can Cry right now but i hope both Plants will survive.... I dealing with a Pest problem Days ago and someone give a Tip to wash both Plants with a soap Water solution what i did yesterday i spray both Plants with that solution and one Day later the Hairs tun most Brown of them is that a sign of Huge Damage?? the leafs looking good but i fear the Buds because they are brown .

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But i did it :( and now? Thorw plants in a container ore growing to the End?

People should stop listening to 'friends'.

Keep them growing and hopefully they won't taste of soap when they're done.

What exactly did you spray them with?

Have you just sprayed them with water to wash the suds off?

Don't do that any more and find out for sure what pest it is before doing anything at all!

They'll keep growing and putting out new flowers.

soapy water is an accepted method of dealing with mites. you don't want to use more than a couple of drops of soap though, you don't want it foaming up in the bottle.
it's way better to deal with mites before you put the plant into flower. anything you spray after buds start to form can be absorbed by the plant. soap isn't particularly toxic, but it doesn't taste good....
People should stop listening to 'friends'.

Keep them growing and hopefully they won't taste of soap when they're done.

What exactly did you spray them with?

Have you just sprayed them with water to wash the suds off?

Don't do that any more and find out for sure what pest it is before doing anything at all!

They'll keep growing and putting out new flowers.


Its call it KERNSEIFE and yes I wash both Plants with clean water bevore i bring her back in my tent
German for Seedsoap right? Keep growing, there's no visible leaf damage so I'd bet that they'll recover pretty quickly. Those buds are probably toast. My advice, never spray any type of flower with any type of soap.
German for Seedsoap right? Keep growing, there's no visible leaf damage so I'd bet that they'll recover pretty quickly. Those buds are probably toast. My advice, never spray any type of flower with any type of soap.
Never mist or wet flowers even with straight water if under artificial light. It’s not going to help anything and invites mold colonizing. Outdoors any rain is usually handled well between the plant and the atmosphere.
Never mist or wet flowers even with straight water if under artificial light. It’s not going to help anything and invites mold colonizing. Outdoors any rain is usually handled well between the plant and the atmosphere.

Thx guys, but now it's to late i hope they get back up and growing to the end ..
Thx guys, but now it's to late i hope they get back up and growing to the end ..
Feed the beneficials in the soil with a bit of molasses. Aerate the top few inches of soil well and penetrate the medium in multiple places to help even water distribution. Especially directly under the plant. This becomes hard packed and slow thorough watering after cultivating it can help water and nutrients reach that zone. This is why most vegetation turns green after a slow steady rain. That part of the roots can’t help but get some.
Piss me so off my stupidity.... My Plants don't looking good not recovery i think. Better to throw them away and start something new?

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I'd keep going for at least another few days, but if you're sure you don't want to try to keep going at least harvest them. They are still green and are coated in trichomes. If you compare the pics the pistils are now reddish brown instead of yellow. A few days should let you know if they can recover or not.
Even if the trichomes are still clear there's still THC. I had to harvest a plant early after a light fell on it and snapped the stem clean off. I dried and cured what I got even though during the cure it smelled like slightly rotten citrus, with no weed smell. It hit hard, but then wore off fast. Lasted about half as long as usual.
Way better than nothing.