What did you accomplish today?

@420God I’m really sorry to hear that.

My heart goes out to you brother.

Mad love homie! Stay strong my dude.

You know where I’m at, if you’re ever around, hit me up. I’ll be here.
Thanks Gary, I think the worst part is over. I haven't cried for almost a full day now. My family has been helping me out, I think I'll be good.
@420God if I have offended you I apologise.

Gary thanks for the profile post your a real fucking gentleman
You're good dude, no apology necessary. You haven't said anything I haven't thought myself. I'm just trying to see the brighter side to this.
Me thinks there were deletions. What did I miss???
Idk if he deleted it. But he said something about talking shit. Lol and that’s alI I needed

I joke, but I’m for real for real
Thanks Gary, I think the worst part is over. I haven't cried for almost a full day now. My family has been helping me out, I think I'll be good.

You're good dude, no apology necessary. You haven't said anything I haven't thought myself. I'm just trying to see the brighter side to this.
ok dusty, my bad for last night. Maybe I read things wrong, but if @420God is cool with you, then so am I.

I thought you said you were gonna talk shit about his wife/ex wife... and that set me off.
There is a saying I "mostly" tried to live by when I was riding: There are old motorcyclists, and bold motorcyclists, but no old, bold motorcyclists. I always rode like people in cars or trucks are trying to kill me, because they were. Head on a swivel at all times.
Where I grew up in Ben Lomand I saw allot of death and carnage involving motorcycles.
If you google “Glen Arbor Rd” you’ll see this 90 degree turn, just off highway 9. We lived not far from there and had to drive through everyday. For some reason, even though it gets all foggy and wet all the time, bikers go for it and some pay the price. You cut that corner and bam! A car was coming the other way.
It’s because of that spot and a buddy dying on highway 9, I do not ride(on streets) only dirt.
I def would have killed myself if i did ride.

In the process of moving up here, along highway 70 just north of marysville we hit traffic. Was super, super foggy. Got up to the accident scene and a biker was literally fused to the back of a semi trailer:o i won’t describe it any further except to say it was one of the worst i’ve seen.
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Thanks Gary, I think the worst part is over. I haven't cried for almost a full day now. My family has been helping me out, I think I'll be good.

You're good dude, no apology necessary. You haven't said anything I haven't thought myself. I'm just trying to see the brighter side to this.
Holy shit bro! Just like that? Damn!

Well i’m here to tell you you’ll get through this. In fact, you come out stronger and better. It’s up to you to make sure it doesn’t get worse before better though. Don’t be like me. I drank myself shitty and ended up with a 9month jail sentence dealing with my divorce. Don’t be like me lol. Take care dude.
Holy shit bro! Just like that? Damn!

Well i’m here to tell you you’ll get through this. In fact, you come out stronger and better. It’s up to you to make sure it doesn’t get worse before better though. Don’t be like me. I drank myself shitty and ended up with a 9month jail sentence dealing with my divorce. Don’t be like me lol. Take care dude.
Damn brother, me and my wife split up for a couple of years. I was shit faced drunk the whole time. Good news is I only ended up with 2-3 days in jail for a PI. She even got my car out for me while I was in jail. I had no one else to call but her.
I only ended up with 2-3 days in jail for a PI.

When I was going to college I got a job working as a bar back at this little bar & grill. The cook was this dude from California. I mean dude in every since of the word. Surfer, talked and looked like Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High, the works. His name was Lou.

Well, one night Lou didn't show up. Me and one of the bartenders were pressed into service as cooks.

So two nights later when I come in, Lou is there. He's on crutches with a big cast on his left foot. I said, "What the fuck, Lou?" and here was his story I remember to this day:

Dude! I got totally shafted by the man! So I'm walking home, right? And as I'm walking I'm thinking, 'Hmmmm...I wonder how long I can balance on the edge of the sidewalk without falling into the street.

So I'm doing the balance beam thing, you know? And I start keeling hard left and I buy it. But where I bought it dude was harsh. There was a big fucking drain right there and my foot fell into it as I crashed and broke my ankle in half.

So I'm laying there in the gutter moaning when the cop shows up. He asked me what's up and I tell him pretty much what I just told you.

So the dude gives me a lift down to the hospital and I'm thinking, "Wow, dude! What a cool cop!"

So three hours later I got the cast on and shit and I'm hobbling out of there and who's standing right outside the front door? The fucking cop, dude! Fucker books my ass and takes me to jail for a PUI.

- I chimed in here with, "Whafuk is a PUI?"

Pedestrian Under the Influence, dude. Come on man. Keep up!

Shit...probably tonight on the way home I'll get a CPUI.

- I shot him a look of whafuk

Crippled Pedestrian Under the Influence.
Old Lou was as cool as they come. Shit, that was 34 years ago. Wonder whatever happened to him...
Thanks Gary, I think the worst part is over. I haven't cried for almost a full day now. My family has been helping me out, I think I'll be good.

You're good dude, no apology necessary. You haven't said anything I haven't thought myself. I'm just trying to see the brighter side to this.

Nice bike, Sorry as fuck to hear about the rest.

What a crushing blow catching up on the last 10 pages, hope you can put it behind you. The quicker the better.
I'm officially a member of the working class again. :o I wasn't looking for a job, it just kinda fell into my lap. I'll be a support agent for a cosmetics company website. It's only two hours per day, four days per week... no Fridays or weekends and I'll be working from home in my pajamas. It's minimum wage, which is more than what I was earning when I stopped working. Biggest bonus I get 40% off all cosmetics and perfumes now. I have to go for four hours training tomorrow to learn their commerce and inventory systems.
Morning everyone.....hope everyone is havin a good day so far......

Gonna be a hot one, 96F for a high today, heat index...105 to 106...ugh......

think me and @420God need to switch spots, he can come to the hot area while i'll go into the cooler areas for a while......sheesh

anywho....coffee is hot a ready to go.....

thought today was gonna be a fine day till i came out on to the porch....nice a relaxing petting the dog....nope looked over at my truck and of course....front tire is flater than my first girlfriend......and the back tire isn't looking good either....ugh.....what a start of a nice day....time to the get the compressor out and see whats up...
lol yea i just remembered that part before i went to bed. this one is hotter then her though like you legit cannot even tell it's a guy.

im sure it is that was a joke btw cause i work in the food industry always got fucking ecoli recalls shit is funny. there was another link associating to the Board of Water supply here where people are faking they work for the company so i assume that has something to deal with the ecoli being found in the water. nothing new for us though we got dirty ass sea water from time to time due to storms and water pipe breaks. couple years ago the one in the ala wai broke or something sewage went into the ocean water and caused flesh eating disease couldnt even go on the sand. one guy slipped in the water had to get hit leg amputated. funny thing is when in highschool i took canoe paddling as a sport and that is where we practiced. smelled like straight up sewage was nasty af. at that time the water was safe but it's still disgusting dark brown and super stink at certain areas where the pipes were idk if it still smells like that but you could see the massive pipes coming out the water. ironically i think they found a species of seahorses there as well

I used to travel doing commercial construction for a company that specializes in waste water and water treatment plants. All around the southern part of the US. All the waste treatment plants here have the storm water mixed with sewage, and the plants over flow when it rains, causing spills. Now a days... developers have to manage the run off, and with most plants having been expanded, it's a little better but with a lot of people and run a way grow in closer to town, it's really hard to keep up with development. Plus industry will release chemicals or some other discharge that totally screws up the process, by killing the beneficiary bacteria.
Mornin from the peach pit. This is feeling more like a job every day selling these. I need to do a quantity discount to get these the hell out of my house. Who'uda thunk one little tree could put out this much poundage. Can't complain much when a tree is picking up the beer tab though.IMG_0223.JPG