Jeffrey Epstein arrested for sex trafficking minors

You got no brains but the ones that’s been washed by Media Propaganda.
It really is like 1984 up in here.
Back to me being Russian, no new arguments.
Just same crap repeated over and over again.
Because your bathshit and just spout nonsense.
What parents would put there child through all that?
People in desperation looking to get their kid somewhere safer than the warzone they were born into.
Do you know how many Americans have been raped and tortured in Mexican prisons for no reason. Please.
There is never a reason to rape and torture people.
It is an invasion, that is what it is called when mass amounts of people try enter another country.
No it is called Migration. Or sometimes, vacation.
That’s sound garden cover is Evil. If you don’t beleave in Evil, then it’s racist. What’s the bottom word on that triangle say Negro backwards lol racist bigots you are

Wow. You really have gone completely 'round the bend.

First off, not believing in evil is not racist, you moron. Evil isn't a race, it's a fucking adjective more times than not and Evil as a whole is a proper noun. So, strike one.

Secondly, the BadMotorFinger album name was a tribute to Ronny Montrose. Ronny had a band called, not surprisingly, 'Montrose'. The lead singer back in it's heyday was none other than Sammy Hagar. Their hit song was called "Bad Motor Scooter". That's where the name comes from.

The text around the triangle that houses the spark plug is, literally, "BADMOTORFINGER". The last word at the bottom is, literally, not a word. Backwards it spells 'REGN'. So, strike two.

Thirdly, not believing in evil and nonsensical conspiracy theories with no basis in reality is not bigotry. It's called common sense. So, strike three.
You bore me. Least Bradley J. Smith was a smarter than you all. Just messed with the wrong dude.
Damn shits all blurry. Damn. Manningn need trimerrs six 5 six Zero Happyist Valley Road brahs. Hook it up wit a gewd team. No Dub ast T Rexasourus, blondy daughter, y’all nows were to hitbme up. Hondo a day MFers. Yess Sir Bitches.
Damn shits all blurry. Damn. Manningn need trimerrs six 5 six Zero Happyist Valley Road brahs. Hook it up wit a gewd team. No Dub ast T Rexasourus, blondy daughter, y’all nows were to hitbme up. Hondo a day MFers. Yess Sir Bitches.
so you're a huge beastie boys fan, aren't you?
My ex's brother moved here from Burma when he was 7. He looked and sounded like short round from Indiana Jones. He eventually assimilated and picked up the neighborhood slang. He sounds like DuBz. He also probably walks around licking paint, filming it and hoping it goes viral.