Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

Tbpight of you guys today .. I work with a guy that sells bud on the side. Has no idea I grow or even smoke and never will . Anyways. So he’s complaining to me about paying 300 for an onion . Looked at him puzzled . Idk what it goes for these days (thank god) . Says he usually pays 160 at the most . Start to see his point .. ask why the double increase ... his dealer is charging more because it’s “rapper weed” . I played it off like I had no idea . I walked away pissed . This rapper strain bs marketing is ridiculous . Up charge ppl for a damn name .. who knows if it is what it really is .
Tbpight of you guys today .. I work with a guy that sells bud on the side. Has no idea I grow or even smoke and never will . Anyways. So he’s complaining to me about paying 300 for an onion . Looked at him puzzled . Idk what it goes for these days (thank god) . Says he usually pays 160 at the most . Start to see his point .. ask why the double increase ... his dealer is charging more because it’s “rapper weed” . I played it off like I had no idea . I walked away pissed . This rapper strain bs marketing is ridiculous . Up charge ppl for a damn name .. who knows if it is what it really is .

So it's weed named after a rapper or grown by a rapper?
So it's weed named after a rapper or grown by a rapper?
Something along those lines . What I gathered and I pray that I’m wrong . Basically, a person makes a strain and the rapper likes it . Makes the name up and buys it I suppose . Turns around rapping about it . Kids go ape shit .
Something along those lines . What I gathered and I pray that I’m wrong . Basically, a person makes a strain and the rapper likes it . Makes the name up and buys it I suppose . Turns around rapping about it . Kids go ape shit .

Mmmkaaayy... I've got ocean front property in Arizona for sale too lol.
has Anyone tried those smart plug timers ? You can control through a app.


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That shit makes me laugh. People are stupid.
Fad . Names bs . Same as back in the day. Some guy pulled out a bag of cream your pants. Twist is someone else is making the demand on false pretenses. Whoever rapper can suck one of my balls on a nice humid day .