HELP shes Wilting and getting worse by the hour!!!!


Active Member
all right... i took a nap at 5pm... my plant was like the first 2 pictures then.... i wake up 6 hours later at 11pm.. and shes wilted a bit... now its 2am and shes getting worse.... i know its not an overwatering problem... i always check befor i water to make sure the soil is in need... so i watered her and shes not getting any better... no perk at all.... wat could this be?...

o and could it be root lock... theres 1 lil white thing growing out the bottom... but its bearly visible by hole not coming out it...



stays relevant.
that looks depressing... like watching a potato bug die...

oh wait I have something...


enjoy :)


stays relevant.
Oh sure! Why not?

What your soil pH
When is the last time you watered.
What is the lighting distance.
What are your nutes, and what is the last time you fed?


Active Member
k im a noob...

my ph is 6.4
i checked the soil when i first seen it wilting a bit at 11pm... it was alil dry so i just watterd at 11pm... then they get worse
im giving them monty's grow juice 8-16-8
wat u mean fed?...
2 26 w CFL's bout 1 1/2 inch away... with a fan on the plants... my other plants on the same shit same watering schedule are fine...


Active Member
come anyone?!?! its only the new leaves... the top set and now the ones that are growing in that arnt fully developed yet are starting to wilt... lowest set of leafs have a lil yellow on the tip...


Active Member
OOOO the node that have wilted bad the 2 leaves have purpleish stems... their the only ones with purple stems...


Well-Known Member
One thing monty's grow juice 8-16-8 is for the flowering stage!
Veg stage needs a higher N like 10-5-10...Still looks like over watering.


Active Member
all right... im not gonna take any chances on this beautiful girl... she was so perfect befor i got hit with this... i was afraid of over watering / root lockso i repoted in a 2 gallon bucket... with some fresh soil and i think it could of been root lock... cause i planted really low and the root ball was on the bottom... so i repoted (this time way closer to the top so it has room to grow down...) so now all i can do is wait... any other opinions or ideas?!?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
k im a noob...

my ph is 6.4
i checked the soil when i first seen it wilting a bit at 11pm... it was alil dry so i just watterd at 11pm... then they get worse
im giving them monty's grow juice 8-16-8
wat u mean fed?...
2 26 w CFL's bout 1 1/2 inch away... with a fan on the plants... my other plants on the same shit same watering schedule are fine...
One thing monty's grow juice 8-16-8 is for the flowering stage!
Veg stage needs a higher N like 10-5-10...Still looks like over watering.
Yeah your nutes are wrong... you know that the main nutes are NPK...for veg you need a higher or = to, N then the P + K.. I use a basic cheap $7... 20-20-20 to veg... I used 10-52-10 for flower. you need a highest P..then k and then N... .I would have used a 10-25-20(ratio) but they'd sold out... I still think that the droopy leaves are a water issue... Instead of going around in circles at that size I go back to square 1... repot with dry un-nuted soil and start fresh...replant..give good water (till comes out bottom)..and wait & watch... Luck.


Well-Known Member
Your plant may droop like that occasionally. Its NO BIG DEAL. Its either too wet or too dry. It should be easy to tell which one. (Did you just water it or has it been a while?)
Trust me when I tell you... As a new grower you are going to overreact to every little thing that your plant does. This is normal. Sometimes you just have to let the plant be.
If your plant is dry and you water it, it should perk back up in a few hours.
But most things that you do to your plant will take several days to see the results. Likewise sometimes your plant may be ill because of something that happened several days ago.
Now then... What kind of soil are you using? It looks really dense and chunky. You want a nice light & fluffy medium.
Geez I hope I said something helpful. Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
I would say that it just looks like youve overwatered it.
Most weed prefers a drier medium.
I do sip watering which is giving sips more often around the main stem and never soaking unless you intend leeching or flusing the soil.
Weed roots really do need airbongsmilie


Active Member
ummm it had been 1 day since i last watered... but when i watered it cause it was droopy it made it worse... i repotted in fresh soil... im using supersoil potting soil since 1954 =P.... not sure if this is bad or good... k no more monty's... ill have to go to the store 2morrow and get a 20-20-20 nute...


Active Member
grrrr off topic..... but yes it was creepy... now back to the plant... is it getting better or worse... first pic 130am... last pic 740am...


Well-Known Member
grrrr off topic..... but yes it was creepy... now back to the plant... is it getting better or worse... first pic 130am... last pic 740am...
1:30 then 7:40 lmao Its going to take a few days for the plant to respond to the trans-plant. Be patient. You are going to love that poor plant to death. You said that you watered it the day before but then it drooped so you watered it again, and that made it worse. Well there you go no big mystery... too much water.
Plants dont need people, they do fine (if not better) without us.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man,never soak the soil,they dont like it at all,trust me.
Soil should only be wet,wet,wet when its in its first week or 2.
Cannabis needs air as much as water.
I can see from your soils colour even in your low res shots that the soil is to rich,to wet and has no perlite for air or drainage.
Always let the medium dry out and water every day with sips around the plants stem.
Only soak when you want to flush or leech the nutes:joint:


Active Member
sweet... thanx for the info and help guys... now all i can do is pray... lol i think ill read her a story... CO2 ftw...