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He's sitting here with a fucking sock puppet account perpetuating a fraud and you attack anyone who shows up who doesn't kiss his ass. That's shady too or it sure as hell comes off that way. I mean seriously who sticks up for a sock puppet and why would you want to drag your reputation down in the process?

Now I remember you - another new account? As I said in the first reply to you - I follow closely, and I don't recall seeing the man say what you said he did. Asking you for proof would actually be doing you a favor....if you had any you could produce.

I said I was willing to be convinced. So glad you survived that vicious attack. :P
Now I remember you - another new account? As I said in the first reply to you - I follow closely, and I don't recall seeing the man say what you said he did. Asking you for proof would actually be doing you a favor....if you had any you could produce.

I said I was willing to be convinced. So glad you survived that vicious attack. :P
It's not a new account it's the same one and the only one I have ever had here. Do you guys all do this stupid sock puppet crap or what? I don't do sock puppets like your buddy and I believed you the last time that you were not just piling on, I don't buy it any more. You are defending a guy who is in this thread with a sock puppet and you are piling on to someone you don't know anything about. I asked you to just drop it and you continue so it's on you.

Stick up for that fraud if you want but don't pretend like you are just trying to help out by piling on and suggesting I am the one with a sock puppet account when it's your buddy with one. Be honest enough to call him out while you are here and maybe I'll change my mind. But you didn't do that, instead you are acting like it's me with a new account. This is the only account I have ever signed up for here and the only other pot forum I have ever been on was Chuckers. I told you that before as well.

But whatever man, stick up for your sock puppet buddy.
It's not a new account it's the same one and the only one I have ever had here. Do you guys all do this stupid sock puppet crap or what? I don't do sock puppets like your buddy and I believed you the last time that you were not just piling on, I don't buy it any more. You are defending a guy who is in this thread with a sock puppet and you are piling on to someone you don't know anything about. I asked you to just drop it and you continue so it's on you.

Stick up for that fraud if you want but don't pretend like you are just trying to help out by piling on and suggesting I am the one with a sock puppet account when it's your buddy with one. Be honest enough to call him out while you are here and maybe I'll change my mind. But you didn't do that, instead you are acting like it's me with a new account. This is the only account I have ever signed up for here and the only other pot forum I have ever been on was Chuckers. I told you that before as well.

But whatever man, stick up for your sock puppet buddy.
Answer this one question. Do you admit or deny that your screen name was PosenOS2.0 ?
I don't post much anymore,but Ol' Heis never stated he tested the seeds.I mean how could he? Edit* he did germ tests on the seeds.
He did state he stress tested the cuts he used to make the seeds.If any popped sacs,they weren't used.
When two elites are knocked together shit is bound to happen.There's lineages at play here.Greatgrandpops and moms,Grandpops & Moms, Mother and father,all these genetics and their respective traits are in these beans somewhere.

A logical and reasonable mind would know these aren't "stable" or worked lines.
Is it plausible to think there is a possibility some recessive traits or even some undesirable traits maybe unlocked in these crossings? <<<<<<rhetorical.
Most elite cuts came about by happenstance from my limited reasearch and reading.
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Well how many people did you accuse of jacking up your paypal account. LOL You can't keep track of all of us? And what you gonna do now, post the PM's? I said you can go for it, just post all of them or don't post any of them, that's the deal. It will prove you are the sock puppet and I'd like everyone to know that too. The only thing else I ask is that you leave my contact info out I don't want you posting that, but if you want to post the whole exchange go for and I'll post the entire e-mail thread you sent me.

If you think that's going to make you look more professional you are more nuts than I thought, but go for it. In fact all of this is just making you look worse and worse by the second. Fucking with a guy you took for $200 and that you won't send the money back to is bogus as it gets.

Hell, start by posting the one where I told you I would ship the beans back and if you didn't refund the money I still wouldn't contact paypal. Remember, I told you that if you were not man enough to give me back the money after you offered to, then you could take the money and the beans and pack them up your ass and I still wouldn't contact paypal, that's exactly what I told you, so post that one. That was one of my favorites and I'd love to read it again. You know that's exactly what I told you, so post that one, it's a winner.

OH and don't copy and paste anything, I want to see a screen shot of everything but the contact info, I don't want you selectively editing. If you can't screen shot it without the contact info then you don't have my permission to post any of it. I want people to see exactly what was said not what you edit it to say.
You answered the question. Were done here.
At the top of the Chuckers site he had this entire statement about how he was testing everything. That statement was still up when I bought my seeds. That's simply a fact, that statement wasn't taken down until someone else came along and bitched about it.

And yes I know that it's reasonable to assume some of these crosses will have problems, that's the exact argument I was having with him when he blocked me from his chuckers thread. He got pissed off because I stated pretty much what you just said. That's how this all got started. I told him that crossing crosses could create problems and he blew up with his stupid ass "opinions" crap so I had enough and told him off.
Your like a month old. You have no clue the history H has around these forums. People in the know are reading your post in complete amusement.
At the top of the Chuckers site he had this entire statement about how he was testing everything. That statement was still up when I bought my seeds. That's simply a fact, that statement wasn't taken down until someone else came along and bitched about it.

And yes I know that it's reasonable to assume some of these crosses will have problems, that's the exact argument I was having with him when he blocked me from his chuckers thread. He got pissed off because I stated pretty much what you just said. That's how this all got started. I told him that crossing crosses could create problems and he blew up with his stupid ass "opinions" crap so I had enough and told him off.
I did not know.....about.The Chucker's site thingamajig. If he did say he tested the SEEDS, which I am assuming "everything" is all inclusive,I stand corrected.That isn't what I interpreted from his actual posts,before the Chucker's site was even up and running.
There is a history here of sorts.Due diligence on your behalf would've answered all of your concerns before purchase.Granted,you may have not been here to know,and the thread is now locked iirc.I see your point,IF you got it from the horse's mouth.

PS. My previous posts was to everyone,I wasn't singling you out.Just so happens I jumped in the mix at the time.

Lol....it's crazy...my daughter just shitted.Guess that's my clue. Divine intervention? G'night folks.
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It’s wild how much shit one disgruntled customer can cause.
If he hadn't called me a rat/nark or even if he hadn't set up the sock puppet account to keep trolling me, this wouldn't be happening. But you are right, one pissed off customer can make a lot of noise especially one who has every reason to be mad. It's not the seeds it's the fact that he continues to slander me. I didn't say a word to paypal and he keeps lying about it.

Back in the day calling someone a nark was actually a big deal, a lot bigger deal that being an unhappy customer.
32A7D9E3-01E7-4561-B709-C1E93CFEDE60.jpeg Ummm want me to send you some money, I got plenty in my wallet. I normally use it to buy hamburgers so I can eat but if you want some hey maybe you can get some hamburgers too..Sometimes I buy seeds, a lot of times it grows into crappy duds, but when I wake up the next morning I still have my coffee to drink and my hamburgers to eat, sometimes I even put cheese on it
View attachment 4361830 Ummm want me to send you some money, I got plenty in my wallet. I normally use it to buy hamburgers so I can eat but if you want some hey maybe you can get some hamburgers too..Sometimes I buy seeds, a lot of times it grows into crappy duds, but when I wake up the next morning I still have my coffee to drink and my hamburgers to eat, sometimes I even put cheese on it

If he hadn't called me a rat/nark or even if he hadn't set up the sock puppet account to keep trolling me, this wouldn't be happening. But you are right, one pissed off customer can make a lot of noise especially one who has every reason to be mad. It's not the seeds it's the fact that he continues to slander me. I didn't say a word to paypal and he keeps lying about it.

Back in the day calling someone a nark was actually a big deal, a lot bigger deal that being an unhappy customer.
is that anything like Chunky insinuating that his personal info is not in safe hands? LMFAO. Nobody cares if you have a reason to be mad or not at this point over one pack of seeds you think had some sort of GARNTE. It's only slander if you can prove its not true, lol, sorry bubs. We all believe you did say something to paypal, so sorry bout that, but the timing of your crying, etc. just smells. And you keep mentioning fraud and slander like you are an internet atty or at least slept at a Holiday Inn last nite. Gettin kinda funny, gettin kinda Kentucky, LMFAO
In all honesty it could have been lots of diff people that went to PayPal with that shit...he isn’t the only one H has pissed off.

For some reason I believe the guy...I mean why else make such a big deal out of this? Like he said, being called a narc isn’t something you just throw around with certain individuals/trades. If he was trying to shut it down, why not be bragging about it?

Either way this is getting to be stupid AF...
In all honesty it could have been lots of diff people that went to PayPal with that shit...he isn’t the only one H has pissed off.

For some reason I believe the guy...I mean why else make such a big deal out of this? Like he said, being called a narc isn’t something you just throw around with certain individuals/trades. If he was trying to shut it down, why not be bragging about it?

Either way this is getting to be stupid AF...
yep, yet he keeps on and keeps on and I for one do not believe him. I think he's a youngster that got pissed over a pack o beans, easy AF to report to Paypal, all it takes in once. He's making such a big deal cause he can't get over it. lol, that's the mindset of the youngsters, instant self gratification or else. We are seeing or else. He's just mouthin to hear his own mouth, Ive met plenty like him. LOL. He don't want to brag cause then folks would know for sure he's a chickenshit not to be messed with, that's pretty obvious man. You want to feel sorry for him, so be it, but not everyone is naive and gullible in their old age, lol
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