Old School Skunk, who's found it???

If a skunk sprays near your house are you grateful? I have them around me and too often they spray. Not understanding love of the skunk but the buzz was first rate will give you that.
Merle knew, not Johnny. Local friend toured with Merle Haggard in the nineties and he wasn’t at all the “Okie from Muskogee, Oklahoma USA” as portrayed in that song.

Willie surely knows about that old Skunk seein that he bought a lot of it from growers in these hills.
If a skunk sprays near your house are you grateful? I have them around me and too often they spray. Not understanding love of the skunk but the buzz was first rate will give you that.
Old Skunk smelled like everything good in that smell and never seemed repulsive. Definitely a skunk smell but alluring and pleasant, if that makes any sense. Not catpiss.
Willie claimed one time the best herb he ever smoked was when he was in Eureka Springs, AR.
There's some good stuff there. That's my old stomping grounds. There is a 90-day flowering White Widow cut there that has been held since the 90's. Only sold in decorative ounce jars with a cork at the top; and you have to be very well-connected to get it. I wonder if that's what he was talking about?

EDIT: Probably not if he said it on Carson, unless it was right toward the very end.
The last time I grew it was over 10 years ago, so things may have changed since then... but if, by "the skunk we all know", you mean roadkill skunk, that's not Skunk #1. None of the Dutch skunks ever had the RKS that I can recall.

TRUE Skunk #1 is the one we all loved. It was used to create most all of the early Dutch strains. In fact it was breed out of existence from over crossing. Someone has it still in the US. You got to remember most growers especially the most experienced growers aren't on any of these websites. I got a few true skunk #1 seeds that are from 1988. Not any chance they would sprout.
TRUE Skunk #1 is the one we all loved. It was used to create most all of the early Dutch strains. In fact it was breed out of existence from over crossing. Someone has it still in the US. You got to remember most growers especially the most experienced growers aren't on any of these websites. I got a few true skunk #1 seeds that are from 1988. Not any chance they would sprout.
Gibberellic acid works wonders for sprouting old seeds.
There 31 years old. Worth trying for no doubt. But I say they won't sprout.

He never said how old they are. Old could be 5 to 10 years
TRUE Skunk #1 is the one we all loved. It was used to create most all of the early Dutch strains. In fact it was breed out of existence from over crossing. Someone has it still in the US. You got to remember most growers especially the most experienced growers aren't on any of these websites. I got a few true skunk #1 seeds that are from 1988. Not any chance they would sprout.

If kept in the fridge they might pop. Soak in hydrogen peroxide for a few minutes then rinse with distilled water. Crack the shell or peel away the seam. Into paper towel at 80 degrees. Wash hands well before working and anything that touches the seed. The shell is gonna be hard after all that time. The inside might be good but could have dried up if not kept cool or cold. and airtight.
There 31 years old. Worth trying for no doubt. But I say they won't sprout.

He never said how old they are. Old could be 5 to 10 years
Older seeds than that have been popped. I tested this with 2 Kali Mist F2s made in '96 a couple weeks ago. Got one to germinate and gave it to a buddy who had the room for it. It was still doing fine as of this morning. I have 20 more that I'm going to try to run as soon as I have a larger space built. I think the seed crackers help a lot. They're available from woodshed13 on Instagram.
Well I have 2 chosen males from my skunk18
1 is a polyester, vinyl, rubber skunk
1 is onion, body odor skunk
Going to use the poly/vinyl one 1st on chem d and AJ sour d.

I have come to the conclusion that no1 can pin the RKS down because no1 grew it to know what stem rub smells like, they only know what the final product smells like. just my 2 cents.
ur logic is illogical based on this phenom of stem rubs being definitive. just like all these young cats bring up smell and aroma and then can't offer a legit taste profile without vetting confused smdh.
stem rub is only part of how to ID a cultivar. but other more non-subjective characteristics hold more weight when breeding.

as for Duke trying to recreate RKS, it's never going to happen. when u have different genes u can't recreate nothing but your own version of whatever.
People don’t make genes or dna, what makes you think expressions can’t be isolated @Stoned Cold Bulldog?

@AmericanGrower508 stem rubbing is not a reliable prediction for anything that we care about in breeding. E.g. it doesn’t necessarily correlate flower smells or tastes.

There’s plenty of us old folks around that “know” the old school skunk, it’ll be back around eventually. Bet?!? Ye of little faith.

We can put a man on the moon, a supercomputer in your pocket, but can’t handle isolating a skunky smelling plant?! Again, ye of little faith.

All will be well young asshoppers! lol
**Before anyone shits the bed, I’m not coming at you or anything. Just offering some encouragement to offset disparaging statements about work on the skunk.
I don’t mind reminiscing about nostalgic smells but do not put a lot of value on them. Many of the strains out there today have loads of wonderful aromas but effects are what drive my quest.

Skunk smell also does not mean potent weed. It means the weed smells like a skunk's ass. I had very skunky smelling weed that was terrible a couple times. Once close to thirty years ago and another time a couple years ago.

I let my brain choose which genetic direction to pursue. Not my smarts, but my brain as an independent entity. I f brain is happy, I am also.:weed:
Just a side note and brain fart but Circa 1988 and i was roughly 12 years of age... I remember, very vividly actually, several distinctly different types of weed...

A very dark green skunk

A brown chocolate Thai (it actually tasted like a crazy spicy chocolate and rumour was that it was smuggled in from Thailand in scuba tanks)

A very red colored strange smelling flat dry weed. It had a hint of brown but it was mostly red in color. I've never seen anything like it since. It smelled like nothing I've ever smelled before.

All the strains had one thing in common. They were all compressed like they were all bricked and smuggled in (or just bricked, who knows) and they didn't have seeds or very few. The green skunk had zero seeds while the chocolate and red had some seeds.

The person who had it was a friend of my father (RIP GOD REST HIS SOUL) who in turn was connected to major biker clubs like The Hessians, Vagos, and others. Me and my best friend/brother used to get 5$ for detailed each bike. At 12 years old, making 50$ every other day was crazy! We would clean ther bikes using Q-tips and cotton diapers with bottled high end spray. Those f*cking bikes were custom in every way, bored out and chromed with real gold and silver fittings. Topless chicks, drugs, booze, it was great...*SIGH*

Anyways, the guy who would get all the good herb for my dad had a scuba business with "diving schools" all over the world. . Mexico, Thailand, Spain, Morocco, you get the deal...

The funny thing was the chocolate Thai was actually tied to sticks really tight and long. The taste was so crazy, something I'll never forget and haven't had since my dad passed away in 1997.

The skunk was so stinky that if you had just taken a bud out the bag to smell it, your hand and clothes would stink all day lol It had that typical skunk smell. Literally like a skunk. To this day when I smell a skunk from getting run over or whatever, I love it because it reminds me of those days of biker parties during the summer.