Majority Backs ‘Medicare for All’ Replacing Private Plans, if Preferred Providers Stay

Do your age of consent and economic theories come from 500 BC too?

I have a concrete model Confucius guy sitting on a stump near some raised bed vegetable gardens. He's got that half all knowing smirk on his face. Similar to the one on mine when I talk to you.

Seeing that most government edicts concerning age of consent vary from place to place, wouldn't you agree that at least some of them are not consistent with reality ? If so, are you saying a particular individual magically gains or loses the wherewithal to consent when they cross an imaginary political line?

My theory concerning consent is, it's a necessary ingredient to good human relations. That's not yours though.

My economic theories ? All I did was point out your economic ineptitude, when you whined for the cause of something to also be the solution to the something. Tsk tsk.
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always keep learning- you can never know too much!
I have a concrete model Confucius guy sitting on a stump near some raised bed vegetable gardens. He's got that half all knowing smirk on his face. Similar to the one on mine when I talk to you.

Seeing that most government edicts concerning age of consent vary from place to place, wouldn't you agree that at least some of them are not consistent with reality ? If so, are you saying a particular individual magically gains or loses the wherewithal to consent when they cross an imaginary political line?

My theory concerning consent is, it's a necessary ingredient to good human relations. That's not yours though.

My economic theories ? All I did was point out your economic ineptitude, when you whined for the cause of something to also be the solution to the something. Tsk tsk.
Why doesn’t your all-knowingness translate into you ever winning an argument?

People think you’re a neo nazi pedophile. Because you are
I have a concrete model Confucius guy sitting on a stump near some raised bed vegetable gardens. He's got that half all knowing smirk on his face. Similar to the one on mine when I talk to you.

Seeing that most government edicts concerning age of consent vary from place to place, wouldn't you agree that at least some of them are not consistent with reality ? If so, are you saying a particular individual magically gains or loses the wherewithal to consent when they cross an imaginary political line?

My theory concerning consent is, it's a necessary ingredient to good human relations. That's not yours though.

My economic theories ? All I did was point out your economic ineptitude, when you whined for the cause of something to also be the solution to the something. Tsk tsk.


Nobody takes a person seriously who struggles to define the age of consent, thinks it's ok for merchants not to serve certain people, or can't understand basic economics and taxation.

You're a fucking laughing stock.
Another right wing talking point

I notice a trend. Nobody can argue against universal healthcare without invoking right wing talking points.

It won't cost the average American more, it'll cost those at the very top more, those who earn the most. I'm pretty sure they can afford it

It won't change your doctor, it will only change your provider. Every doctor in the US will accept Medicare, so you will be able to choose any doctor you want

It doesn't eliminate private insurance, it eliminates duplicate insurance. If you want/need something M4A doesn't provide, you're completely free to buy it yourself

It won't cost more to you at the price of consumption or to the provider at the price of sale. Every modern country on Earth implements universal healthcare at half the cost per capita
Medicare is a very good service and I'm sure that if people were given a choice many would choose Medicare over private healthcare.

How Bernie's healthcare plan will be paid for is not defined. How much it will cost has not been given an official analysis. You are whistling in the wind when you make such declarative statements.
Medicare is a very good service and I'm sure that if people were given a choice many would choose Medicare over private healthcare.

How Bernie's healthcare plan will be paid for is not defined. How much it will cost has not been given an official analysis. You are whistling in the wind when you make such declarative statements.
Sanders plan has been clearly defined. The cost is $32 trillion over 10 years

You can keep repeating this talking point all you want, it still won't make it true. 70% of Americans support it
Sanders plan has been clearly defined. The cost is $32 trillion over 10 years

You can keep repeating this talking point all you want, it still won't make it true. 70% of Americans support it

There is no official number. Sanders doesn't know how much it will cost or how to pay for it, yet you think you do. Too funny that, you are a deluded weak minded wishful thinker.

That said, there is no need to force everybody into Sander's void of uncertainty in how to provide healthcare. Medicare is a very good service and I'm sure that if people were given a choice many would choose Medicare over private healthcare.

Nobody takes a person seriously who struggles to define the age of consent, thinks it's ok for merchants not to serve certain people, or can't understand basic economics and taxation.

You're a fucking laughing stock.

Your obtusity knows no bounds. Isn't it odd that you take government seriously, yet the various governments don't agree on "age of consent" ? Fail.

When you say "okay not to serve" regarding merchants, the corollary to that is you are okay with a forced association. More irony, since you're failing at trying to indict me for the thing you are okay with, human interactions where one person is ostensibly unable to or hasn't consented. Fail...some more. (You don't even agree with yourself.)

If I don't understand basic economics, where's your rebuttal ? Fail....three strikes!

Your inability to effectively buttress your assertions with logic and consistency makes me think you may be mentally deficient and emotionally damaged

I'm sorry you're not very smart. Does it hurt?
Insurance heals none. Insurance companies maximize profits on the graves of our friends and families. Insurance is not needed. Healthcare is neeeded by all humans and insurance companies do not provide healthcare but hinder it. They deserve no loyalty.

We pay far more than the rest of the more economically advanced countries that indeed have public healthcare. Clapped up conservative propaganda is responsible for most opposition here and is spread by conservative crapheads by wholly owned Repugs.

Insurance companies have “Death Panels” that turn down lifesaving treatment every single day. Real “Death Panels”.

Health insurance through employers was fought for by Unions in the first place before “Right To Work” (for dirt) laws killed benefits and worker rights and reduced pay.
Insurance heals none. Insurance companies maximize profits on the graves of our friends and families. Insurance is not needed. Healthcare is neeeded by all humans and insurance companies do not provide healthcare but hinder it. They deserve no loyalty.

We pay far more than the rest of the more economically advanced countries that indeed have public healthcare. Clapped up conservative propaganda is responsible for most opposition here and is spread by conservative crapheads by wholly owned Repugs.

Insurance companies have “Death Panels” that turn down lifesaving treatment every single day. Real “Death Panels”.

Health insurance through employers was fought for by Unions in the first place before “Right To Work” (for dirt) laws killed benefits and worker rights and reduced pay.
Great post, you're exactly right

But I would add it's not just Republicans responsible for peddling anti-Medicare for All propaganda. Neoliberal Democrats also stand in opposition to Medicare for All, primarily using the same conservative tactics. They try to seed doubt where there is none to influence public opinion against it because the actual administration of it works and is supported by every other modern nation in the world.
Great post, you're exactly right

But I would add it's not just Republicans responsible for peddling anti-Medicare for All propaganda. Neoliberal Democrats also stand in opposition to Medicare for All, primarily using the same conservative tactics. They try to seed doubt where there is none to influence public opinion against it because the actual administration of it works and is supported by every other modern nation in the world.
"They try to seed doubt where there is none..."

Congrats, you have reached new levels of intellectual dishonesty. You are approaching Trump liar status now. I can see from your 'anyone who doesn't think what I think is a Republican' stance that you are sticking with your tactic of denouncing all those who don't have you revolutionary fervor.

You are something else.
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The energy of the Democratic Party is not with moderates. All that moderates have done since 1980 is Cave to the fascist elements in the Republican Party. Nominate a moderate and kill the enthusiasm of the Left and keep the orange pig in office.
"They try to seed doubts where there is none..."

Congrats, you have reached new levels of intellectual dishonesty. You are approaching Trump liar status now. I can see from your 'anyone who doesn't think what I think is a Republican' stance that you are sticking with your tactic of denouncing all those who don't have you revolutionary fervor.

You are something else.
The entire rest of the modern world has figured it out while you sit on your thumbs and pretend like there's no way to do it..
Sanders plan has been clearly defined. The cost is $32 trillion over 10 years

You can keep repeating this talking point all you want, it still won't make it true. 70% of Americans support it
Even with the the lowest estimated cost of 32.6 trillion dollars his plan only comes up with half the staggering cost and it will be the biggest nationalization in history. Industry experts estimate the cost as high as 49 trillion dollars. It won't happen even if a president is elected who wants it to.
Even with the the lowest estimated cost of 32.6 trillion dollars his plan only comes up with half the staggering cost and it will be the biggest nationalization in history. Industry experts estimate the cost as high as 49 trillion dollars. It won't happen even if a president is elected who wants it to.
Social security was expensive too, FDR's detractors said the same things you're saying now

He was only the most popular president in American history..
If we're going to pay for anything, I think the average Americans interest should come first, call me crazy, they're the ones that pay for it
The entire rest of the modern world has figured it out while you sit on your thumbs and pretend like there's no way to do it..
Again, intellectual dishonesty just oozes out of you. Why do you make shit up? Aren't Trump's lies flagrant enough for you? Was it not enough for you to call me a racist because of my non-existent criticism of AOC?

The rest of the modern world has a different history then we do. Why is it so threatening to you if somebody shares the same long term goal and is intelligent enough to know that different tactics are needed? Are you that dense that you can't realize that or do you really want something else - like a Trump re-election?

Tty has advocated an all or nothing approach - force Americans to accept something they are deeply hesitant to accept or see to it that things get bad enough to foment revolution. Is it because you both have nothing to lose due to your pathetic circumstances? Is it just your ego?

Either way, it is sad.
The rest of the modern world has a different history then we do. Why is it so threatening to you if somebody shares the same long term goal and is intelligent enough to know that different tactics are needed?
That's not what's threatening

"The rest of the modern world has a different history then we do."

Right out of the conservative playbook, without ever detailing why it matters. What is it, to you, that makes "our history" - the history of America - so alien from other countries that it prevents us from enacting a system of universal healthcare like they do?

You asked why we feel this way. I can't speak for tty, but I feel this way because of a deep sense of regret for the course our country has taken
Social security was expensive too, FDR's detractors said the same things you're saying now

He was only the most popular president in American history..

Except that FDR's detractors were in a minority like a bunch of squawking birds. Kind of like Bernie babies.

And comparing Bernie to FDR is like comparing a hot dog to a side of beef.

Your not as intellectually dishonest as you are intellectually lazy. You have a Robin Hood complex and want to tax the rich to get free shit for yourself, I want to tax the rich to fix the infrastracture and lower the deficit.

You should hook up with RobRoy and start a pigeon farm, join the chess circuit and see how many rooks you can knock over. You're as inept as Bernie's record.

You and your buddies should form a traveling misogynist minstrel show and tour the southland, see how many states you can flip.

And how are those Trump SCOTUS boys working out for your progressive causes?

You don't have a fucking clue who your enemies are or how to effectively combat them. Enjoy your squawking lunatic fringe.
That's not what's threatening

"The rest of the modern world has a different history then we do."

Right out of the conservative playbook, without ever detailing why it matters. What is it, to you, that makes "our history" - the history of America - so alien from other countries that it prevents us from enacting a system of universal healthcare like they do?

You asked why we feel this way. I can't speak for tty, but I feel this way because of a deep sense of regret for the course our country has taken
So anything that doesn't support what you want is immediately denounced despite the obvious truth of it.

You are a real case just like the Trump Putin axis in a different colored uniform Does it make you sad that they have found success whereas all you get is scorn?