Mr. Marijuano
It’s that time again, boys and girls. Another goofus that doesn’t know how to use the got-dang search function! Or am I just looking for up-to-date advice? Who really knows...
So, what is the current top dog under $100? I know Hanna, BlueLab, and Apera make good meters, but I’m looking for model specific and some kind of reasoning as to why it is better performing than a $15 meter. There are dozens upon dozens of meters and I know nothing about their technology or recent (if any) advancements, so I come to you, RIU.
I currently use a cheapo Vivosun ph meter that has been tested vs a medical grade ph meter and gotten decently accurate readings (all things considered), but it can be finicky at times and requires constant recalibrations. I would like something that can give me +/-0.1 readings without having to constantly restart and recalibrate. I swear I have to recalibrate this thing every week or I’m off by 0.5 or more.
Will $100 even get me what I need? My grandfather was born during the height of the Great Depression. He was a “frugal” military man that raised my father to be the same way. In turn, my father raised me like it was 19 fucking 32. We were eating protein style burgers before the low carb crowd took them mainstream. Despite our vastly differing financial situations, you can see why I shed a tear every time I open my wallet. I already had to bite the bullet to get the $15 meter, so buy once cry once is already out the window, but I don’t want to buy a new $15 meter every quarter either.
What will satisfy me?
Bud shot of some outdoor Gorilla Glue Auto for lulz. I think we’re about 3 weeks in. You can see a couple gnats that got stuck; had to get a toothpick and get them off the plant. Never growing outdoors without a screenhouse, again.

So, what is the current top dog under $100? I know Hanna, BlueLab, and Apera make good meters, but I’m looking for model specific and some kind of reasoning as to why it is better performing than a $15 meter. There are dozens upon dozens of meters and I know nothing about their technology or recent (if any) advancements, so I come to you, RIU.
I currently use a cheapo Vivosun ph meter that has been tested vs a medical grade ph meter and gotten decently accurate readings (all things considered), but it can be finicky at times and requires constant recalibrations. I would like something that can give me +/-0.1 readings without having to constantly restart and recalibrate. I swear I have to recalibrate this thing every week or I’m off by 0.5 or more.
Will $100 even get me what I need? My grandfather was born during the height of the Great Depression. He was a “frugal” military man that raised my father to be the same way. In turn, my father raised me like it was 19 fucking 32. We were eating protein style burgers before the low carb crowd took them mainstream. Despite our vastly differing financial situations, you can see why I shed a tear every time I open my wallet. I already had to bite the bullet to get the $15 meter, so buy once cry once is already out the window, but I don’t want to buy a new $15 meter every quarter either.
What will satisfy me?
Bud shot of some outdoor Gorilla Glue Auto for lulz. I think we’re about 3 weeks in. You can see a couple gnats that got stuck; had to get a toothpick and get them off the plant. Never growing outdoors without a screenhouse, again.