Seedlings dying


Well-Known Member
Ok, ive sprouted thousands of seeds in my life and never had a problem but recently I have had at least 6 seedlings one inch tall just collapse like it has Damping Off and die..All at different times, meaning ive replanted the strain and its happened again

I dont really see thinning of the stem pertaining to dampening off and use pro mix...Could there be something in my soil, seeds are expensive and im gettin pissed off..

One minute its healthy and the next collapsed, if i prop it up it still dies

I just switched bags of pro mix and im testing now
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Seedlings and clones are more susceptible to bacterias. A lil h2o2 or southern ag/hydrogaurd in your water should stop the issue.
Was some of the casualties Rusty gear? I've had a few of his seemingly healthy seedlings dampen off or whatever the Hell they did? The ones that make it sure are good tho
Ok, ive sprouted thousands of seeds in my life and never had a problem but recently I have had at least 6 seedlings one inch tall just collapse like it has Damping Off and die..All at different times, meaning ive replanted the strain and its happened again

I dont really see thinning of the stem pertaining to dampening off and use pro mix...Could there be something in my soil, seeds are expensive and im gettin pissed off..

One minute its healthy and the next collapsed, if i prop it up it still dies

I just switched bags of pro mix and im testing now
That’s happened to me loads of times and you start questioning yourself when instead it ain’t it’s just a bad batch of seeds.try and talk to you’re seller if they are worth their salt they should replace them.mine do
So you guys think the seeds come with bacteria or other microscopic shit? If so they wouldn't even pop. When you have a bunch of seeds doing this it's time to look at how we're doing things. I always look at what I'm doing before I blame something else.
I agree. If they were mutants or something, you could blame the seeds, but the bacteria is from the grower's environment. I would get some seedling soil and go with that. It's sterile which would eliminate any soil borne bacteria.
If you don't want to go to the trouble getting seedling soil, bake your pro mix before planting more seeds. It should kill anything that's in there.
I agree. If they were mutants or something, you could blame the seeds, but the bacteria is from the grower's environment. I would get some seedling soil and go with that. It's sterile which would eliminate any soil borne bacteria.
I use Black Gold Seedling Mix exclusively for germinating seeds. No paper towel bullshit. No soaking overnight in super oxygenated water or any other needless stupidity. No disappointment either. A Dixie cup and BGSM.
I dont do paper towel, straight in soil, so far every single gmoozy seed pops and dies, I have one seed left..I think something wrong with my moozy seeds at this point

All planted or replanted a single seed after one dies, didnt plantem all at once

This prob was mostly with the gmoozy seeds but couple other ones had a prob but I always get the plant going on second replanting...Gmoozy no matter what they die

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I thought I had Gmoozy seeds, but apparently they haven't arrived yet. I will pop one in seedling soil as soon as it does and post the results.
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I dont do paper towel, straight in soil, so far every single gmoozy seed pops and dies, I have one seed left..I think something wrong with my moozy seeds at this point

All planted or replanted a single seed after one dies, didnt plantem all at once

This prob was mostly with the gmoozy seeds but couple other ones had a prob but I always get the plant going on second replanting...Gmoozy no matter what they die

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That seedling is screaming for light. More light.
I use Black Gold Seedling Mix exclusively for germinating seeds. No paper towel bullshit. No soaking overnight in super oxygenated water or any other needless stupidity. No disappointment either. A Dixie cup and BGSM.
I bought a bag of that black gold yesterday, but I personally think the particular seeds is contaminated based on the fact that all the other seedlings are alive and thriving
I bought a bag of that black gold yesterday, but I personally think the particular seeds is contaminated based on the fact that all the other seedlings are alive and thriving
I bought a sealed breeders pack of Kilimanjaro. 10 out of 10 failed to germinate at all. World of Seeds. I have never had a bunch of seeds fail to pop. Especially all 10.
I bought a bag of that black gold yesterday, but I personally think the particular seeds is contaminated based on the fact that all the other seedlings are alive and thriving

That comment about contaminated seeds reminds me of Chimera's old seed procedure. All he does different is to wash and scrub the seeds about 10 times before planting. So ya...try cleaning them before planting...I guess next time.
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