Fox Farm Newbie question

Smokin fat joe

Active Member
Never found and exact answer So I made a new forum, I finally broke down and got some fox farm nutrients. The schedule is more based for an indoor small time frame growth. I'm doing a outdoor. This being one of my questions, so I'm at approx 10 weeks give or take a week. 1 of my plants is 3ft, 1 is 2ft and the others are smaller. The 3ft tall one is just now showing its sex(female). Preflowering, by the instructions it looks like they want me to give my plants all 3 nutrients. Which seems a little early for the flowering nuts just yet. So do you suggest giving them all 3 nuts, or just the 2 for veg. Which I'm still currently in, August ish normally starts the flowering for me here in il. 2nd question Should I run the veg nuts for the first 3 weeks of real flowering. Or immediately switch. Thanks for looking
Never found and exact answer So I made a new forum, I finally broke down and got some fox farm nutrients. The schedule is more based for an indoor small time frame growth. I'm doing a outdoor. This being one of my questions, so I'm at approx 10 weeks give or take a week. 1 of my plants is 3ft, 1 is 2ft and the others are smaller. The 3ft tall one is just now showing its sex(female). Preflowering, by the instructions it looks like they want me to give my plants all 3 nutrients. Which seems a little early for the flowering nuts just yet. So do you suggest giving them all 3 nuts, or just the 2 for veg. Which I'm still currently in, August ish normally starts the flowering for me here in il. 2nd question Should I run the veg nuts for the first 3 weeks of real flowering. Or immediately switch. Thanks for looking
I take it you are talking about the (grow big,tiger bloom & the worm poop)?

If so,I'd definitely keep on with the veg feedings for the first few weeks..
Are they in pots or the ground?

If pots what size?
What soil?

In ground?
What did you add to the soil?
I added some soil from a burn pile, some potting mix. And some of our good dark soil here in il. Seemed like a good mix, they have been in the ground atleast 6 weeks, just now starting to really grow
Tiger bloom is the main question? Should tiger bloom be added during the veg stage? Or best to wait till she fully flowering

I'm also in il. I had a well fertilized soil to start with. I just hit mine with some grow big and big bloom on the 4th. I put mine out as soon as it stopped raining.