got my bill

The man himself.....Thought we needed to see him to really say goodbye.
If his wife happens to read any of this....You have our Deepest Condolences.
He was a lot of fun and we enjoyed his company and posts. We hope somehow you find comfort in his passing from pain.
He was a member here since 2010.......sorry your not here with us anymore Mojo.
Smoke one where ever you are man!
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I’m with ya just went and visited my cousins little girl 21/2 years old and she started to revert back to crawling 3 months ago and they got the news 3 weeks ago she has a tumour the size of a mandierine orange behind her face. It is cancerous and they can’t remove it due to the cavity it would leave. What a strong little girl between puking she was still saying thanks daddy for changing her diaper in the hospital FUCK CANCER x100
I’m with ya just went and visited my cousins little girl 21/2 years old and she started to revert back to crawling 3 months ago and they got the news 3 weeks ago she has a tumour the size of a mandierine orange behind her face. It is cancerous and they can’t remove it due to the cavity it would leave. What a strong little girl between puking she was still saying thanks daddy for changing her diaper in the hospital FUCK CANCER x100
OMG...jeez...that is so dam upsetting to hear.
Prayer's said man!
Wow that really bothered me to hear sorry for her and all her family.
OMG...jeez...that is so dam upsetting to hear.
Prayer's said man!
Wow that really bothered me to hear sorry for her and all her family.
Thanks buddy it was a said last few weeks. My cousin and his wife are so strong. There little girl is the strongest of all. I hope some kind of miracle can happen for her she deserves it more then I could ever explain.
Thanks buddy it was a said last few weeks. My cousin and his wife are so strong. There little girl is the strongest of all. I hope some kind of miracle can happen for her she deserves it more then I could ever explain.
Thanks bro.That’s roadkill unicorn x lucky charms from a bro on the forum
I’m with ya just went and visited my cousins little girl 21/2 years old and she started to revert back to crawling 3 months ago and they got the news 3 weeks ago she has a tumour the size of a mandierine orange behind her face. It is cancerous and they can’t remove it due to the cavity it would leave. What a strong little girl between puking she was still saying thanks daddy for changing her diaper in the hospital FUCK CANCER x100
So Sorry to hear that Grow big time... sending healing vibes her way...
Fuck you Cancer... leave the kids alone... you get enough people as it is...spare the children please...
I’m with ya just went and visited my cousins little girl 21/2 years old and she started to revert back to crawling 3 months ago and they got the news 3 weeks ago she has a tumour the size of a mandierine orange behind her face. It is cancerous and they can’t remove it due to the cavity it would leave. What a strong little girl between puking she was still saying thanks daddy for changing her diaper in the hospital FUCK CANCER x100
How can people believe there is a god when there is shit like this happening in the world, thats fucking devestating to read, can only imagine what the parents are going through.
Really hope your friends get the help they need to get through this, because having lost a child myself I know that they will never get over it.
Thanks buddy it was a said last few weeks. My cousin and his wife are so strong. There little girl is the strongest of all. I hope some kind of miracle can happen for her she deserves it more then I could ever explain.
I'm with you on hoping for the miracle - I've seen kids overcome some pretty serious illnesses. The worst has to be with the parents feeling helpless to fix things. I'm still not over that feeling from when my dog had cancer 3 years ago...couldn't imagine if it were my child or grandchild. Is she taking cbd?
How can people believe there is a god when there is shit like this happening in the world, thats fucking devestating to read, can only imagine what the parents are going through.
Really hope your friends get the help they need to get through this, because having lost a child myself I know that they will never get over it.
My sympathies. I also lost a child and your 200% never gets easy.
This is why I felt so bad to hear this news. It always weakens me at the knee's.
I still suffer daily as I'm sure you do as well. My deepest condolences to you @madra
And to anyone who lives the hell of losing a Son or Daughter.
I can't begin to imagine what these poor folks are going through. A living nightmare I'm sure.
My sympathies. I also lost a child and your 200% never gets easy.
This is why I felt so bad to hear this news. It always weakens me at the knee's.
I still suffer daily as I'm sure you do as well. My deepest condolences to you @madra
And to anyone who lives the hell of losing a Son or Daughter.
I can't begin to imagine what these poor folks are going through. A living nightmare I'm sure.
Its changed my life, im a thirty odd year old man and stories like this are now enough to reduce me to tears, I feel broken. No one can prepare you for the loss of a child, I just hope you and your partner are looking after each other because thats all you can do.
It's definitely a journey no one deserves. Really quite the living hell at moments.
I never knew sorrow could be this ugly. I've lost other loved one but there's nothing like it when it's your child. Unprecedented thinking that just isn't normal in any way. My situation was very life changing for many of us in the family. Knocked my mom for a loop she's never got over.
Worst tragedy I've ever endured.
It's definitely a journey no one deserves. Really quite the living hell at moments.
I never knew sorrow could be this ugly. I've lost other loved one but there's nothing like it when it's your child. Unprecedented thinking that just isn't normal in any way. My situation was very life changing for many of us in the family. Knocked my mom for a loop she's never got over.
Worst tragedy I've ever endured.
So sorry to hear that hippy. I couldn't even imagine losing one of my kids. Head up
I’m with ya just went and visited my cousins little girl 21/2 years old and she started to revert back to crawling 3 months ago and they got the news 3 weeks ago she has a tumour the size of a mandierine orange behind her face. It is cancerous and they can’t remove it due to the cavity it would leave. What a strong little girl between puking she was still saying thanks daddy for changing her diaper in the hospital FUCK CANCER x100
That's the most heartbreaking thing I've heard in a really long time. All the best. I hope this gets beaten.