I'm not going to buy from Amazon anymore.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm glad Mackenzie took him for 50 billion dollars after reading this. I didn't know about Palantir when I was ordering on Amazon.
Amazon is the invisible backbone behind ICE’s immigration crackdown. At the center of the criticism was data mining company Palantir, which designed the Investigative Case Management system. The ICM is a critical component of ICE’s deportation operations—it integrates a vast ecosystem of public and private data to track down immigrants and, in many cases, deport them.
I’m still waiting for the first wealthy person who actually has any morals at all to be revealed. Not excusing Bezos. Just making sure the rest of them get some paint on them too.
Lmfao the Nazi talking to me.
Tell me more about your support for mass detention of targeted political enemies into concentration camps, you dull, witless non-nazi

Please try not to cite any literal neo nazi publications like you did earlier today

Good luck
If you are boycotting amazon I hope you are boycotting Microsoft and the net or else you’re picking and choosing
Tell me more about your support for mass detention of targeted political enemies into concentration camps, you dull, witless non-nazi

Please try not to cite any literal neo nazi publications like you did earlier today

Good luck
I just want America to leave everyone alone:peace:
I use the fuck out of Amazon. It seem all these tech companies are fucked. From Google to Microsoft to Facebook . Different times we dwell in with tech and algorithms. Nothing will change unless the people take back their government.