Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

Not even gonna bother carrying on an argument. I work I’m a dad and one day husband. This hobby is strictly a hobby that I get better at when I find the time. It’s all good. That’s okay perfectly fine.

BH is starting to stretch good
See, this is that bullshit.

I learned a long time ago what's worth fighting for and what's not. There's absolutely nothing worth fighting over.

I can respect somebody I hate... Only because I know the reason I hate them is because they are different. That difference... I would die for that difference, even for someone I hate.

We aren't each other's enemies. We are individuals. Individuality is the key to freedom. Freedom comes with responsibility. We are all responsible for one another's freedom. See how that goes full circle?

The enemy is the one who's instilled this mindset that anybody is better than anybody else. You bleed like I bleed. Be grateful you have differences that you can put aside instead of commonalities that you can't. It's much worse that way... But it's coming regardless. Way of the world and such.
I’m kinda lost on this .are you saying you met Moab 100x ?
What’s this guy talking about.... I don’t even wanna read the rest. I won’t. Dudes just talking shit now. I was the poor kid in school. Mom worked three jobs to make ends meet. Sad people make that kind of impression over me wanting my seeds to be discrete and posting pics happy I’m doing something productive and respectable with my life..... shame on me.
See, this is that bullshit.

I learned a long time ago what's worth fighting for and what's not. There's absolutely nothing worth fighting over.

I can respect somebody I hate... Only because I know the reason I hate them is because they are different. That difference... I would die for that difference, even for someone I hate.

We aren't each other's enemies. We are individuals. Individuality is the key to freedom. Freedom comes with responsibility. We are all responsible for one another's freedom. See how that goes full circle?

The enemy is the one who's instilled this mindset that anybody is better than anybody else. You bleed like I bleed. Be grateful you have differences that you can put aside instead of commonalities that you can't. It's much worse that way... But it's coming regardless. Way of the world and such.
Preach it. Freedom is something we all understand, until it comes to someone else exercising it.
Looks like some ole boy just went off dogging me because I won’t be home for a few days to get my mail.....was asking so I could like uhhhhh leave at post office?

Tell you truth brother, it started out with first time I ever read you thread on AFN before I ever talked to you....when I seen you was a person who bought into internet hype.... then first time we met, your first comment to me was some silly entitled shit, like "Your gonna have to prove all this and that" when I don't owe you a damn thing bruh. Buy, test, or dont. Point blank period.. you asked for.more than DC seed exchange lol. And I got on with them...and southern Oregon seeds... And you just a single person doing zip for me...

Then I'm type guy who takes his ability to heart not to flesh, in other words I have nothing to prove, where I felt the exact opposite from your personality, lile you always.trying to.prove something,which I could understand from a young man.

Then the roasting in the mailbox of something at that time.I thought 3rd sent you as a gift seemed like a real spoiled ass hole kid comment.
Like why even say it.... type shit, then the pic of you at work, it's one thing to post it and say hard at it today..... But "look up thats me, im not in the blue" that's expressing apart of your personality I wldnt show to others, like if I said that to my uncle, he wld in return start clapping his hands saying "ohhh good for you, you can climb a tree" but I understand if you are new to the job, but if you've been at it for years and still trying to show off, even online, that's a flaw.
Tell you truth brother, it started out with first time I ever read you thread on AFN before I ever talked to you....when I seen you was a person who bought into internet hype.... then first time we met, your first comment to me was some silly entitled shit, like "Your gonna have to prove all this and that" when I don't owe you a damn thing bruh. Buy, test, or dont. Point blank period.. you asked for.more than DC seed exchange lol. And I got on with them...and southern Oregon seeds... And you just a single person doing zip for me...

Then I'm type guy who takes his ability to heart not to flesh, in other words I have nothing to prove, where I felt the exact opposite from your personality, lile you always.trying to.prove something,which I could understand from a young man.

Then the roasting in the mailbox of something at that time.I thought 3rd sent you as a gift seemed like a real spoiled ass hole kid comment.
Like why even say it.... type shit, then the pic of you at work, it's one thing to post it and say hard at it today..... But "look up thats me, im not in the blue" that's expressing apart of your personality I wldnt show to others, like if I said that to my uncle, he wld in return start clapping his hands saying "ohhh good for you, you can climb a tree" but I understand if you are new to the job, but if you've been at it for years and still trying to show off, even online, that's a flaw.
My foreman was under me. I was above him cutting first time ever. I’m young and don’t do good at many man jobs and am proud of myself and the people in this thread are my “friends” and I was just talking to my “friends” about my positive forward progress in life..... no bad mojo. Just happy for myself. Don’t have much. Happy for the small graces I get.
The “prove it” thing was we had a lot of “big dogs” who “had the world of seeds to offer” would very often pop in, get us excited, then poof gone.

I’m sorry I was skeptical based on previous experiences :/

I can buy a pack of seeds no problem. I have plenty. I don’t have room to run yours. But I wanted to I was going to make room. . Which was why I was excited blah blah blah. Tickles me pink when someone pops a “Moab”

I now see you said you don’t give a shit who runs them so..... idk man. Sorry we couldn’t work nothing out.
My foreman was under me. I was above him cutting first time ever. I’m young and don’t do good at many man jobs and am proud of myself and the people in this thread are my “friends” and I was just talking to my “friends” about my positive forward progress in life..... no bad mojo. Just happy for myself. Don’t have much. Happy for the small graces I get.
That makes since, but me seeing from a foremans type view, I run a landscaping crew. You see the type things I expect from men to a first timer on the Job, if you would have said "my first time" I would have congradulated you off the bat.. no.joke.
That makes since, but me seeing from a foremans type view, I run a landscaping crew. You see the type things I expect from men to a first timer on the Job, if you would have said "my first time" I would have congradulated you off the bat.. no.joke.
If you’d looked into me a little more than just my weed growing start date, you’d see just a few months ago I got a man job running a chainsaw/trimming trees having never tied a knot or touching a chainsaw previously in my life. Making it through every day is a blessing for me. I’m not cut out for this stuff but I’m giving it my all and getting stronger faster whatever every day that I come to work and try hard. I moved out of my moms house two weeks before my son was born man...... being a “man” doesn’t come easy to me. I just try my best and hope for good results in most aspects unfortunately because I wasn’t taught much growing up.
The “prove it” thing was we had a lot of “big dogs” who “had the world of seeds to offer” would very often pop in, get us excited, then poof gone.

I’m sorry I was skeptical based on previous experiences :/

I can buy a pack of seeds no problem. I have plenty. I don’t have room to run yours. But I wanted to I was going to make room. . Which was why I was excited blah blah blah. Tickles me pink when someone pops a “Moab”

I now see you said you don’t give a shit who runs them so..... idk man. Sorry we couldn’t work nothing out.
Naw I don't bro, bc I'm truly in this for 3 reasons. Love passion and to one day be the best, The MJ of MJ lol (Michael jordan of bud) that can happen without one sell or other person ever getting to grow any. Just enter all the comps.
Sorry if I was being hard on you man... But I was either young fella or a grown man with a shit personality, for your age its not a bad personality at all tho buddy, understandable thru and thru. First time all that. Sorry again.